// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com /* this afl Plots the historical volatility of a stock and punts it against the Value At Risk: you can choose the percentile , the holding period and the lookback period plotting is automatically adjusted against the stock price by Anastagi june 2015 */ SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); // Historical volatility Lenperiod=20; HV = 100 * StDev(log(C/Ref(C,-1)),lenPeriod) * sqrt(252); Plot(LastValue(C) *(1+ HV/100*2)-LastValue(C)/3 , "HV("+lenPeriod+")", ParamColor( "Color", colorRed ), styleThick , styleOwnScale ); // percentile function function PercentRank2( Data, Periods) // { Count = 0; for ( i = 1; i <= Periods ; i++ ) { Count += Data > Ref( Data, -i ); } return 100 * Count / Periods; } // VAR perctil = 0.01; // choose the percentile Lookback =100; // time span for VAR HP = 5 ; // holding period ren=(log(C/Ref(C,-1))) ; ren2=Sum(ren,HP); Maxexcurs= HHV(ren2,100); VAR=Percentile(ren2,Lookback,perctil); Plot(Maxexcurs * LastValue(C)+LastValue(C)/2, "max", colorBlue); Plot(Var *10000 + LastValue(C) , "VAR", colorBrown); Plot ( C, " Close", colorBlack,styleCandle );