// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("ASL line"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iored = ParamToggle(" My day levels ","Week|Day",0); if(iored==1) //_N(ioreod =ParamList("PRICE Levels for ", "Intraday|Weekly")); //if (ioreod=="Intraday") { yh = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inDaily, -1 ); yl = TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inDaily, -1 ); yc = TimeFrameGetPrice( "C", inDaily, -1 ); yo = TimeFrameGetPrice( "O", inDaily, 0 ); } else { yh = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inweekly, -1 ); yl = TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inweekly, -1 ); yc = TimeFrameGetPrice( "C", inweekly, -1 ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // To calculate the Pivot Levels //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- to = TimeFrameGetPrice( "0", inDaily, 0 ); yc1 = (yh + yl + yc) / 3; range = (yh - yl); { r015 = yc + (range * 0.15) ; r02 = yc + (range * 0.2) ; s015 = yc - (range * 0.15) ; r025 = yc + (range * 0.25) ; s02 = yc - (range * 0.2) ; s025 = yc - (range * 0.25) ; r033 = yc + (range * 0.33) ; r038 = yc + (range * 0.382) ; s033 = yc - (range * 0.33) ; s038 = yc - (range * 0.382) ; r05 = yc + (range * 0.5) ; r055 = yc + (range * 0.55) ; s05 = yc - (range * 0.5) ; s055 = yc - (range * 0.55) ; r0618 = yc + (range * 0.618) ; s0618 = yc - (range * 0.618) ; r0764 = yc + (range * 0.764) ; s0764 = yc - (range * 0.764) ; r088 = yc + (range * 0.88) ; s088 = yc - (range * 0.88) ; r1 = yc + (range * 1) ; s1 = yc - (range * 1) ; r115 = yc + (range * 1.15) ; s115 = yc - (range * 1.15) ; r125 = yc + (range * 1.25) ; s125 = yc - (range * 1.25) ; r133 = yc + (range * 1.33) ; s133 = yc - (range * 1.33) ; r1382 = yc + (range * 1.382) ; s1382 = yc - (range * 1.382) ; r15 = yc + (range * 1.5) ; s15 = yc - (range * 1.5) ; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // To Plot Pivot Levels in the screen //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- dsr = ParamToggle("Show line ","NO|YES",0); if(dsr==1) { Plot( yc, "", ParamColor( "Color1", colorgrey40 ), ParamStyle("Style1", styleline|styleNoRescale|stylenolabel|stylethick) ); Plot( r015, "", ParamColor( "Color2", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style2", styleline|styleNoRescale|stylenolabel|styledashed) ); //Plot( r02, "", ParamColor( "Color2", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style2", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( r025, "", ParamColor( "Color2", colorgrey50), ParamStyle("Style2", styleline|styleNoRescale|stylenolabel|styledashed) ); Plot( r033, "", ParamColor( "Color2", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style2", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( r038, "", ParamColor( "Color2", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style2", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( r05, "", ParamColor( "Color2", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style2", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); //Plot( r055, "", ParamColor( "Color2", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style2", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( r0618, "", ParamColor( "Color2", colorlightgrey ), ParamStyle("Style2", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( r0764, "", ParamColor( "Color4", colorseagreen ), ParamStyle("Style4", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( r088, "", ParamColor( "Color4", colorseagreen ), ParamStyle("Style4", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( r1, "", ParamColor( "Color5", colorteal), ParamStyle("Style5", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|stylethick) ); Plot( r115, "", ParamColor( "Color2", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style2", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); //Plot( r125, "", ParamColor( "Color2", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style2", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( r133, "", ParamColor( "Color2", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style2", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); //Plot( r1382, "", ParamColor( "Color2", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style2", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( r15, "", ParamColor( "Color2", colorteal ), ParamStyle("Style2", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); } if(dsr==1) { Plot( s015, "", ParamColor( "Color3", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style3", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); //Plot( s02, "", ParamColor( "Color3", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style3", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( s025, "", ParamColor( "Color3", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style3", styleline|styleNoRescale|styledashed) ); Plot( s033, "", ParamColor( "Color3", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style3", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( s038, "", ParamColor( "Color3", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style3", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( s05, "", ParamColor( "Color3", colorgrey50), ParamStyle("Style3", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); //Plot( s055, "", ParamColor( "Color3", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style3", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( s0618, "", ParamColor( "Color3", colorgrey50 ), ParamStyle("Style3", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( s0764, "", ParamColor( "Color6", colorred ), ParamStyle("Style6", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( s088, "", ParamColor( "Color6", colorred ), ParamStyle("Style6", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( s1, "", ParamColor( "Color7", colordarkred ), ParamStyle("Style7", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|stylethick) ); Plot( s115, "", ParamColor( "Color3", colorlightgrey ), ParamStyle("Style3", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); //Plot( s125, "", ParamColor( "Color3", colorlightgrey ), ParamStyle("Style3", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( s133, "", ParamColor( "Color3", colorlightgrey ), ParamStyle("Style3", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); //Plot( s1382, "", ParamColor( "Color3", colorlightgrey ), ParamStyle("Style3", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); Plot( s15, "", ParamColor( "Color3", colorred ), ParamStyle("Style3", styleline|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel|styledashed) ); } //============== TITLE ============== //Title = EncodeColor(colorblack)+ " ASL line" + " - " + Name() + " - " + " - " + Date() +" - "+"" +EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Op-"+O+""+"Hi-"+H+" "+"Lo-"+L+""+ "Cl-"+C+" "+ "Vol= "+ WriteVal(V)+""+ //EncodeColor(colorGREEN) //+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorGrey50)+"---------------------------------------------------------------" //+"\n"+ EncodeColor(20) +"• r015: " +EncodeColor(colorblue)+ WriteVal(r015,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" r033: " + EncodeColor(colorblue)+WriteVal(r033,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" r033: " + EncodeColor(colorblue)+WriteVal(r033,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" r05: " + EncodeColor(colorblue)+WriteVal(r05,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" r0618: " + EncodeColor(colorblue)+WriteVal(r0618,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" r0764: " + EncodeColor(colorblue)+WriteVal(r0764,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" r088: " + EncodeColor(colorblue)+WriteVal(r088,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" r1: " + EncodeColor(colorblue)+WriteVal(r1,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" r125: " + EncodeColor(colorblue)+WriteVal(r125,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" yc: " + EncodeColor(colorred)+WriteVal(yc,format=1.0) //+"\n"+ EncodeColor(20) +"• s015: " +EncodeColor(colorgreen)+ WriteVal(s015,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" s025: " + EncodeColor(colorgreen)+WriteVal(s025,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" s033: " + EncodeColor(colorgreen)+WriteVal(s033,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" s05: " + EncodeColor(colorgreen)+WriteVal(s05,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" s0618: " + EncodeColor(colorgreen)+WriteVal(s0618,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" s0764: " + EncodeColor(colorgreen)+WriteVal(s0764,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" s088: " + EncodeColor(colorgreen)+WriteVal(s088,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" s1: " + EncodeColor(colorgreen)+WriteVal(s1,format=1.0) //+ EncodeColor(20) +" s125: " + EncodeColor(colorgreen)+WriteVal(s125,format=1.0) ; _SECTION_END();