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Least Squares Channel Indicator for Amibroker (AFL)

4 / 5 (Votes 2)
channel, Least Squares Fit, amibroker

Least Squares Channel Indicator (Amibroker AFL code by E.M.Pottasch, Aug 2015).
Indicator updates at end of each bar or when parameters are adjusted. It takes awhile before indicator appears because a lot of calculations are involved. This is the reason it only calculates the channels once a new bar appears OR when you press “Force Calculation” in parameter window. Also see other parameters you may change. For now this is purely meant to be an indicator. You need Version 6 of Amibroker (or higher).


Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
// Least Squares Channel Indicator
// Amibroker AFL code by E.M.Pottasch, Aug 2015
// Indicator updates at end of each bar or when parameters are adjusted
// Else press "Force Calculation" in parameter window

Version( 6 ); // need Amibroker version 6
SetBarsRequired( 1000, 0 );

order = Param( "n-th Order", 1, 1, 10, 1 );
clevel = Param( "Confidence Level", 2, 1, 3, 0.1 );
extend = Param( "Extend Fit (Bars)", 10, 0, 20, 1 );
trig = ParamTrigger( "Force Calculation", "Press Here" );
minbars = Param( "Minimum", 20, 1, 500, 1 ); // minimum number of bars before new channel starts
showTrack = ParamToggle( "Show Track", "No|Yes", 0 );
showSignals = ParamToggle( "Show Signals", "No|Yes", 0 );

s1 = GetChartID() + StrToNum( Name() );

regext = regextx1a = regextz1a = Null;
prc = ( H + L ) / 2;
sd = 0;
bi = BarIndex();
lvb = LastVisibleValue( bi );
fvb = 1;

function NewBarJustArrived()
    vname = "lbe" + s1;
    prev = Nz( StaticVarGet( vname ) );
    curr = Status( "lastbarend" );

    StaticVarSet( vname, curr );

    return curr != prev;

StaticVarSet( "DoEntirecalculation" + s1, 0 );

if( Nz( StaticVarGet( "svOrder" + s1 ) ) != order OR
        Nz( StaticVarGet( "svClevel" + s1 ) ) != clevel OR
        StaticVarGet( "svInterval" + s1 ) != Interval() OR
        StaticVarGet( "svMinbars" + s1 ) != minbars OR
        StaticVarGet( "svExtend" + s1 ) != extend OR
        StaticVarGetText( "svSymbol" + s1 ) != Name() OR
        NewBarJustArrived() OR
        trig )
    StaticVarSet( "DoEntirecalculation" + s1, 1 );
    //Say( " Do Calculation " );

StaticVarSet( "svOrder" + s1, order );
StaticVarSet( "svClevel" + s1, clevel );
StaticVarSet( "svInterval" + s1, Interval() );
StaticVarSet( "svMinbars" + s1, minbars );
StaticVarSet( "svExtend" + s1, extend );
StaticVarSetText( "svSymbol" + s1, Name() );

function CalculateCoefficients( aa, bb )
    n = MxGetSize( aa, 0 );
    ll = uu = Matrix( n, n, 0 );
    xx = yy = 0;

    for( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
        for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            if( i <= j )
                uu[i][j] = aa[i][j];

                for( k = 0; k <= i - 1; k++ )
                    uu[i][j] -= ll[i][k] * uu[k][j];

                if( i == j )
                    ll[i][j] = 1;
                    ll[i][j] = 0;
                ll[i][j] = aa[i][j];

                for( k = 0; k <= j - 1; k++ )
                    ll[i][j] -= ll[i][k] * uu[k][j];

                ll[i][j] /= uu[j][j];
                uu[i][j] = 0;

    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        yy[i] = bb[i];

        for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
            yy[i] -= ll[i][j] * yy[j];

    for( i = n - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        xx[i] = yy[i];

        for( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ )
            xx[i] -= uu[i][j] * xx[j];

        xx[i] /= uu[i][i];

    return xx;

function CalculateFit( eb, bars )
    global reg;
    global x1a;
    global z1a;
    global regext;
    global regextx1a;
    global regextz1a;

    reg = x1a = z1a = Null;
    regext = regextx1a = regextz1a = Null;

    lb = eb;
    fb = eb - bars;
    nb = lb - fb;

    if( eb > bars )
        aa = Matrix( order + 1, order + 1, 0 );
        bb = 0;

        // fill matrix A
        for( i = 0; i <= order; i++ )
            for( j = 0; j <= order; j++ )
                for( k = fb; k <= lb; k++ )
                    vv = ( k - ( lb + fb ) / 2 );
                    aa[i][j] = aa[i][j] + ( vv ^ ( i + j ) );

        // fill matrix B
        for( i = 0; i <= order; i++ )
            for( j = fb; j <= lb; j++ )
                vv = ( j - ( lb + fb ) / 2 );
                bb[i] = bb[i] + prc[j] * ( vv ^ i );

        // calculate coefficients
        xx = CalculateCoefficients( aa, bb );

        // store the fit in reg
        for( i = fb; i <= lb; i++ )
            reg[i] = xx[0];

            for( j = 1; j <= order; j++ )
                vv = ( i - ( lb + fb ) / 2 );
                reg[i] = reg[i] + xx[j] * vv ^ j;

        // extended fit (only when channel is active at last bar)
        if( lb == BarCount - 1 )
            for( i = lb + 1; i <= lb + extend; i++ )
                regext[i - extend] = xx[0];

                for( j = 1; j <= order; j++ )
                    vv = ( i - ( lb + fb ) / 2 );
                    regext[i - extend] = regext[i - extend] + xx[j] * vv ^ j;

        // calculate standard deviation
        sdp = 0;

        for( i = fb; i <= lb; i++ )
            sdp = sdp + ( prc[i] - reg[i] ) ^ 2;

        sd = sqrt( sdp / ( bars - 2 ) ); // devide by ( bars - 2 ) corresponding to StdErr function

        x1a = reg + sd * clevel;
        z1a = reg - sd * clevel;
        regextx1a = regext + sd * clevel;
        regextz1a = regext - sd * clevel;

if( StaticVarGet( "DoEntirecalculation" + s1 ) == 1 )
    regFinal = x1aFinal = z1aFinal = 0;
    regPerm = x1aPerm = z1aPerm = 0;
    buyPerm = sellPerm = 0;

    sb = fvb;

    for( i = fvb; i <= lvb; i++ )
        eb = i;
        bars = eb - sb;

        if( bars > minbars )
            calculateFit( eb, bars );
            regFinal = IIf( !IsEmpty( reg ), reg, regFinal );
            x1aFinal = IIf( !IsEmpty( x1a ), x1a, x1aFinal );
            z1aFinal = IIf( !IsEmpty( z1a ), z1a, z1aFinal );

            if( C[ i ] < z1aFinal [ i ] AND z1aFinal [ i ] > z1aFinal [ i - 1 ] )
                sellPerm[ eb ] = 1;
                i = i + 2;
                sb = i;
                if( C[ i ] > x1aFinal [ i ] AND x1aFinal [ i ] < x1aFinal [ i - 1 ] )
                    buyPerm[ eb ] = 1;
                    i = i + 2;
                    sb = i;

            regPerm[ eb ] = reg[ eb ];
            x1aPerm[ eb ] = x1a[ eb ];
            z1aPerm[ eb ] = z1a[ eb ];

    regFinal = IIf( regFinal, regFinal, Null );
    x1aFinal = IIf( x1aFinal, x1aFinal, Null );
    z1aFinal = IIf( z1aFinal, z1aFinal, Null );
    regPerm = IIf( regPerm, regPerm, Null );
    x1aPerm = IIf( x1aPerm, x1aPerm, Null );
    z1aPerm = IIf( z1aPerm, z1aPerm, Null );
    buyPerm = IIf( buyPerm, buyPerm, Null );
    sellPerm = IIf( sellPerm, sellPerm, Null );

    StaticVarSet( "regFinal" + s1, regFinal );
    StaticVarSet( "x1aFinal" + s1, x1aFinal );
    StaticVarSet( "z1aFinal" + s1, z1aFinal );
    StaticVarSet( "regext" + s1, regext );
    StaticVarSet( "regextx1a" + s1, regextx1a );
    StaticVarSet( "regextz1a" + s1, regextz1a );
    StaticVarSet( "regPerm" + s1, regPerm );
    StaticVarSet( "x1aPerm" + s1, x1aPerm );
    StaticVarSet( "z1aPerm" + s1, z1aPerm );
    StaticVarSet( "buyPerm" + s1, buyPerm );
    StaticVarSet( "sellPerm" + s1, sellPerm );

SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowDates );
SetChartBkColor( colorBlack );
SetBarFillColor( IIf( C > O, ColorRGB( 0, 75, 0 ), IIf( C <= O, ColorRGB( 75, 0, 0 ), colorLightGrey ) ) );
Plot( C, "", IIf( C > O, ColorRGB( 0, 255, 0 ), IIf( C <= O, ColorRGB( 255, 0, 0 ), colorLightGrey ) ), 64, Null, Null, 0, 1, 1 );

Plot( iif( !IsEmpty( StaticVarGet( "regPerm" + s1 ) ) , StaticVarGet( "regFinal" + s1 ), Null ), "", colorBlue, styleLine | styleNoLabel, Null, Null, 0, 1, 2 );
Plot( StaticVarGet( "regFinal" + s1 ), "", colorBlue, styleDashed, Null, Null, 0, 1, 1 );
Plot( iif( !IsEmpty( StaticVarGet( "regPerm" + s1 ) ) , StaticVarGet( "x1aFinal" + s1 ), Null ), "", colorred, styleLine | styleNoLabel, Null, Null, 0, 1, 2 );
Plot( StaticVarGet( "x1aFinal" + s1 ), "", colorred, styleDashed, Null, Null, 0, 1, 1 );
Plot( iif( !IsEmpty( StaticVarGet( "regPerm" + s1 ) ) , StaticVarGet( "z1aFinal" + s1 ), Null ), "", colorred, styleLine | styleNoLabel, Null, Null, 0, 1, 2 );
Plot( StaticVarGet( "z1aFinal" + s1 ), "", colorred, styleDashed, Null, Null, 0, 1, 1 );
Plot( StaticVarGet( "regext" + s1 ), "", colorlightgrey, styleDashed | styleNoLabel | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, extend, 0, 1 );
Plot( StaticVarGet( "regextx1a" + s1 ), "", colorlightgrey, styleDashed | styleNoLabel | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, extend, 0, 1 );
Plot( StaticVarGet( "regextz1a" + s1 ), "", colorlightgrey, styleDashed | styleNoLabel | styleNoRescale | styleClipMinMax, Null, Null, extend, 0, 1 );

hh = StaticVarGet( "x1aFinal" + s1 );
ll = StaticVarGet( "z1aFinal" + s1 );
PlotOHLC( ll, ll, hh, hh, "", ColorRGB( 10, 10, 10 ), styleCloud | styleNoLabel | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 0, -1, 1 );

if( showTrack )
    Plot( StaticVarGet( "regPerm" + s1 ), "", colorLightBlue, styleDashed | styleNoLabel | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 0, 1, 1 );
    Plot( StaticVarGet( "x1aPerm" + s1 ), "", colorOrange, styleDashed | styleNoLabel | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 0, 1, 1 );
    Plot( StaticVarGet( "z1aPerm" + s1 ), "", colorOrange, styleDashed | styleNoLabel | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, 0, 1, 1 );

if( showSignals )
    PlotShapes( IIf( StaticVarGet( "buyPerm" + s1 ), shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorDarkGreen, 0, L, -15 );
    PlotShapes( IIf( StaticVarGet( "buyPerm" + s1 ), shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorWhite, 0, C, 0 );
    PlotShapes( IIf( StaticVarGet( "sellPerm" + s1 ), shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorRed, 0, H, -15 );
    PlotShapes( IIf( StaticVarGet( "sellPerm" + s1 ), shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorWhite, 0, C, 0 );

SecsToGo = Status( "lastbartimeleft" );
nm = StrMid( Name(), 0, StrLen( Name() ) );
Title = nm +
        " | " + Now( 2 ) +
        " | " + EncodeColor( ColorYellow ) + NumToStr( SecsToGo, 1.0, False ) + EncodeColor( colorWhite ) +
        " | " + NumToStr( order, 1.0, False ) + " | ";


1. amifan

Excellent work sir
Thank you for sharing

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