// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| GAPs.afl | //| Project EJR 2011 | //| erleninvest@gmail.com | //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ candlejump = Param("Candle Jump",11,3,20) ; // Amount of candles to jump is detected Vlrgap = Param("Porcentagem GAP",0.3,0,2,0,01) ; // size percentage above or below qntcandles=BarsSince(TimeNum() < Ref(TimeNum(),-1)); // counting candles that have passed since the day began. Vlry=ValueWhen(TimeNum() < Ref(TimeNum(),-1),Ref(C,-1)); // return to the previous close when the day begins. Vlrt=ValueWhen(qntcandles==0,Open); // wait=IIf(qntcandles < candlejump,1,0); delay=IIf(wait==1 AND ( Vlrt > Vlry * (1+(vlrgap/100)) OR Vlrt < Vlry * (1-(vlrgap/100))) ,1,0); /////////////////////////PLOT Plot(delay,"teste",colorRed);