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Don Tanggang for Amibroker (AFL)

4 / 5 (Votes 7)
fibonacci, oscillator, amibroker, exploration

An afl developed by myself, support and resistance are built from fibonacci level over the year, confirm buy and sell signal by using available data on the explorer.
The explorer will give you a lot of data.
Not for backtesting since it uses future reference, excellent to be used for day/position trader.
AFL using Indonesia stock rules for lot and capital determination, can be modified accordingly on the formula


Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
//Created by don tanggang (c) 2016

// Init
C1 = C[0];
//C2 = IIf(BarCount==1,C1,C[1]);

//Sehari = ((C2/C1)-1)*100;
//WriteVal (Sehari,1.1);

//Kalkulasi momentum
DC = IIf(IsEmpty(C[BarCount-5]),0,C[BarCount-1] - C[BarCount-5]);
MAV = MA(V,5)/1000000;

MaxOpenPos = 5; 
SetOption("MaxOpenPositions", MaxOpenPos);

Terakhir = ( ( C / C1 ) - 1 ) * 100;
WriteVal( Terakhir, 1.1 );
// Perhitungan pivot point, tidak boleh lebih besar dari open atau close
PP = (O+H+L+C)/4; // Pivot point
PP = IIf(O == C, O, PP);
PP = IIf (O> C AND PP > O, O, PP);
PP = IIf (O> C AND PP < C, C, PP);
PP = IIf (C> O AND PP > C, C, PP);
PP = IIf (C> O AND PP < O, O, PP);

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Profit/Loss % Change over Time" );
TtD_Param = ParamList( "Period", "Day to Date|Week to Date|Month to Date|Year to Date", 0 );

FDayMonth	= BarsSince( Month() != Ref( Month(), -1 ) );
FDayYear	= BarsSince( Year() != Ref( Year(), -1 ) );
TtD_Period	= IIf( TtD_Param	==	"Day to Date", 1,
                   IIf( TtD_Param	==	"Week to Date", DayOfWeek(),
                        IIf( TtD_Param	==	"Month to Date", FDayMonth,
                             IIf( TtD_Param	==	"Year to Date", FDayYear, 0 ) ) ) );
TtD_Change = 100 * ( Close - Ref( Close, -TtD_Period ) ) / Ref( Close, -TtD_Period );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Price" );
SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates );
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor( "Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle( "Style" ) | GetPriceStyle() );


_SECTION_BEGIN( "Informasi Ticker" );
GfxSetOverlayMode( 1 );
SetChartBkColor( ParamColor( "Background Color", colorWhite ) );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor( "Text Color", colorDarkGrey ) );
GfxSetOverlayMode( 1 );
Besar = Param( "Besar Font", 1, 0.3, 2, 0.1 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", ( Status( "pxheight" ) / 20 )*Besar );
GfxSetTextAlign( 6 );// center alignment
GfxSetBkMode( 0 ); // transparent
GfxTextOut( Name(), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 2, Status( "pxheight" ) / 4 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", ( Status( "pxheight" ) / 30 )*Besar );
GfxTextOut( FullName(), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 2, Status( "pxheight" ) / 3 );
GfxTextOut( GroupID( 1 ), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 2, Status( "pxheight" ) / 2.5 );
GfxTextOut( IndustryID( 1 ), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 2, Status( "pxheight" ) / 2.2 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", Status( "pxheight" ) / 18 );
GfxTextOut( "don tanggang", Status( "pxwidth" ) / 2, Status( "pxheight" ) / 1.5 );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "tick" );
//Definisi fraksi
tick = IIf( C >= 5000, 25, IIf( C >= 2000, 10, IIf( C >= 500, 5, IIf( C >= 200, 2, 1 ) ) ) );

//Find highest and lowest over the years
H1y = HHV( H, FDayYear );
Hi = H1y[BarCount - 1];
L1y = LLV( L, FDayYear );
Lo = L1y[BarCount - 1];

Hi = IIf( IsEmpty( Hi ), HHV( H, 22 ), Hi );
Hi = IIf( IsEmpty( Hi ), HHV( H, 5 ), Hi );
Lo = IIf( IsEmpty( Lo ), LLV( L, 22 ), Lo );
Lo = IIf( IsEmpty( Lo ), LLV( L, 5 ), Lo );


Definisi tiap layer S/R
Bot - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 - S5 - Top
S 100 - 76.4 61.8 - S 50.0 - S 38.2 - S 23.6 - S0
Prio 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5  - 10
DS = Hi - Lo;
Bot = Lo;
Top = Hi;
S1 = Bot + ( 0.236 * DS );
S2 = Bot + ( 0.382 * DS );
S3 = Bot + ( 0.500 * DS );
S4 = Bot + ( 0.618 * DS );
S5 = Bot + ( 0.764 * DS );
ext = Top + ( 0.236 * DS );
ex2 = Top + ( 0.382 * DS );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Determination of Support, Resistance and Priority" );
Sup = IIf( C >= Top, Top,
           IIf( C >= S5, S5,
                IIf( C >= S4, S4,
                     IIf( C >= S3, S3,
                          IIf( C >= S2, S2,
                               IIf( C >= S1, S1,
                                    IIf( C >= Bot, Bot, Bot ) ) ) ) ) ) );

Res = IIf( C >= Top, ext,
           IIf( C >= S5, Top,
                IIf( C >= S4, S5,
                     IIf( C >= S3, S4,
                          IIf( C >= S2, S3,
                               IIf( C >= S1, S2,
                                    IIf( C >= Bot, S1, S1 ) ) ) ) ) ) );

Cel = IIf( C >= Top, ex2,
           IIf( C >= S5, ext,
                IIf( C >= S4, Top,
                     IIf( C >= S3, S5,
                          IIf( C >= S2, S4,
                               IIf( C >= S1, S3,
                                    IIf( C >= Bot, S2, S1 ) ) ) ) ) ) );

Prio = IIf( C >= Top, 10,
            IIf( C >= S5, 5,
                 IIf( C >= S4, 4,
                      IIf( C >= S3, 3,
                           IIf( C >= S2, 2,
                                IIf( C >= S1, 1,
                                     IIf( C >= Bot, 0, 0 ) ) ) ) ) ) );

//Check break out / break down dari support
Sup = Sup - ( Sup % tick );
Res = Res - ( Res % tick );
Cel = Cel - ( Cel % tick );
BO = IIf( C > Sup AND O < Sup, 1, -1 );
BD = IIf( C< Res AND O > Res, 1, -1 );
Cel = Cel - ( 3 * tick );
SL = Sup - ( 3 * tick );
TP = Res - ( 3 * tick );

//Created by don tanggang (c) 2016

//Plot Support,Ressistance, SL & TP
Plot( PP, "Pivot",  colorGold, styleDashed);
Plot( Sup[Barcount - 1], "Support", colorRed, styleLine | styleThick );
Plot( Res[Barcount - 1], "Ressist", colorBlue, styleLine | styleThick );
Plot( Cel[Barcount - 1], "Ceiling", colorBlueGrey, styleLine | styleThick );
Plot( SL[Barcount - 1], "SL", colorRed, styleDashed );
Plot( TP[Barcount - 1], "TP", colorBlue, styleDashed );
Plot( Prio[Barcount - 1], "Prio", colorBlack, styleNoDraw | styleOwnScale );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Value" );
// Indikator Value dalam Milyar Rupiah
AvgPrice = ( O + H + L + C ) / 4;
DV = AvgPrice * V;
DVMil = DV / 1000000000;

MADV20 = MA( DV, 20 );
MADV20Mil = MADV20 / 1000000000;
FV = DVMil / Ref( MADV20Mil, -1 ) ;


/* Hanya dipakai kalau langganan data NBSA
// Akumulasi NBSA sejak awal
NBSAValue_Cum = Cum( Aux2 ) / 1000000000 ;
// Menghitung akumulasi NBSA sejak BEGIN VALUE
TglAwal = BeginValue( DateTime() );
Bar = BarsSince( Datetime() == TglAwal );
NBSAValue_Sum = Sum( Aux2, Bar ) / 1000000000;

warna = IIf( NBSAValue_Cum > Ref( NBSAValue_Cum, -1 ), colorGreen, colorRed );
PlotNBSA = ParamToggle( "Plot NBSA?", "Tidak|Ya", 1 );

if( PlotNBSA )
    Plot( NBSAValue_Cum, " " , warna , styleLine | styleThick | styleLeftAxisScale | styleOwnScale | stylenotitle );
    Title = Title + EncodeColor( colorblack ) + "\nNBSA (Rp. Mil.) ~~ Sejak awal  : " +
            EncodeColor( colorred ) +  WriteIf( NBSAValue_Cum < 0, WriteVal( NBSAValue_Cum, 1.2 ) , " " ) +
            EncodeColor( colorGreen ) +  WriteIf( NBSAValue_Cum >= 0, WriteVal( NBSAValue_Cum, 1.2 ) , " " );

    Title = Title + EncodeColor( colorblack ) + "  ; Sejak " + DateTimeToStr( TglAwal ) + " : " +
            EncodeColor( colorred ) +  WriteIf( NBSAValue_Sum < 0, WriteVal( NBSAValue_Sum, 1.2 ) , " " ) +
            EncodeColor( colorGreen ) +  WriteIf( NBSAValue_Sum >= 0, WriteVal( NBSAValue_Sum, 1.2 ) , " " );

// Buat pita NBSA Cummulation
    MA5 = MA( NBSAValue_Cum, 5 );
    MA20 = MA( NBSAValue_Cum, 20 );
    NCum = NBSAValue_Cum ;

    Kuning = ( NCum > MA5 );
    Hijau = ( NCum > MA5 ) AND( NCum > MA20 ) ;
    Merah = ( NCum < MA5 ) AND( NCum < MA20 ) ;
    ZoneColorNBSA = IIf( Hijau, colorGreen, IIf( Kuning, colorYellow, IIf( Merah, colorRed, 0 ) ) );

    PlotZoneNBSA = ParamToggle( "Plot Pita NBSA?", "Tidak|Ya", 0 );

    if( PlotZoneNBSA ) Plot( 2, "Zone NBSA", ZonecolorNBSA , styleOwnScale | styleArea | styleNoTitle, -0.5, 100 );



// REVERSAL by Candlestick
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Candle Reversal" );
PlotReversal = ParamToggle( "Tampilkan Sinyal Candle Reversal ?", "Tidak|Ya", 1 );

if( PlotReversal )

    C1 = Ref( C, -1 );
    C2 = Ref( C, -2 );
    A1 = Ref( Avg, -1 );
    A2 = Ref( Avg, -2 );
    A3 = Ref( Avg, -3 );
    A4 = Ref( Avg, -4 );
    A5 = Ref( Avg, -5 );
    O1 = Ref( O, -1 );
    O2 = Ref( O, -2 );

    Syarat1 = ( ( A1 < A2 ) AND( A2 < A3 ) AND( A1 < A4 ) ); //AND (A3 < A4) ) ;//OR ( A1 < A3);
    Syarat2 = ( C1 <= O1 ) AND( C2 <= O2 );
    SyaratTurun = Syarat1 AND Syarat2;
    Syarat3 = ( A1 > A2 ) AND( A2 > A3 ) AND( A1 > A4 ) ;
    Syarat4 = ( C1 >= O1 ) AND( C2 >= O2 );
    SyaratNaik = Syarat3 AND Syarat4;

    DibawahMA20 = C < MA( C, 20 );
    DiatasMA20  = C > MA( C, 20 );

//HammerItem =
    BodyI = O - C;
    TailI = C - L;
    HammerItem = ( O == H ) AND( C < O ) AND( TailI >= 2 * BodyI );

//HammerPutih =
    BodyP = C - O;
    TailP = O - L;
    HammerPutih = ( C == H ) AND( C > O ) AND( TailP >= 2 * BodyP );

    Hammer = HammerPutih OR HammerItem;// Syarat Candlestick Bullish dan Bearish Reversal
    Doji = O == C;
    BodiPutih = C > O ;//AND (TailI < BodyI) ;
    BodiItem = C < O ;//AND (TailP < BodyP);

    BullishReversal = Doji OR BodiPutih OR Hammer;
    BearishReversal = Doji OR BodiItem OR Hammer;

    SyaratBullishR = SyaratTurun AND BullishReversal ;
    SyaratBearishR = SyaratNaik  AND BearishReversal ;

    PlotShapes( IIf( SyaratBullishR , shapeHollowSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorBlue, 0, L, -15 );
    PlotShapes( IIf( SyaratBearishR , shapeHollowSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorRed, 0, H, 15 );


// Trend - MA
_SECTION_BEGIN( "T r e n d" );
DTPendek  = C <= MA( C, 5 );
DTMenengah = C <= MA( C, 20 ) ;
DTPanjang = C <= MA( C, 50 ) ;
UTPendek  = C >= MA( C, 5 );
UTMenengah = C >= MA( C, 20 ) ;
UTPanjang = C >= MA( C, 50 ) ;

PlotTrend = ParamToggle( "Tampilkan Trend ?", "Tidak|Ya", 1 );

if( PlotTrend )
    Title = Title + "\nTrend : ";
    Title = Title + WriteIf( DTPendek, EncodeColor( colorred )  + "Pendek    ", WriteIf( UTPendek, EncodeColor( colorgreen ) + "Pendek    ", "" ) );
    Title = Title + WriteIf( DTMenengah, EncodeColor( colorred ) + "Menengah  ", WriteIf( UTMenengah, EncodeColor( colorgreen ) + "Menengah  ", "" ) );
    Title = Title + WriteIf( DTPanjang, EncodeColor( colorred ) + "Panjang   ", WriteIf( UTPanjang, EncodeColor( colorgreen ) + "Panjang   ", "" ) );


_SECTION_BEGIN( "Engulfing_Star" );
BullEn = IIf( ( C > Ref( O, -1 ) ) AND( O < Ref( C, -1 ) ) AND( Ref( C, -1 ) < Ref( O, -1 ) ) AND( C > O ), 1, 0 );
BearEn = IIf( ( C < Ref( O, -1 ) ) AND( O > Ref( C, -1 ) ) AND( Ref( C, -1 ) > Ref( O, -1 ) ) AND( O > C ), 1, 0 );
MS = IIf( ( Ref( O, -2 ) > Ref( C, -2 ) ) AND( Ref( O, -1 ) < Ref( O, -1 ) ) AND( O < C ) AND( Ref( C, -1 ) < Ref( C, -2 ) ) AND( Ref( C, -1 ) < O ), 1, 0 );
ES = IIf( ( Ref( O, -2 ) < Ref( C, -2 ) ) AND( Ref( O, -1 ) > Ref( O, -1 ) ) AND( O > C ) AND( Ref( C, -1 ) > Ref( C, -2 ) ) AND( Ref( C, -1 ) > O ), 1, 0 );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Regresi Linear" );

// Parameter-parameter
FDY = BarsSince( Year() != Ref( Year(), -1 ) );
Perioda = Param( "Perioda", 182, 2, 300, 1 );
Geser = Param( "Perioda mundur ", 0, 0, 300, 1 );
P = ParamField( "Price field", -1 );

// Menghitung Regresi Linear (RL)
x = Cum( 1 );
lastx = LastValue( x ) - Geser ; // menentukan akhir dari RL
aa = LastValue( Ref( LinRegIntercept( P, Perioda ), -Geser ) );
bb = LastValue( Ref( LinRegSlope( P, Perioda ), -Geser ) );
// Persamaan Garis Regresi Linear
y = aa + bb * ( x - ( Lastx - Perioda + 1 ) );
slope = IIf( y > Ref( y, -1 ), 1, -1 );

// Menampilkan Regresi Linear
LRColor = ParamColor( "LR Color", colorCycle );
LRLine =  IIf( x > ( lastx - Perioda ) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y, Null );
Plot( LRLine , "Regresi Linear", LRCOLOR, style = styleNotitle ); //LRSTYLE);


// ==========================  Plot Channel Deviasi Standard =====================================================

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Deviasi Standar" );

// Parameter Deviasi Standar
DSP = Param( "Deviasi Standar", 1.0, 0, 6, 0.1 );
DS = DSP / 2;

// Menghitung Channel Deviasi Standar
width = LastValue( Ref( DS*StDev( p, Perioda ), -Geser ) );
DSU = IIf( x > ( lastx - Perioda ) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y + width , Null ) ;
DSL = IIf( x > ( lastx - Perioda ) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y - width , Null ) ;
CDSL = ((C - DSL)/C) * 100;

DSColor = ParamColor( "Warna DS ", colorCycle );

// Menampilkan Channel Atas dan Bawah
Plot( DSU , "Top Channel ", DSColor, style = styleNoTitle ); //DSStyle );
Plot( DSL , "Btm Channel ", DSColor, style = styleNoTitle ); // DSStyle );


// Perhitungan SAR
acc = Param( "Acceleration", 0.02, 0, 1, 0.001 );
accm = Param( "Max. acceleration", 0.2, 0, 1, 0.001 );
SI = IIf( SAR( acc, accm ) < C, 1, 0 ); // SAR Indicator
Plot( SAR( acc, accm ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), IIf( SI == 1, colorGreen, colorRed ), ParamStyle( "Style", styleDots | styleNoLine, maskDefault | styleDots | styleNoLine ) );

segments = IIf( Interval() < inDaily, Day(), Month() );
segments = segments != Ref( segments , -1 );

PlotVAPOverlayA( segments , Param( "Lines", 300, 100, 1000, 1 ), Param( "Width", 80, 1, 100, 1 ), ParamColor( "Color", colorPink ), ParamToggle( "Side", "Left|Right" ) | 2 * ParamToggle( "Style", "Fill|Lines", 0 ) | 4 * ParamToggle( "Z-order", "On top|Behind", 1 ) );
Plot( segments, "", colorPink, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale );

R2PDS = 20;
R2 = Correlation( Cum( 1 ), C, r2pds ) * Correlation( Cum( 1 ), C, r2pds );
slopeR = LinRegSlope( C, r2pds );
Crit = IIf( R2PDS == 5, .77, IIf( R2PDS == 10, .40, IIf( R2PDS == 14, .27, IIf( R2PDS == 20, .20, IIf( R2PDS == 25, .16, IIf( R2PDS == 30, .13, IIf( R2PDS == 50, .08, IIf( R2PDS == 60, .06, IIf( R2PDS == 120, .03, 0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) );

//Calc MACD
MGC = Cross( MACD( 12, 26 ), signal( 12, 26, 9 ) );
MDC = Cross( signal( 12, 26, 9 ), MACD( 12, 26 ) );
MP = iif( MACD( 12, 26 ) > 0, 1, 0 );
CMA50 = Cross( C, MA( C, 50 ) );
GMA50 = IIf( C > MA( C, 50 ), 1, 0 );

/*hanya dipakai untuk langganan data frekuensi
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Frekuensi" );
PlotFreks = ParamToggle( "Plot FREKUENSI?", "Tidak|Ya", 0 );

Frek = ( Volume / ( ( Aux1 ) ^ 3 ) ) * 100;
Freks = IIf( Aux1 != 0, Frek, 1 );
MA20 = MA( Freks, 20 );
WarnaFreks = IIf( Freks > MA20 AND C > O AND C > Ref( C, -1 ), colorBlue, colorlightGrey );

if( PlotFreks ) Plot( Freks, " ; Vol/Frek^3 ", WarnaFreks, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleNoTitle );


//Display Trend and break
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor( "Text Color", colorGold ) );
GfxTextOut( WriteIf( slope == 1, "Up Trend", "Down Trend" ), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 8, Status( "pxheight" ) / 8 );
GfxTextOut( WriteIf( BO == 1, "Break Out", WriteIf( BD == 1, "Break Down", "" ) ), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 8, Status( "pxheight" ) / 5 );
GfxTextOut( WriteIf( MGC == 1, "MACD Golden Cross", WriteIf( BD == 1, "MACD Death Cross", "" ) ), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 6, Status( "pxheight" ) / 3.5 );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor( "Text Color", colorGrey50 ) );
GfxTextOut( WriteIf( CMA50 == 1, "Cross Up MA50", WriteIf( GMA50 == 1, "Bullish", "" ) ), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 8, Status( "pxheight" ) / 2.5 );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Kalkulasi" );
naik = IIf( C > O, 1, 0 );
PG = ( ( TP - C ) / C ) * 100;
PL = ( ( C - SL ) / C ) * 100;
RRR = PG / PL;
PG2 = ( ( Cel - C ) / C ) * 100;
RR2 = PG2 / PL;

//Kalkulasi momentum
DC = IIf(IsEmpty(C[BarCount-5]),0,C[BarCount-1] - C[BarCount-5]);
MAV = MA(V,5)/1000000;

IV = MA( C * V, 100 );
IV = IIf( IsEmpty( IV ), MA( C * V, 22 ), IV );
IV = IIf( IsEmpty( IV ), MA( C * V, 5 ), IV );
IVD = IV / 5000000000;

MFIz = Ref( ( ( H - L ) / V ), -1 ); // MFI kemarin
MFIa = ( H - L ) / V; // MFI sekarang
Vz = Ref( V, -1 );
indi = IIf( V > Vz, IIf( MFIa > MFIz, 1, 4 ), IIf( MFIa > MFIz, 3, 2 ) );
//Hitung kekuatan trend berdasarkan jumlah indikator yang OK
Kuat = slope + IIf( indi == 1 OR indi == 4, 1, 0 ) +
       IIf( MP == 1 AND MDC == 0, 1, 0 ) +
       IIf( CMA50 == 1, 0, GMA50 ) + CMA50 + SI + BullEn - BearEn +
       IIf( slopeR >= 0, 1, -1 );



_SECTION_BEGIN( "Explorer" );
Buy = PL <= 1 OR BO == 1; // AND naik == 1;
Sell = PG <= 1 OR BD == 1; // AND naik == 0;
None = PL > 1 AND PG > 1;
konfirm = IIf(Sell, C < TP, C > Sup);

// Menampilkan penanda beli atau jual
PlotShapes( Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorRed ) );

Filter = MADV20Mil >= 5;

//Plot explorer

AddTextColumn( WriteIf( Buy, "Beli", WriteIf( Sell, "Jual", "Hold" ) ), "Sinyal", 1.0 );
AddColumn( konfirm, "C?", format = 1.0 );
AddColumn( C, "Close", format = 1.0, IIf( C > O, colorGreen, colorRed ) );
AddColumn( PP, "Pivot", format = 1.0, IIf( C > O, colorGreen, colorRed ) );
AddColumn( ROC( C, 1 ), "D%", 1.2, IIf( ROC( C, 1 ), colorGreen, colorRed ) );

//AddColumn( Sup, "Sup", format = 1.0 );
AddColumn( SL, "SL", format = 1.0 );
AddColumn( Cel, "TP", format = 1.0 );
AddColumn( Res, "Res", format = 1.0 );
AddColumn( Res-TP, "DRes", format = 1.0 );
//AddColumn( TP, "TP", format = 1.0 );

AddColumn( PG, "PG", format = 1.2 );
AddColumn( PL, "PL", format = 1.2 );
AddColumn( RRR, "RRR", format = 1.2 );
AddColumn( RR2, "RR2", format = 1.2 );
AddColumn( MMT, "MMT", format = 1.0 );

//Priority ranking & Risk Reward Ratio
AddColumn( Prio, "Rank", format = 1.0 );
AddColumn( Kuat, "STR", format = 1.0 );
AddColumn( IVD, "IVD", format = 1.1 );
AddTextColumn( Writeif( slope == 1, "UpTrend", "DnTrend" ), "Trend", format = 1.0, IIf( slope == 1, colorGreen, colorRed ) );
AddColumn( slopeR, "SlpR", format = 1.2 );
AddColumn( IIf( BO == 1, 1, IIf( BD == 1, -1, 0 ) ), "BSR", format = 1.0 );
AddTextColumn( WriteIf( indi == 1, "Green", writeIf( indi == 2, "Fade", writeIf( indi == 3, "Fake", "Squat" ) ) ), "MFI", format = 1.0,
               IIf( indi == 1, colorGreen, IIf( indi == 2, colorRed, IIf( indi == 3, colorBlue, colorPink ) ) ) );
MFI signaL :
1 = Green
2 = Fade / Red
3 = Fake / Blue
4 = Squat / Pink
AddTextColumn( WriteIf( MP == 0, "Bear", WriteIf( MGC == 1, "GoldenCross", WriteIf( MDC == 1, "DeathCross", "Bull" ) ) ), "MACD", format = 1.0, IIf( MP == 0 OR MDC == 1, colorAqua, colorGold ) );
AddTextColumn( WriteIf( GMA50 == 0, "Bear", WriteIf( CMA50 == 1, "Cross", "Bull" ) ), "MA50", format = 1.0, IIf( GMA50 == 0, colorAqua, colorGold ) );
AddTextColumn( WriteIf( SI == 1, "Bull", "Bear" ), "SAR", format = 1.0, IIf( SI == 0, colorAqua, colorGold ) );
AddTextColumn( Writeif( BullEn == 1, "Bullish", WriteIf( BearEn == 1, "Bearish", "" ) ), "Engulf", format = 1.0, IIf( BullEn == 1, colorGreen, colorRed ) );
AddTextColumn( Writeif( MS == 1, "Morning", WriteIf( ES == 1, "Evening", "" ) ), "Star", format = 1.0, IIf( MS == 1, colorGreen, colorRed ) );
AddColumn( Fv, "TVx", format = 1.1 );
AddColumn( ( C - MA( C, 50 ) ) / MA( C, 50 ), "DMA50", format = 1.2, colorBrightGreen );
AddColumn( ( C - MA( C, 100 ) ) / MA( C, 100 ), "DMA100", format = 1.2, colorBlueGrey );

MA5y = MA( C, 1251 );
CMA5y = ( ( C - MA5y ) / MA5y ) * 100;
AddColumn( CMA5y, "CMA5y", format = 1.2 );
AddColumn( CDSL, "CDSL", format = 1.2 );




1. chatpurpose

yes, as you said, signal repaints hence the back test results are not reliable. But, however, excellent work. For me, it needed slight correction to make it work for scan and explorer.

2. acchiang

Error on line 47

N( Title = StrFormat( “{{NAME}} – {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} – O g, H %g, L %g, C %g, PTD (.1f%%){{VALUES}}”, O, H, L, C,
SelectedValue( ROC ), SelectedValue( TtD
Change ) ) );

3. dompak

@acchiang what version are you using, I’m using amibroker V6 and no error. Could you clarify complete error message?

4. davidalan

PTDremove one of the percent signs

5. szgolyas

PlotVAPOverlayA( segments , Param( “Lines”, 300, 100, 1000, 1 ), Param( “Width”, 80, 1, 100, 1 ), ParamColor( “Color”, colorPink ), ParamToggle( “Side”, “Left|Right” ) | 2 * ParamToggle( “Style”, “Fill|Lines”, 0 ) | 4 * ParamToggle( "Z-orde
error in line 360 on ami 5

6. yudhi88

help me please…

error in line 51
Error 61. The number of format specifier(s) (%) does not match the number of arguments passed.

i used amibroker 6.20.1


7. administrator

I have fixed the bug.

8. ahmed fakhreldin

Dear admin, need your help with that error in exploration

//Kalkulasi momentum
DC = IIf(IsEmpty(C[BarCount-5]),0,C[BarCount-1] - C[BarCount-5]);
MAV = MA(V,5)/1000000;

Error 10. Array subscript out of range. You must not access array element out side 0

9. administrator

It looks like you don’t have enough bars of data thus the error.

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