// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("AshishDa Buy-Sell"); ///////////////////// BULLISH SETUP /////////////////////////////// WillR=-100 * ( HHV( H, 14 ) - C )/( HHV( H, 14 ) - LLV( L, 14 ) ); a= IIf(LLV(RSI(14),20)< Ref(LLV(RSI(14),20),-2) AND LLV(RSI(14),20) < 35,1,0); b= IIf(Ref(a,-1) ==1 AND a ==0 ,1,0); m= IIf(Hold(b,10) AND WillR < -95,1,0); n= IIf(Ref(m,-1) ==1 AND m ==0 ,1,0); PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow*n,colorGreen,0, L,-15 ); ////////////////////////////// BEARISH SETUP ///////////////////////////// aWillR=-100 * ( HHV( H, 14 ) - C )/( HHV( H, 14 ) - LLV( L, 14 ) ); aa= IIf(HHV(RSI(14),20)> Ref(HHV(RSI(14),20),-2) AND HHV(RSI(14),20) > 65,1,0); ab= IIf(Ref(aa,-1) ==1 AND aa ==0 ,1,0); am= IIf(Hold(ab,10) AND aWillR > -10,1,0); an= IIf(Ref(am,-1) ==1 AND am ==0 AND C0 OR AN>0; AddColumn( IIf(n>0,1,IIf(an>0,-1,Null)) ,"B_S",1.0,colorWhite,IIf(n>0,colorGreen,IIf(an>0, colorRed,colorBlack))); _SECTION_END();