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NMN Bollinger Entry for Amibroker (AFL)

4 / 5 (Votes 6)
trading system, amibroker, pattern, bands

This is an indicator to enter into the market based on the price-moves around the Bollinger Bands.

There are two Bollinger Bands one (Wider) overlapping the other (Tighter) – thus limiting the region for different decisions. This particularly allows to understand the normal way of reaching almost to the upper last limit. And hence reaping more of the profit before selling off. It also eases up the entry region between the two bottom bands of the two Bollinger.

Please use and comment on the tool if it has certain region to touch up.


Similar Indicators / Formulas

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Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
SetFormulaName( "NMN Bollinger Entry" );
SetChartOptions( 1, chartShowDates | chartWrapTitle );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Bollinger Parameters" );
P 		= ParamField( "Bollinger Band on", 3 );
Pd1 	= Param( "BB 1 Period", 10, 3, 100, 1 );
W1 		= Param( "BB 1 Width", 1.35, 0, 50, 0.01 );
Pd2 	= Param( "BB 2 Period", 15, 3, 100, 1 );
W2 		= Param( "BB 2 Width", 2, 0, 50, 0.01 );
BBArea	= ParamToggle( "Adaptive Band", "On|Off" );

Plot( P, "Price Chart", IIf( O < C, colorBrightGreen, colorRed ), styleCandle );

Plot( bb1t = BBandTop( P, Pd1, W1 ), "Inner-Top Bollinger", colorLightOrange, styleLine );
Plot( bb1 = BBandBot( P, Pd1, W1 ), "Inner-Btm Bollinger", colorLightOrange, styleLine );

Plot( bb2t = BBandTop( P, Pd2, W2 ), "Outer-Top Bollinger", colorLightGrey, styleLine );
Plot( bb2 = BBandBot( P, Pd2, W2 ), "Outer-Btm Bollinger", colorLightGrey, styleLine );

if ( BBArea == 0 )
    PlotOHLC( bb1t, bb1t, bb1, bb1, "", ColorBlend( colorLightGrey, colorWhite, 0.65 ), styleCloud | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, Null, -1 );
    PlotOHLC( bb2t, bb2t, bb2, bb2, "", ColorBlend( colorGreen, colorWhite, 0.65 ), styleCloud | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, Null, -1 );


_SECTION_BEGIN( "Candle-Bollinger positions" );

Zmat		= Param( "Z grp maturity(T+10)", 10, 1, 30, 1 )  ;
nonZmat	= Param( "Non-Z grp maturity(T+3)", 3, 1, 30, 1 )  ;
DCT			= Param( "Down Candle triggger", 1.5, 0.01, 10, 0.01 );
UCT			= Param( "Up Candle triggger", 1.5, 0.01, 10, 0.01 );

DnCandle 	= ( O >= C );
UpCandle 	= NOT DnCandle; // ( O < C )

OpenAboveBB1 		= O > bb1;
OpenBelowBB1 		= O < bb1;
CloseAboveBB1 	= C > bb1;
CloseBelowBB1 	= C < bb1;

CloseBelowBB2		= C < bb2;
CloseAboveBB2		= C > bb2;

OpenBelowBB2 		= O < bb2;
OpenAboveBB2		= O > bb2;

OpenBetweenBB		= ( bb1 > O ) AND ( bb2 < O );
CloseBetweenBB	= ( bb1 > C ) AND ( bb2 < C );

CandleBetweenBB	= OpenBetweenBB AND CloseBetweenBB ;

DnCandleAcrossBB	= ( O > bb1 ) AND ( bb2 > C ) ;
UpCandleAcrossBB = ( C > bb1 ) AND ( bb2 > O ) ;

CandleBelowBB2	= OpenBelowBB2 AND CloseBelowBB2 ;

TotallyBelowBB1	= ( H < bb1 ) AND ( H > bb2 ) ; // without the 2nd condn. its same as 'TotallyBelowBB2'
TotallyBelowBB2	= ( H < bb2 );
TotallyBetweenBB	= ( H < bb1 ) AND ( L > bb2 );

CandleBody = IIf( DnCandle, ( O - C ), ( C - O ) ); //CandleBody = IIf(CandleBody==0,0.000001,CandleBody);
FullCandle = ( H - L );
CandleWick = FullCandle - CandleBody;
TopWick	=	H - IIf( DnCandle, O, C ) ;
BtmWick	=	IIf( DnCandle, C, O ) - L ;

LastIsDnCandle = Ref( DnCandle, -1 );
LastIsUpCandle = Ref( UpCandle, -1 );

BBGap = ( bb1 - bb2 );

BB_Candle_ratio	= BBGap / CandleBody ;
Candle_BB_ratio	= CandleBody / BBGap ;
WickCandleRatio	= CandleWick / CandleBody ;
CandleWickRatio	= CandleBody / CandleWick ;
WickTopBtmRatio	= TopWick / BtmWick ;

bb1topcut	= IIf( DnCandle, ( O - bb1 ), ( C - bb1 ) );
bb2topcut	= IIf( DnCandle, ( O - bb2 ), ( C - bb2 ) );

bb1cut 	= bb1topcut / CandleBody ;
CandleCutByBB1 = IIf( DnCandle, ( bb1 > C ) AND ( bb1 < O ), ( bb1 > O ) AND ( bb1 < C ) ) ;
bb1cutHi 	= ( abs( bb1cut ) <= ( Param( "High cut by BB1 (in %)", 30, 1, 100, 1 ) / 100 ) ) AND CandleCutByBB1 ;
bb1cutLo 	= ( abs( bb1cut ) >= ( Param( "Low cut by BB1 (in %)", 50, 1, 100, 1 ) / 100 ) ) AND CandleCutByBB1 ;

bb2cut 	= bb2topcut / CandleBody ;
CandleCutByBB2 = IIf( DnCandle, ( bb2 > C ) AND ( bb2 < O ), ( bb2 > O ) AND ( bb2 < C ) );
bb2cutHi 	= abs( bb2cut ) <= ( Param( "High cut by BB2 (in %)", 50, 1, 100, 1 ) / 100 ) AND CandleCutByBB2 ;
bb2cutLo 	= abs( bb2cut ) >= ( Param( "Low cut by BB2 (in %)", 60, 1, 100, 1 ) / 100 ) AND CandleCutByBB2 ;

// Down candle 'buy' logic-parts
DnCandle_below_both_BB 	= DnCandle AND OpenBelowBB2 AND CloseBelowBB2 ;
DnCandle_above_both_BB	= DnCandle AND CloseAboveBB1 AND OpenAboveBB1 ;
DnCandle_between_BB 		= DnCandle AND CandleBetweenBB ;
DnCandle_Across_BB 		= DnCandleAcrossBB AND ( CandleBody > ( BBGap * DCT ) ) ;
//DnCandleSpansBB			= ( O > bb1 ) AND ( C < bb2 ) ;

// Up Candle 'buy' logic-parts
UpCandleBelowBothBB		=	UpCandle AND OpenBelowBB2 ;//( bb1 > O ) AND ( bb2 > O );
UpCandleAboveBothBB		=	UpCandle AND OpenAboveBB1 ;
UpCandle_between_BB 		= 	UpCandle AND ( ( bb1 > C ) AND ( bb2 < C ) ) AND ( ( bb1 > O ) AND ( bb2 < O ) );
UpCandleBetweenBB			=	UpCandle AND ( bb1 > O ) AND ( bb2 < O ) AND ( bb2 > C );
UpCandle_Across_BB		=	UpCandleAcrossBB AND ( CandleBody > ( BBGap * UCT ) ) ;


Buy0 = ( DnCandle AND bb1cut < 0.7 AND bb1cut > 0.0 AND WickCandleRatio > 0.75 AND WickCandleRatio < 1.0 ) OR
       ( ( CandleBetweenBB OR CandleBelowBB2 ) AND ( CandleBody > 1 ) AND ( BBGap < 100 ) AND ( IIf( DnCandle, TopWick<BtmWick AND BtmWick > CandleBody * 2, TopWick > BtmWick AND TopWick > CandleBody * 2 ) ) ) OR
       ( UpCandle AND ( TopWick > BtmWick ) AND ( TopWick > CandleBody * 2 ) AND ( ( CandleCutByBB1 AND C > bb2 ) OR CandleBetweenBB OR CandleBelowBB2 ) ) OR
       ( UpCandle AND bb1cutHi AND bb2cutHi );
Buy1 = DnCandle AND bb1cutHi AND BBGap <= CandleBody  ;
Buy2 = OpenBelowBB1 AND DnCandle_Across_BB ;
Buy3 = DnCandle_Across_BB AND ( ( bb1cut < .5 ) AND ( bb2cut > .5 ) ) ;
Buy4 = DnCandle AND bb2cutHi ;

Buy5 = TotallyBelowBB2 AND ( BBGap >= 30 ) AND GapDown();
Buy6 = ( TotallyBelowBB2 OR ( UpCandle AND CloseBelowBB2 ) ) AND ( BBGap <= CandleBody );

Buy7 = ( bb1cut < 0 AND bb2cut > 0 AND bb2cut <= 1.0 ) OR ( UpCandle_Across_BB AND bb2cut > 0.6 ) ;
Buy8 = DnCandle_below_both_BB AND ( ( BBGap <= CandleBody ) OR ( CandleBody == 0 ) );

Buy  = NMNBE_Buy	 = Buy0 OR Buy1 OR Buy2 OR Buy3 OR Buy4 OR Buy5 OR Buy6 OR Buy7 OR Buy8;
Sell = NMNBE_Sell = IIf( GroupID( 1 ) == "Z", Ref( Buy, -Zmat ), Ref( Buy, -nonZmat ) );

// back log : 4 day maturity profit/loss
Clog			= ( 100 * ( C - Ref( C, -nonZmat ) ) / Ref( C, -nonZmat ) );
//MaturedSince	= IIf( GroupID( 1 ) == "Z", Ref( C, -Zmat ), Ref( C, -nonZmat ) );
MaturedSince	= IIf( GroupID( 1 ) == "Z", Ref( Avg, -Zmat ), Ref( Avg, -nonZmat ) );
sYield 		= IIf( Buy, C - HHV( O, 15 ), C * .995 - MaturedSince * 1.005 );
Ypercent		= ( sYield / MaturedSince ) * 100 ;
YpcStr			= NumToStr( Ypercent, 8.2 ) + " %" ;// Yield percent on holding period.
Yrate			= Ypercent / IIf( GroupID( 1 ) == "Z", 11, 4 ); // Yield percent per day.
YrateStr		= NumToStr( Yrate, 8.2 ) + " %" ;
Strength 		= Buy0 + Buy1 + Buy2 + Buy3 + Buy4 + Buy5 + Buy6 + Buy7 + Buy8; // - Sell;
Trade 			= WriteIf(  Buy == True, "Buy", WriteIf( Sell == True, "Sell", "N" ) );
LossTrade		= ( IIf( UpCandle, O, C ) * 0.995 ) < ( MaturedSince * 1.005 ); // after all commissions
//LossTrade		= ( Avg * 0.995 ) < ( MaturedSince * 1.005 );

// Signals
// [Indicator]

shape0 = Buy0 * shapeUpTriangle ;
shape1 = Buy1 * shapeSmallUpTriangle ;
shape2 = Buy2 * shapeSmallUpTriangle ;
shape3 = Buy3 * shapeSmallUpTriangle ;
shape4 = Buy4 * shapeSmallUpTriangle ;
shape5 = Buy5 * shapeSmallUpTriangle ;
shape6 = Buy6 * shapeSmallUpTriangle ;
shape7 = Buy7 * shapeSmallUpTriangle ;
shape8 = Buy8 * shapeSmallUpTriangle ;
sellshape = Sell * IIf( LossTrade, shapeHollowDownArrow, shapeSmallDownTriangle ) ;

shape0color = colorViolet;
shape1color = colorBrightGreen;
shape2color = colorViolet;
shape3color = colorGreen;
shape4color = colorRed;
shape5color = colorPink;
shape6color = colorLavender;
shape7color = colorAqua;
shape8color = colorDarkRed;
sellshapecolor = IIf( LossTrade, colorYellow, colorAqua );

BuySellLetter	= IIf( Buy AND Sell, colorWhite, IIf( Buy, colorDarkGreen, IIf( Sell, colorRed, colorDefault ) ) );
BuyBG			= IIf( Buy AND Sell, colorViolet, IIf( Buy, colorPaleGreen, colorDefault ) ) ; //IIf( Buy, colorPaleGreen, IIf( Sell, colorDarkRed, colorDefault ) );
SellBG			= IIf( Buy AND Sell, colorViolet, IIf( Sell, colorDarkRed, colorDefault ) ) ; //IIf( Buy, colorPaleGreen, IIf( Sell, colorDarkRed, colorDefault ) );

				Automatic Analysis
TransmitOrder = False;  // Set to True to really trade online!

bi 	= BarIndex();
cid 	= ( SelectedValue( bi ) - bi[ 0 ] );	// candle identification

Filter = ( Buy OR Sell ) ;//AND Status( "lastbarinrange" ) ; // chooses only the last bar i.e., day or period

AASettings = Status( "action" );

if ( AASettings == actionIndicator )
    // [Indicator]

    PlotShapes( shape0, shape0color, 0, L, -42 );
    PlotShapes( shape1, shape1color, 0, L, -12 );
    PlotShapes( shape2, shape2color, 0, L, -16 );
    PlotShapes( shape3, shape3color, 0, L, -20 );
    PlotShapes( shape4, shape4color, 0, L, -24 );
    PlotShapes( shape5, shape5color, 0, L, -28 );
    PlotShapes( shape6, shape6color, 0, L, -32 );
    PlotShapes( shape7, shape7color, 0, L, -34 );
    PlotShapes( shape8, shape8color, 0, L, -38 );

    PlotShapes( sellshape, sellshapecolor, 0, H, -12 );

    if ( AASettings == actionCommentary )
        // [Commentary]
        printf( "Study of parameters.\n---------------------------\n" );
        printf( "High @ 		= %g\n", H ) ;

        if ( DnCandle[cid] )
            printf( "Open @ 		= %g\n", O ) ;
            printf( "Close @ 		= %g	(4dM	%g)\n", C, sYield ) ;
            printf( "Close @ 		= %g	(4dM	%g)\n", C, sYield ) ;
            printf( "Open @ 		= %g\n", O ) ;

        printf( "Low @ 		= %g\n\n", L ) ;

        printf( "Volume		= %g\n\n", V ) ;

        printf( "Body of the candle		= %g\n", CandleBody );
        printf( "Top Wick Size 		= %g\n", TopWick );
        printf( "Bottom Wick Size		= %g\n", BtmWick );
        printf( "Wick Size 			= %g\n", CandleWick );
        printf( "Full-candle Size 		= %g\n\n", FullCandle );
        printf( "..........................\nCandle type		= " +
                WriteIf( DnCandle, "Down / Red / Black\n\n", "Up / Green / White\n\n" ) );
        printf( "Candle:wick ratio		= 1 : %g\n", CandleWickRatio );
        printf( "Wick:candle ratio		= 1 : %g\n\n", WickCandleRatio );
        printf( "TopWick:BtmWick ratio	= 1 : %g\n\n", WickTopBtmRatio );
        printf( "Gap between Bollingers	= %g\n\n", BBGap );

        printf( "Candle:BBGap ratio	= 1 : %g\n", round( Candle_BB_ratio * 100 ) / 100 );
        printf( "BBGap:Candle ratio = 1 : %g\n\n", round( BB_Candle_ratio * 100 ) / 100 ) ;

        printf( WriteIf( Candle_BB_ratio > 1.0, "The 'candle is larger' than the bollinger gap.\n", "" ) +
                WriteIf( BB_Candle_ratio < 0,   "Candle is away from the Bollinger-gap\n", "" ) +
                WriteIf( BB_Candle_ratio > 1.00, "The Bollinger gap is wide enough to hold the candle in.\n", "" ) +
                WriteIf( CandleBetweenBB, "Candle is inside the bollinger band.\n", "" ) +
                WriteIf( ( DnCandle AND OpenBelowBB2 ) OR ( UpCandle AND CloseBelowBB2 ), "The 'candle is outside' and 'below' the bollinger gap.\n", "" ) +
                WriteIf( ( DnCandle AND CloseAboveBB1 ) OR ( UpCandle AND OpenAboveBB1 ), "The 'candle is outside' and 'above' the bollinger gap.\n", "" ) +

        if ( DnCandle[cid] )
            Commentary =  "\nBlack / Red / Down Candle :\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;

            if ( CloseAboveBB1[cid] )
                Commentary += "\nCandle closed above Top bollinger." ;
                if ( OpenBelowBB2[cid] )
                    Commentary += "\nCandle opens below Bottom Bollinger,\nthus a 'below bollinger candle'.";
                    if ( CloseBetweenBB[cid] AND OpenAboveBB1[cid] )
                        Commentary += "\nCandle is cut by the top bollinger\nand resides above bottom bollinger.";
                        if ( OpenBetweenBB[cid] AND CloseBelowBB2[cid] )
                            Commentary += "\nCandle is cut by the bottom bollinger\nand resides below top bollinger.";
                            if ( OpenAboveBB1[cid] AND CloseBelowBB2[cid] )
                                Commentary += "\nCandle cut by both bollingers.";
                                Commentary += "\nCandle is lying between the bollingers.";
            Commentary =	  "\nWhite / Green / Up Candle :\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;

            if ( OpenAboveBB1[cid] )
                Commentary += "\nCandle started above Top bollinger." ;
                if ( CloseBelowBB2[cid] )
                    Commentary += "\nCandle closed below Bottom Bollinger.";
                    if ( OpenBetweenBB[cid] AND CloseAboveBB1[cid] )
                        Commentary += "\nCandle is cut by the top bollinger\nand starts above bottom bollinger.";
                        if ( CloseBetweenBB[cid] AND OpenBelowBB2[cid] )
                            Commentary += "\nCandle is cut by the bottom bollinger\nand ends below top bollinger.";
                            if ( CloseAboveBB1[cid] AND OpenBelowBB2[cid] )
                                Commentary += "\nCandle cut by both bollingers.";
                                Commentary += "\nCandle is lying between the bollingers.";

        if ( DnCandle_between_BB[cid] )
            Commentary += "\nCandle enclosed inside the Bollingers!";
            if ( DnCandleAcrossBB[cid] OR UpCandleAcrossBB[cid] )
                Commentary += "\nCandle spans across the Bollingers.";

        printf( "\nbb1cut = %g%%	(O - bb1)	= %g", /**/bb1cut , bb1topcut );/** /round( bb1cut*10000 ) / 100, bb1topcut );/**/

        printf( "\nbb2cut = %g%%	(O - bb2)	= %g\n", /**/bb2cut, bb2topcut );/** /round( bb2cut*10000 ) / 100, bb2topcut );/**/

        printf( Commentary + "\n\n" );
        if ( AASettings == actionScan )
            // Scan
            if ( AASettings == actionExplore )
                // Exploration
                /** /
                SetOption( "NoDefaultColumns", True );
                AddTextColumn( GroupID( 1 ), "Cat", formatChar,  IIf( GroupID( 1 ) == "Z", colorWhite, colorDefault ), IIf( GroupID( 1 ) == "Z", colorRed, colorDefault ), -1 );
                AddTextColumn( Name(), "Ticker", formatChar, colorDefault, colorDefault, 100 );
                AddTextColumn( Date(), "Date/Time", formatDateTime, colorDefault, colorDefault, 80 );
                AddTextColumn( GroupID( 1 ), "Cat", formatChar,  IIf( GroupID( 1 ) == "Z", colorWhite, colorDefault ), IIf( GroupID( 1 ) == "Z", colorRed, colorDefault ), 30 );
                /** /
                AddColumn( RLS, "Lot", 1,  colorDefault, colorDefault, -1 );
                AddColumn( IIf( GroupID( 1 ) == "Z", Ref( C, -10 ), Ref( C, -3 ) ), "Start Price", 3.2, colorBlue, IIf( Sell, colorLavender, colorDefault ), -1 );
                AddColumn( C, "Close", 3.2,
                           IIf( Buy AND Sell, colorWhite, IIf( Avg > C, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorRed ), IIf( Avg < C, IIf( Sell, colorGreen, colorRed ), colorDefault ) ) ),
                           IIf( Buy AND Sell, colorViolet, IIf( Buy, colorPaleGreen, colorDefault ) ),
                           -1 );
                AddColumn( Avg, "Avg. Price", 3.2, colorBlue, IIf( Sell, colorLavender, colorDefault ), -1 );
                AddColumn( V, "Total Vol.", 8 ) ;

                AddColumn( Strength, "Strength", 1, colorRed, colorDefault, 40 );
//                AddTextColumn( Trade, "Trade", 1, BuySellLetter,  IIf(Buy, colorPaleGreen,colorDefault), -1 );
                AddTextColumn( WriteIf( Buy, "Buy", "" ), "Buy", 1, BuySellLetter,  BuyBG, -1 );
                AddTextColumn( WriteIf( Sell, "Sell", "" ), "Sell", 1,  BuySellLetter, SellBG, -1 );
                AddColumn( sYield, "Avg.Yield", 1.2, IIf( Buy, colorLightGrey, IIf( sYield < 0, colorRed, colorGreen ) ), colorDefault, -1 );
                AddTextColumn( YpcStr, "Yield %", 1, IIf( Buy, colorLightGrey, IIf( Ypercent < 0, colorRed, colorGreen ) ), colorDefault, -1 );
                AddTextColumn( YrateStr, "Yield rate", 1, IIf( Buy, colorLightGrey, IIf( Yrate < 0, colorRed, colorGreen ) ), colorDefault, -1 );
                AddColumn( round( ROC( Close, 4 )*100 ) / 100, "ROC(4)", 1.2, colorDefault, colorDefault, -1 );
//                AddColumn( Clog, "4d M(%)", 1.2, colorDefault, colorDefault, -1 );
                if ( AASettings == actionBacktest )
                    // Backtest


//_N("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} - {{DATE}} - {{VALUES}}" + "\n");

//Title = //_N("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} - {{DATE}} - {{VALUES}}" + "\n") +
//    "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} - {{DATE}} - {{VALUES}}" + "\n" +
//    " bb1cut = " + floor( bb1cut * 100 ) + "%" + WriteIf( bb1cutHi, " (Hi)", WriteIf( bb1cutLo, " (Lo)", "" ) ) + "\n" +
//    " bb2cut = " + floor( bb2cut * 100 ) + "%" + WriteIf( bb2cutHi, " (Hi)", WriteIf( bb2cutLo, " (Lo)", "" ) );

_N( Title = StrFormat( "PE(NMN):Bollinger Entry - {{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}}, Open %g, High %g, Low %g, Close %g (%.1f%%), Vol " + WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) + ", {{VALUES}}\n" +
                       " bb1cut = %g%%" + WriteIf( bb1cutHi, " (Hi)", WriteIf( bb1cutLo, " (Lo)", "" ) ) +
                       "\nbb2cut = %g%%" + WriteIf( bb2cutHi, " (Hi)", WriteIf( bb2cutLo, " (Lo)", "" ) ),
                       O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ), floor( bb1cut * 100 ), floor( bb2cut * 100 ) ) );

acc = Param( "Acceleration", 0.02, 0, 1, 0.001 );
accm = Param( "Max. acceleration", 0.2, 0, 1, 0.001 );
Plot( SAR( acc, accm ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorBlue ), ParamStyle( "Style", styleDots | styleNoLine, maskDefault | styleDots | styleNoLine ) );


1. dayTrader

This one is actually an extension to my previous AFL .

The market it is originally intended for was DSE and CSE in Bangladesh. And the issues are classified as Group A, B, G, N and Z.

These exchanges have a maturity limit of 4 days in general. Hence I have 4 day exit signal in the formula. However, exit signals for some of the issues that are classified in Z group having a maturity period of 11 days, are also incorporated in the formula. Thus the formula has a checking of group membership for each issue which was previously fed-in manually in Ami-Broker.

The formulae shows the 4 day or 11 day exit which is only a marking for relatively safe exit, the gap between the different Bollinger Bands may show a better continuity.

There are lot of interesting judgements that can be drawn from the chart created by the formula – that remains to be explored by the user.

Safe trading !!

2. mrm

very nice
Thank you for sharing

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