// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("BB Daily Scan Tr-1, Rv-3, Bo-2"); x = MACD(); y = Signal(); hist = x - y; z = hist < Ref(hist, -1); s= hist > Ref(hist, -1); earlyBuy = (Sum(z, 4) == 3)AND (hist > Ref(hist, -1)) ; earlySell = (Sum(s, 4) == 3)AND (hist < Ref(hist, -1)); Buy = (Cross(x,y) OR earlyBuy) AND (EMA(Close,20)>EMA(Close,50)) ; Sell = (Cross(y,x) OR earlySell ) AND (EMA(Close,20)< EMA(Close,50)); color = IIf(hist > Ref(hist, -1), colorLime, colorOrange); Plot(hist, "", color, styleHistogram|styleThick ); PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow * Buy, colorDarkGreen, 0, z); PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow * earlyBuy , colorLime, 0, z); PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow * Sell, colorRed, 0, s); PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow * earlySell , colorOrange, 0, s); Sell = BBandTop(Close,15,2)< Close; Buy = BBandBot(Close,15,2)> Close; Filter= Buy OR Sell ; _SECTION_END();