// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com //////////begin///////// box1=0; box2=0; SetBarsRequired(10000,10000); procedure fillDarvas(start,end,swap,top, bottom ) { for ( j = start; j < end; j++) { if( box1[j] == swap) box1[j]= top ; else box1[j]= bottom; if(box2[j] == swap) box2[j]= bottom ; else box2[j]= top; } } BoxArr1 = 0; BoxArr2 = 0; StateArray = 0; DBuy = 0; DSell = 0; TopArray = 0; BotArray = 0; tick=0; BoxTop = High[0]; BoxBot = Low[0]; swap=0; state = 0; BoxStart = 0; for (i=0; i(BoxTop*(1+tick/100))) { fillDarvas(BoxStart,i,swap,BoxTop,BoxBot); state = 1; swap = !swap; BoxTop = High[i]; BoxStart = i; } } else { if (High[i]BoxBot)) { state++; } else { state=3; } if (state==3) BoxBot=Low[i]; } else { state=1; BoxTop=High[i]; } } StateArray[i] = state; } fillDarvas(BoxStart,BarCount,swap,BoxTop,BoxBot); Buyrule=H>Ref(box1,-1) AND H>Ref(box2,-1) AND Ref(statearray,-1)==5; Sellrule=Lbox2,box1,box2); Sellrule2 = (((topvalue-Close)*100/topvalue) > lossopt) AND (statearray == statopt); Sell = Sellrule OR Sellrule2; Short = Sell; Cover = Buy;