// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("Williams %R with 9 period signal line"); /* Williams %R and 9 day Mov.avg.*/ /* by Anthony Faragasso */ MaxGraph =10; tr=Param("tr",9,1,60,1); R = ((HHV(H,tr) - C) /(HHV (H,tr) -LLV (L,tr))) *-100; Graph0 = R; Graph1 =-30; Graph2 =-70; Graph3 =-90; Graph4 =-10; Graph5=MA(R , 9); Graph5Style = 1+4; Graph5Color =1; Graph0Style=1+4; Graph1Style =Graph2Style= 1; Graph3Style =Graph4Style =2; Graph3Color = Graph4Color =5; Graph2Color = Graph1Color =12; Plot(-40,"",colorBlack,styleLine); Buy= R>-30 ; Sell= R<-40 ; Buy=ExRem(Buy,Sell); Sell=ExRem(Sell,Buy); PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow*Buy , colorGreen ,0); PlotShapes( shapeDownArrow*Sell , colorRed ,0); /*x = BarsSince( Cross( r, MA( r, 9)));*/ /*y = BarsSince( Cross( MA(r, 9), r));*/ /*Graph8 = ( x == 0 OR y == 0 ) * 30;*/ Title =Name() + " -Williams %R: " +" % R Line " +"("+ WriteVal ( Graph0,format=1.2)+")"+ " Signal Line " + ""+"("+WriteVal(Graph5,format=1.2)+")" +" , " + Date( ); _SECTION_END();