// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com //DISPARITY INDEX BY DAN VALCU //DIX-scan.afl-Disparity Index Scan in Amibroker 4.9 //Scan to list DIX(200),DIX(50) and DIX(20) //'use filter'=Nasdaq 100 stock universe //'range'=n last dayswith n=1 //Copyright 2009 Dan Valcu /*The Disparity Index is a simple and efficient oscillator indicator.It represents the percentage that the closing price deviates above or below from a chosen average.Its main purpose is capital preservation(reduced and controlled risk plus profits locked in). In volatile markets, it’s difficult to forecast the formation of peaks and troughs. The disparity index is an indicator that helps you squeeze the best out of a trend whether you are trading equities, futures, or forex.*/ //NOTA:(other author)The idea is to Buy stocks that are in intermediate AND long term uptrends but are pulling back on a Short term basis. Buy=1; Filter=1;/*all symbols and quotes accepted*/ //Compute DIX(50) nper1=50; dix50=100*(C-EMA(C,nper1))/C; //Compute DIX(20) nper2=20; dix20=100*(C-EMA(C,nper2))/C; //Compute DIX(10) nper3=10; dix10=100*(C-EMA(C,nper3))/C; Col2=dix50; Col3=dix20; Col4=dix10; Plot(dix50,"DIX50",colorLime); Plot(dix20,"DIX20",colorBlue); Plot(dix10,"DIX10",colorRed); Plot(0,"",colorBrown); SetOption("NoDefaultColumns",True); AddTextColumn(Name(),"Ticker",5,colorDefault,colorDefault); AddColumn(Close,"Close",1.2); AddColumn(Col2,"DIX(50)",1.2); AddColumn(Col3,"DIX(20)",1.2); AddColumn(Col4,"DIX(10)",1.2); AddTextColumn(Name(),"Ticker",5,colorDefault,colorDefault); //List is sorted on descending values of Dix(50), then Dix(20), AND finally Dix(10).