// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com /* This will show you the "Days", "Bar count", and "Gain/Loss%" within your selected range. Append this code at the end Of your afl. How to use/activate. Example: 1.Double-click any bar from last Month (this will set the begining of a range) *Vertical line and horizontal line will appear. *New info will appear on your chart, left-side. 2.Single-click OR Double-click any bar from this Month (this will set the end of a range). How to deactivate: 1.Double-click anywhere on your chart (the vertical line will disappear). *if your double-click created another line then double-click again. Regards, Bol Linger FB: Stock Exploit Pilipinas */ _SECTION_BEGIN("DayBarCounter"); if (BeginValue(BarIndex()) != 0 ) { Lvl = ParamField("PriceField", field = 3 ); FirstBar = BeginValue(BarIndex()); Linya = IIf(BarIndex() >= FIRstbar, EndValue(Lvl),Null); Range = BarIndex()-BeginValue(BarIndex()); Title += EncodeColor(colorLightGrey)+StrFormat("\n\nBars.....%g ", range) +"\nDays...."+ WriteVal( DaysSince1900() - BeginValue( DaysSince1900()),1) + WriteIf(DaysSince1900() - BeginValue( DaysSince1900())>30, " (" + WriteVal( (DaysSince1900() - BeginValue( DaysSince1900()))/30,1.2) + WriteIf( ((DaysSince1900() - BeginValue(DaysSince1900()))/30)>=2,"months)","month)"),"") +"\nG/L......." +WriteVal((C - BeginValue(C))/BeginValue(C)*100,1.2 ) + "% "; Plot(Linya,"",colorBrightGreen,ParamStyle("LineStyle",styleLine|styleDashed|styleNoTitle|styleNoLabel|styleThick,maskAll)); } _SECTION_END();