// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("Pivot Points"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This section gets whether they want pivot level for intraday or thier eod //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- _N(ioreod =ParamList("Pivot Levels for ", "Intraday|EOD")); if (ioreod=="Intraday") { yh = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inDaily, -1 ); yl = TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inDaily, -1 ); yc = TimeFrameGetPrice( "C", inDaily, -1 ); } else { yh = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inDaily, 0 ); yl = TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inDaily, 0 ); yc = TimeFrameGetPrice( "C", inDaily, 0 ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // To calculate the Pivot Levels //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- to = TimeFrameGetPrice( "O", inDaily, 0 ); pivot = (yh + yl + yc) / 3; range = yh - yl; _N(pist =ParamList("Select Pivot Type ", "Classical Pivot|Woodie Pivot|Caramilla Pivot|Fibonacci Pivot")); if (pist =="Classical Pivot" ) { r1 = (2 * pivot) - yl ; s1 = (2 * pivot) - yh ; r2 = pivot - s1 + r1; s2 = pivot - (r1 - s1) ; r3 = 2 * (pivot - yl) + yh ; s3 = yl - (2 * (yh - pivot)); } else if(pist =="Woodie Pivot" ) { pivot = (yh + yl + yc + to) / 4; r1 = (2 * pivot) - yl; r2 = pivot + range; r3 = yh + 2 * (pivot - yl); r4 = r3 + range; s1 = (2 * pivot) - yh; s2 = pivot - range; s3 = yl - 2 * (yh - pivot); s4 = S3 - range; } else if(pist =="Caramilla Pivot" ) { r4 = yc + range * 1.1/2; r3 = yc + range * 1.1/4; r2 = yc + range * 1.1/6; r1 = yc + range * 1.1/12; s1 = yc - range * 1.1/12; s2 = yc - range * 1.1/6; s3 = yc - range * 1.1/4; s4 = yc - range * 1.1/2; } else { r3 = pivot + 1.000 * (yh - yl); r2 = pivot + 0.618 * (yh - yl); r1 = pivot + 0.382 * (yh - yl); s1 = pivot - 0.382 * (yh - yl); s2 = pivot - 0.618 * (yh - yl); s3 = pivot - 1.000 * (yh - yl); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // To Plot Pivot Levels in the screen //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- _N(dsr =ParamList("Draw Intraday Pivot Levels ", "None|Both|Support|Resistance")); if (dsr =="Support" OR dsr == "Both") { Plot(pivot, "\n Pivot - ",colorGreen,1); Plot(r1, "Resistance 1 - ",colorDarkRed,1); Plot(r2, "Resistance 2 - ",colorDarkRed,1); Plot(r3, "Resistance 3 - ",colorDarkRed,1); Plot((pivot+r1)/2, "Mid Value of R1 & Pivot ",colorLightBlue,1); Plot((r3+r2)/2, "Mid Value of R2 & R3 - ",colorLightBlue,1); Plot((r1+r2)/2, "Mid Value of R1 & R2 - ",colorLightBlue,1); } if( dsr == "Resistance" OR dsr == "Both") { Plot(pivot, "\n Pivot - ",colorGreen,1); Plot(s3, "Support 2 - ",colorDarkGreen,1); Plot(s2, "Support 2 - ",colorDarkGreen,1); Plot(s1, "Support 1 - ",colorDarkGreen,1); Plot((s3+s2)/2, "Mid Value of S2 & S3 ",colorWhite,1); Plot((s1+s2)/2, "Mid Value of S1 & S2 - ",colorWhite,1); Plot((pivot+s1)/2, "Mid Value of S1 & Pivot ",colorWhite,1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Printing the pivot level in interpretation window //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- printf(Name()+ "\n\nResistance - 3 | %g\nResistance - 2 | %g\nResistance - 1 | %g\n" + "Pivot | %g\nSupport - 1 | %g\nSupport - 2 | %g\nSupport - 3 | %g", r3,r2,r1,pivot,s1,s2,s3); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This section is for Exploration //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filter = 1; AddColumn(r3,"Resistance 3"); AddColumn(r2,"Resistance 2"); AddColumn(r1,"Resistance 1"); AddColumn(Pivot,"Pivot"); AddColumn(s1,"Support 1"); AddColumn(s2,"Support 2"); AddColumn(s3,"Support 3"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add Pivot levels along with the title //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- _N(Title = EncodeColor(colorBrown)+ StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g(%.1f%%)\n"+ EncodeColor(4)+"Resistance 3 -=- %g ::::: Resistance 2 -=- %g ::::: Resistance 1 -=- %g :::::"+ EncodeColor(colorGreen)+" Pivot -=- %g"+ EncodeColor(29)+"\nSupport 1 -=- %g ::::: Support 2 -=- %g ::::: Support 3 -=- %g\n ", O, H, L, C,SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ),r3,r2,r1,pivot,s1,s2,s3)); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // End of Pivot Point //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- _SECTION_END();