// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("Traingle 2"); function calculatePosition(array,shift) { result = Null; for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) { if (array[ i ] == 1) { k = i - shift[ i ]; if( k >= 0 AND k < BarCount ) result[ k ] = 1; } } return result; } function pattern_func(PLow,bi,t1,t2,t3,AA,AABar,BB,BBBar,CC,CCBar,nbar) { pattern = (t3 == 1) AND (t2 == 3) AND (t1 == 2) AND PLow AND BBBar - AABar > nbar AND CCBar - BBBar > nbar; return pattern; } // E.M.Pottasch, 2/21/2011 // example code triangle fill using arrays //SetBarsRequired(sbrAll,sbrAll); bi = BarIndex(); nbar = Param("nbar",7,2,50,1); // define fractals PHigh = H > Ref(HHV(H,nbar),-1) AND Ref(HHV(H,nbar),nbar) <= H; PHighPrice = ValueWhen(PHigh,H); PLow = L < Ref(LLV(L,nbar),-1) AND Ref(LLV(L,nbar),nbar) >= L; PLowPrice = ValueWhen(PLow,L); ll = IIf( PLow AND PLowPrice < Ref(PLowPrice, -1), 1, 0 ); hl = IIf( PLow AND PLowPrice >= Ref(PLowPrice, -1), 2, 0 ); lh = IIf( PHigh AND PHighPrice < Ref(PHighPrice, -1), 3, 0 ); hh = IIf( PHigh AND PHighPrice >= Ref(PHighPrice, -1), 4, 0 ); combi = ll + hl + lh + hh; t1 = ValueWhen(combi,combi,1); t2 = ValueWhen(combi,combi,2); t3 = ValueWhen(combi,combi,3); AA = ValueWhen(PLow,L,2); AABar = ValueWhen(PLow,bi,2); BB = ValueWhen(PHigh,H,1); BBBar = ValueWhen(PHigh,bi,1); CC = ValueWhen(PLow,L,1); CCBar = ValueWhen(PLow,bi,1); // calculate the end point of the pattern => C pattern = pattern_func(PLow,bi,t1,t2,t3,AA,AABar,BB,BBBar,CC,CCBar,nbar); // calculate the starting point of the pattern => A dBar = IIf(pattern,CCBar-AABar,0); hhh1 = calculatePosition(pattern,dBar); // calculate the middle point of the pattern => B dBar = IIf(pattern,CCBar-BBBar,0); hhh2 = calculatePosition(pattern,dBar); // define x-axis range between A-C rangeAC = Flip(hhh1,pattern); // define x-axis range between A-B rangeAB = Flip(hhh1,hhh2); // define x-axis range between B-C rangeBC = Flip(hhh2,pattern); // extend AC rangeAC = IIf(Ref(rangeAC,-1),Ref(rangeAC,-1),rangeAC); // now define the legs of the triangle // AC leg startval1 = ValueWhen(PLow,L,1); endval1 = ValueWhen(PLow,L,0); startbar1 = ValueWhen(PLow,bi,1); endbar1 = ValueWhen(PLow,bi,0); aa1 = (endval1-startval1)/(endbar1-startbar1); bb1 = startval1; ACLeg = aa1 * (bi - startbar1) + bb1; ACLeg = IIf(ACLeg AND rangeAC,ACLeg,Null); // AB leg startval1 = ValueWhen(PLow,L,1); endval1 = ValueWhen(PHigh,H,0); startbar1 = ValueWhen(PLow,bi,1); endbar1 = ValueWhen(PHigh,bi,0); aa1 = (endval1-startval1)/(endbar1-startbar1); bb1 = startval1; ABLeg = aa1 * (bi - startbar1) + bb1; ABLeg = IIf(ABLeg AND rangeAB,ABLeg,Null); // BC leg startval1 = ValueWhen(PHigh,H,1); endval1 = ValueWhen(PLow,L,0); startbar1 = ValueWhen(PHigh,bi,1); endbar1 = ValueWhen(PLow,bi,0); aa1 = (endval1-startval1)/(endbar1-startbar1); bb1 = startval1; BCLeg = aa1 * (bi - startbar1) + bb1; BCLeg = IIf(BCLeg AND rangeBC,BCLeg,Null); // define top and bottom array for polygon fill topLineArray = IIf(ABLeg,ABLeg,BCLeg); bottomLineArray = ACLeg; topLineArray = IIf(bottomLineArray AND IsEmpty(topLineArray),bottomLineArray,topLineArray); // chart GraphXSpace = 5; SetChartOptions(0, chartShowDates); Plot( C, "\nPrice",colorBrightGreen, styleCandle ); PlotShapes(shapeSmallCircle*PLow,colorGreen,0,L,-10); PlotShapes(shapeSmallCircle*PHigh,colorRed,0,H,10); PlotShapes(IIf(pattern,shapeUpTriangle,shapeNone),colorBrightGreen,0,L,-25); PlotShapes(IIf(pattern,shapeHollowUpTriangle,shapeNone),colorWhite,0,L,-25); //Plot(ACLeg,"",colorWhite,styleLine); //Plot(ABLeg,"",colorWhite,styleLine); //Plot(BCLeg,"",colorWhite,styleLine); Plot(topLineArray,"",colorWhite,styleLine); Plot(bottomLineArray,"",colorWhite,styleLine); fillOnOff = ParamToggle("Fill Pattern","Fill Off|Fill On",1); if (fillOnOff) { PlotOHLC(topLineArray,topLineArray,bottomLineArray,bottomLineArray,"", colorAqua, styleCloud | styleNoLabel ); SetChartBkColor( ParamColor("background",colorBlack)); } _SECTION_END();