// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); _SECTION_BEGIN("Background_Setting"); SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("BgTop", colorBlack),ParamColor("BgBottom", colorBlack),ParamColor("TitleBlock",colorBlack )); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Average 1"); //Average_switch = ParamToggle("Candle On/off", "Off|On"); P = ParamField("Field"); Type = ParamList("Type", "Weighted,Lagless-21,Hull-26,Linear Regression-45,Exponential,Double Exponential,Tripple Exponential,Wilders,Simple"); Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 200 ); Displacement = Param("Displacement", 1, -50, 50 ); m = 0; if( Type == "Weighted" ) m= WMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Lagless-21" ) m= 2*EMA(P, Periods)-EMA(EMA(P, Periods), Periods); if( Type == "Hull-26" ) m= WMA(2*(WMA(P, Periods/2))-WMA(P, Periods) ,4 ); if( Type == "Linear Regression-45" ) m= LinearReg( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Exponential" ) m = EMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Double Exponential" ) m = DEMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Tripple Exponential" ) m = TEMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Wilders" ) m = Wilders( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Simple" ) m = MA( P, Periods ); Plot( m, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorYellow),ParamStyle("Style",styleLine |styleThick|styleNoTitle ,maskAll),Displacement ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Average 2"); P = ParamField("Field"); Type = ParamList("Type", "Weighted,Lagless-21,Hull-26,Linear Regression-45,Exponential,Double Exponential,Tripple Exponential,Wilders,Simple"); Periods = Param("Periods", 35 ,2, 200 ); Displacement = Param("Displacement", 1, -50, 50 ); m = 0; if( Type == "Weighted" ) m= WMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Lagless-21" ) m= 2*EMA(P, Periods)-EMA(EMA(P, Periods), Periods); if( Type == "Hull-26" ) m= WMA(2*(WMA(P, Periods/2))-WMA(P, Periods) ,4 ); if( Type == "Linear Regression-45" ) m= LinearReg( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Exponential" ) m = EMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Double Exponential" ) m = DEMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Tripple Exponential" ) m = TEMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Wilders" ) m = Wilders( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Simple" ) m = MA( P, Periods ); Plot( m, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorLightBlue),ParamStyle("Style",styleLine |styleThick|styleNoTitle ,maskAll),Displacement ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Average 5"); P = ParamField("Field"); Type = ParamList("Type", "Weighted,Lagless-21,Hull-26,Linear Regression-45,Exponential,Double Exponential,Tripple Exponential,Wilders,Simple"); Periods = Param("Periods", 50 ,2, 200 ); Displacement = Param("Displacement", 1, -50, 50 ); m = 0; if( Type == "Weighted" ) m= WMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Lagless-21" ) m= 2*EMA(P, Periods)-EMA(EMA(P, Periods), Periods); if( Type == "Hull-26" ) m= WMA(2*(WMA(P, Periods/2))-WMA(P, Periods) ,4 ); if( Type == "Linear Regression-45" ) m= LinearReg( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Exponential" ) m = EMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Double Exponential" ) m = DEMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Tripple Exponential" ) m = TEMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Wilders" ) m = Wilders( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Simple" ) m = MA( P, Periods ); Plot( m, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorTeal),ParamStyle("Style",styleLine |styleThick|styleNoTitle ,maskAll),Displacement ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Sell Average 3"); P = ParamField("Field"); Type = ParamList("Type", "Weighted,Lagless-21,Hull-26,Linear Regression-45,Exponential,Double Exponential,Tripple Exponential,Wilders,Simple"); Periods = Param("Periods", 80, 2, 200 ); Displacement = Param("Displacement", 1, -50, 50 ); m = 0; if( Type == "Weighted" ) m= WMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Lagless-21" ) m= 2*EMA(P, Periods)-EMA(EMA(P, Periods), Periods); if( Type == "Hull-26" ) m= WMA(2*(WMA(P, Periods/2))-WMA(P, Periods) ,4 ); if( Type == "Linear Regression-45" ) m= LinearReg( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Exponential" ) m = EMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Double Exponential" ) m = DEMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Tripple Exponential" ) m = TEMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Wilders" ) m = Wilders( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Simple" ) m = MA( P, Periods ); Plot( m, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorBlue),ParamStyle("Style",styleLine |styleThick|styleNoTitle ,maskAll),Displacement ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Average 4"); P = ParamField("Field"); Type = ParamList("Type", "Weighted,Lagless-21,Hull-26,Linear Regression-45,Exponential,Double Exponential,Tripple Exponential,Wilders,Simple"); Periods = Param("Periods", 200, 2, 200 ); Displacement = Param("Displacement", 1, -50, 50 ); m = 0; if( Type == "Weighted" ) m= WMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Lagless-21" ) m= 2*EMA(P, Periods)-EMA(EMA(P, Periods), Periods); if( Type == "Hull-26" ) m= WMA(2*(WMA(P, Periods/2))-WMA(P, Periods) ,4 ); if( Type == "Linear Regression-45" ) m= LinearReg( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Exponential" ) m = EMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Double Exponential" ) m = DEMA( P, Periods ); if( Type == "Tripple Exponential" ) m = TEMA( P, Periods ); Plot( m, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorPaleGreen),ParamStyle("Style",styleLine |styleThick|styleDots|styleNoTitle ,maskAll),Displacement ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Pivot"); nBars = Param("Number of bars", 15, 5, 40); LP=Param("LookBack Period",250,1,500,1); bShowTCZ = Param("Show TCZ", 0, 0, 1); nExploreBarIdx = 0; nExploreDate = 0; nCurDateNum = 0; DN = DateNum(); DT = DateTime(); bTCZLong = False; bTCZShort = False; nAnchorPivIdx = 0; ADX8 = ADX(8); if(Status("action")==1) { bDraw = True; bUseLastVis = 1; } else { bDraw = False; bUseLastVis = False; bTrace = 1; nExploreDate = Status("rangetodate"); for (i=LastValue(BarIndex());i>=0;i--) { nCurDateNum = DN[i]; if (nCurDateNum == nExploreDate) { nExploreBarIdx = i; } } } GraphXSpace=7; if (bDraw) { } aHPivs = H - H; aLPivs = L - L; aHPivHighs = H - H; aLPivLows = L - L; aHPivIdxs = H - H; aLPivIdxs = L - L; aAddedHPivs = H - H; aAddedLPivs = L - L; aLegVol = H - H; aRetrcVol = H - H; nHPivs = 0; nLPivs = 0; lastHPIdx = 0; lastLPIdx = 0; lastHPH = 0; lastLPL = 0; curPivBarIdx = 0; aHHVBars = HHVBars(H, nBars); aLLVBars = LLVBars(L, nBars); aHHV = HHV(H, nBars); aLLV = LLV(L, nBars); nLastVisBar = LastValue( Highest(IIf(Status("barvisible"), BarIndex(), 0))); curBar = IIf(nlastVisBar > 0 AND bUseLastVis, nlastVisBar, IIf(Status("action")==4 AND nExploreBarIdx > 0, nExploreBarIdx, LastValue(BarIndex()))); curTrend = ""; if (aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar]) curTrend = "D"; else curTrend = "U"; if (curBar >= LP) { for (i=0; i 0 AND bUseLastVis, nlastVisBar-i, IIf(Status("action")==4 AND nExploreBarIdx > 0, nExploreBarIdx-i, LastValue(BarIndex())-i)); if (aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar]) { if (curTrend == "U") { curTrend = "D"; curPivBarIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar]; aLPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1; aLPivLows[nLPivs] = L[curPivBarIdx]; aLPivIdxs[nLPivs] = curPivBarIdx; nLPivs++; } } else { if (curTrend == "D") { curTrend = "U"; curPivBarIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar]; aHPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1; aHPivHighs[nHPivs] = H[curPivBarIdx]; aHPivIdxs[nHPivs] = curPivBarIdx; nHPivs++; } } } } curBar = IIf(nlastVisBar > 0 AND bUseLastVis, nlastVisBar, IIf(Status("action")==4 AND nExploreBarIdx > 0, nExploreBarIdx, LastValue(BarIndex())) ); if (nHPivs >= 2 AND nLPivs >= 2) { lastLPIdx = aLPivIdxs[0]; lastLPL = aLPivLows[0]; lastHPIdx = aHPivIdxs[0]; lastHPH = aHPivHighs[0]; nLastHOrLPivIdx = Max(lastLPIdx, lastHPIdx); nAddPivsRng = curBar - nLastHOrLPivIdx; aLLVAfterLastPiv = LLV(L, nAddPivsRng); nLLVAfterLastPiv = aLLVAfterLastPiv[curBar]; aLLVIdxAfterLastPiv = LLVBars(L, nAddPivsRng); nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv = curBar - aLLVIdxAfterLastPiv[curBar]; aHHVAfterLastPiv = HHV(H, nAddPivsRng); nHHVAfterLastPiv = aHHVAfterLastPiv[curBar]; aHHVIdxAfterLastPiv = HHVBars(H, nAddPivsRng); nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv = curBar - aHHVIdxAfterLastPiv[curBar]; if (lastHPIdx > lastLPIdx) { /* There are at least two possibilities here. One is that the previous high was higher, indicating that this is a possible short retracement or one in the making. The other is that the previous high was lower, indicating that this is a possible long retracement in the working. However, both depend on opposing pivots. E.g., if I find higher highs, what if I have lower lows? If the highs are descending, then I can consider: - a lower low, and leave it at that - a higher high and higher low - a lower low and another lower high */ if (aHPivHighs[0] < aHPivHighs[1]) { if (nLLVAfterLastPiv < aLPivLows[0] AND (nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv - lastHPIdx - 1) >= 1 AND nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv != curBar ) { // -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot. // Mark it for plotting... aLPivs[nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1; aAddedLPivs[nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1; // ...and then rearrange elements in the // pivot information arrays for (j=0; j aLPivLows[0] AND (nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv - lastHPIdx - 1) >= 1 AND nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv != curBar ) { // -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot. // Mark it for plotting... aLPivs[nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1; aAddedLPivs[nLLVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1; // ...and then rearrange elements in the // pivot information arrays for (j=0; j= 1 AND nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv != curBar ) { // -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot. // Mark that for plotting aHPivs[nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1; aAddedHPivs[nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1; // ...and then rearrange elements in the // pivot information arrays for (j=0; j aHPivHighs[0] AND (nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv - lastLPIdx - 1) >= 1 AND nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv != curBar ) { // -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot. // Mark it for plotting... aHPivs[nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1; aAddedHPivs[nHHVIdxAfterLastPiv] = 1; // ...and then rearrange elements in the // pivot information arrays for (j=0; j= 2 AND nLPivs >=2 AND aHPivHighs[0] > aHPivHighs[1] AND aLPivLows[0] > aLPivLows[1]) { tcz500 = (aHPivHighs[0] - (.5 * (aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[1]))); tcz618 = (aHPivHighs[0] - (.618 * (aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[1]))); tcz786 = (aHPivHighs[0] - (.786 * (aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[0]))); retrcRng = curBar - aHPivIdxs[0]; aRetrcPrc = LLV(L, retrcRng); aRetrcPrcBars = LLVBars(L, retrcRng); retrcPrc = aRetrcPrc[curBar]; retrcBarIdx = curBar - aRetrcPrcBars[curBar]; retrcClose = aRetrcClose[retrcBarIdx]; // -- bTCZLong setup? bTCZLong = ( // -- Are retracement levels arranged in // tcz order? // .500 is above .786 for long setups tcz500 >= (tcz786 * (1 - .005)) AND // .681 is below .786 for long setups tcz618 <= (tcz786 * (1 + .005)) AND // -- Is the low in the tcz range // -- Is the close >= low of tcz range // and low <= high of tcz range retrcClose >= ((1 - .01) * tcz618) AND retrcPrc <= ((1 + .01) * tcz500) ); // -- risk would be high of signal bar minus low of zone //risk = 0; // -- lower highs and lower lows } else if (nHPivs >= 2 AND nLPivs >=2 AND aHPivHighs[0] < aHPivHighs[1] AND aLPivLows[0] < aLPivLows[1]) { tcz500 = (aHPivHighs[1] - (.5 * (aHPivHighs[1] - aLPivLows[0]))); tcz618 = (aHPivHighs[0] - (.618 * (aHPivHighs[1] - aLPivLows[0]))); tcz786 = (aHPivHighs[0] - (.786 * (aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[0]))); retrcRng = curBar - aLPivIdxs[0]; aRetrcPrc = HHV(H, retrcRng); retrcPrc = aRetrcPrc[curBar]; aRetrcPrcBars = HHVBars(H, retrcRng); retrcBarIdx = curBar - aRetrcPrcBars[curBar]; retrcClose = aRetrcClose[retrcBarIdx]; bTCZShort = ( // -- Are retracement levels arranged in // tcz order? // .500 is below .786 for short setups tcz500 <= (tcz786 * (1 + .005)) AND // .681 is above .786 for short setups tcz618 >= (tcz786 * (1 - .005)) AND // -- Is the close <= high of tcz range // and high >= low of tcz range retrcClose <= ((1 + .01) * tcz618) AND retrcPrc >= ((1 - .01) * tcz500) ); // -- Risk would be top of zone - low of signal bar //risk = 0; } // -- Show zone if present if (bTCZShort OR bTCZLong) { // -- Be prepared to see symmetry if (bTCZShort) { if (aLPivIdxs[0] > aHPivIdxs[0]) { // -- Valuable, useful symmetry information nRtrc0Pts = aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[1]; nRtrc0Bars = aHPivIdxs[0] - aLPivIdxs[1] + 1; nRtrc1Pts = retrcPrc - aLPivLows[0]; nRtrc1Bars = retrcBarIdx - aLPivIdxs[0] + 1; } else { nRtrc0Pts = aHPivHighs[1] - aLPivLows[1]; nRtrc0Bars = aHPivIdxs[1] - aLPivIdxs[1] + 1; nRtrc1Pts = aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[0]; nRtrc1Bars = aHPivIdxs[0] - aLPivIdxs[0] + 1; } } else { // bLongSetup if (aLPivIdxs[0] > aHPivIdxs[0]) { nRtrc0Pts = aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[1]; nRtrc0Bars = aHPivIdxs[0] - aLPivIdxs[1] + 1; nRtrc1Pts = retrcPrc - aLPivLows[0]; nRtrc1Bars = retrcBarIdx - aLPivIdxs[0] + 1; } else { nRtrc0Pts = aHPivHighs[1] - aLPivLows[0]; nRtrc0Bars = aLPivIdxs[0] - aHPivIdxs[1] + 1; nRtrc1Pts = aHPivHighs[0] - aLPivLows[0]; nRtrc1Bars = aLPivIdxs[0] - aHPivIdxs[0] + 1; } } if (bShowTCZ) { Plot( LineArray( IIf(bTCZLong, aHPivIdxs[0], aLPivIdxs[0]), tcz500, curBar, tcz500 , 0), "tcz500", colorPaleBlue, styleLine); Plot( LineArray( IIf(bTCZLong, aHPivIdxs[0], aLPivIdxs[0]), tcz618, curBar, tcz618, 0), "tcz618", colorPaleBlue, styleLine); Plot( LineArray( IIf(bTCZLong, aHPivIdxs[0], aLPivIdxs[0]), tcz786, curBar, tcz786, 0), "tcz786", colorTurquoise, styleLine); } // -- if (bShowTCZ) } // ************************** // END INDICATOR CODE // ************************** _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Taifur's Fundamental Viewer 2011"); //// First Part : DATA //// FaceValue=GetFnData("BookValuePerShare"); //// Face Value Lot=GetFnData("sharesshortprevmonth"); //// Market Lot LotPrice= (Lot * C); //// Lot Price TotalShares=GetFnData("SharesOut")/ 1000000; //// Total Shares EPS=GetFnData("EPS"); //// EPS PE=C/EPS; //// PE Basic DiffPEEPS=EPS-PE; //// Whether PE is less than EPS NAV=GetFnData("PEGRatio"); //// NAV PriceNAV=C/NAV; //// Price / NAV ////MarketCapital=GetFnData("SharesOut") * C / 1000000; //// Market Capital MarketCapital=GetFnData("SharesOut")*Ref(C,-1)/ 1000000; //// Market Capital AuthorizedCapital=GetFnData("ForwardDividendPerShare"); //// Authorized Capital PaidCap=GetFnData("ReturnOnAssets"); //// Paid-Up Capital DiffAuthCapPaidCap=AuthorizedCapital-PaidCap; ResSur=GetFnData ("ForwardEPS"); //// Res & Sur ListingYear=GetFnData("Beta"); //// Listing Year Director=GetFnData("InsiderHoldPercent"); //// Director Holdings Govt = GetFnData("SharesShort"); //// Government Holdings Institute= GetFnData("InstitutionHoldPercent"); //// Institute Holdings Foriegn = GetFnData("OperatingCashFlow"); //// Foreign Holdings Public=GetFnData("sharesfloat"); //// Public Shares AGM=DateTimeToStr(GetFnData("DividendPayDate")); //// Last AGM Date YearEnd=GetFnData("OperatingMargin");//// Year END //// Second Part : TEXT //// Plot (Close,"", IIf( C > O, ParamColor("Up Color", colorWhite ), ParamColor("Down Color", colorRed )),ParamStyle( "Style", styleCandle | styleThick, maskAll)); Title = StrFormat("\\c02 {{NAME}} | {{DATE}} | Open : %g | High : %g | Low : %g | Close : %g | Change = %.1f%% | Volume = " +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +" {{VALUES}}",O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )) ) +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"--------- " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Full Name : " +FullName() +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Category : " +GroupID(1) + " | " +EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Sector : " +IndustryID(1) + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"---------" +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Face Value : " +FaceValue + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Market Lot : " +Lot + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Lot Price : " + LotPrice + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"---------" +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"PE : " +WriteIf(PE>40,EncodeColor(colorRed),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)) +PE + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"EPS : " +EPS + " | " +EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"(EPS - PE) = " +WriteIf(DiffPEEPS>0,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed)) +DiffPEEPS +" " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"NAV : " +NAV + " | " +EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"(Price / NAV) = " +PriceNAV +" " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"---------" +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Total Shares (mn) : " +TotalShares + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"---------" +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Market Capital (mn) : " +MarketCapital + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Authorized Capital (mn) : " +AuthorizedCapital + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Paid-up Capital (mn) : " +PaidCap + " | " +EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"(Auth Cap - Paid Cap) = " +WriteIf(DiffAuthCapPaidCap>0,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed)) +DiffAuthCapPaidCap +" " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Res & Sur (mn) : " +ResSur + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"---------" +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Public : " + Public +"%" + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Director : " +Director +"%" + " | " +EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Institute : " +Institute +"%" + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Govt : " +Govt +"%" + " | " +EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Foreign : " +Foriegn +"%" + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"---------" +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Listing Year : " +ListingYear + " | " +EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Year End : " + YearEnd + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Last AGM : " + AGM + " " +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"---------" +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ NoteGet ("") ; //// Second Part : EXPLORATION //// LastBar = Cum( 1 ) == LastValue( Cum( 1 ) ); Filter = LastBar; AddColumn (Close,"Close Price",format = 1.2); AddColumn (FaceValue,"Face Value",format = 1.0); AddColumn (Lot,"Market Lot",format = 1.0); AddColumn (LotPrice,"Lot Price",format = 1.0); AddColumn (TotalShares,"Total Shares (mn)",format = 1.5); AddColumn (EPS,"EPS",format = 1.2); AddColumn (PE,"PE",format = 1.2); AddColumn (DiffPEEPS,"EPS - PE",format = 1.2); //// Whether PE is less than EPS AddColumn (NAV,"NAV",format = 1.2); AddColumn (PriceNAV,"Price / NAV",format = 1.3); AddColumn (TotalShares,"Total No of Shares (mn)",format = 1.0); AddColumn (MarketCapital,"Market Cap (mn)",format = 1.0); AddColumn (AuthorizedCapital,"Auth Cap",format = 1.0); AddColumn (PaidCap,"Paid-up Cap",format = 1.0); AddColumn (DiffAuthCapPaidCap,"Auth - Paid",format = 1.2); //// Difference between Auth Cap and Paid-up Cap AddColumn (ResSur,"Res & Sur",format = 1.0); AddColumn (Public,"Public %",format = 1.2); AddColumn (Director,"Director %",format = 1.2); AddColumn (institute,"Institute %",format = 1.0); AddColumn (Govt, "Govt %",format = 1.0); AddColumn (foriegn,"Foreign %",format = 1.0); AddColumn (YearEnd,"Year End",format = 1); _SECTION_END();