// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN( "Chart Settings" ); SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates ); SetChartBkColor( ParamColor( "Outer Panel", colorPaleBlue ) ); SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor( "Upper Chart", colorBlack ), ParamColor( "Lower Chart", colorBlack ) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Katsay? Optimizeli 6.nc? Dereceden Polynom'un WMA()'s? Al?nm?s, Deklem" ); PG = ParamToggle( " Polynom Göstermek ", "hide|show", 0 ); ACID = Param( "Süper I.nce Ayar", 1, 1, 180, 0.001 ); Derece3 = ParamToggle( "3.ncü Derece Polynom ", "hide|show", 0 ); Derece4 = ParamToggle( "4.ncü Derece Polynom ", "hide|show", 0 ); Derece5 = ParamToggle( "5.ncü Derece Polynom ", "hide|show", 0 ); Derece6 = ParamToggle( "6.ncü Derece Polynom ", "hide|show", 0 ); Shape = ParamToggle( " Oklar? Göstermek ", "hide|show", 0 ); Katsayi43 = ( Param( "3.Katsay?1", 0, -2, 30, 0.001 ) ); Katsayi53 = Param( "3.Katsay?2", 0, -2, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi63 = Param( "3.Katsay?3", 0, -2, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi34 = Param( "4.Katsay?1", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi44 = Param( "4.Katsay?2", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi54 = Param( "4.Katsay?3", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi64 = Param( "4.Katsay?4", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi25 = Param( "5.Katsay?1", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi35 = Param( "5.Katsay?2", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi45 = Param( "5.Katsay?3", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi55 = Param( "5.Katsay?4", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi65 = Param( "5.Katsay?5", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi16 = Param( "6.Katsay?1", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi26 = Param( "6.Katsay?2", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi36 = Param( "6.Katsay?3", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi46 = Param( "6.Katsay?4", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi56 = Param( "6.Katsay?5", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Katsayi66 = Param( "6.Katsay?6", 0, -30, 30, 0.001 ); Moveto = Param( "Sag(a Sola Kayd?r", 1, 1, 1456, 2 ); Moveto1 = Param( "Yukar? As,ag(? Kayd?r", 1, 1, 1456, 2 ); if( PG ) { GfxSelectPen( colorGreen, 4 ); GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorYellow ); GfxRoundRect( 20 + Moveto, 30 + Moveto1, 300 + Moveto, 430 + Moveto1, 15, 15 ); GfxSelectPen( colorRed ); GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue ); GfxSetTextAlign( 0 ); GfxSetBkColor( colorYellow ); GfxTextOut( "Süper I.nce Ayar : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", ACID ), 50 + Moveto, 35 + Moveto1 ); PlotOHLC( O, H, L, C, "Data", colorWhite, styleBar | styleThick ); pi = 22 / 7; Rtd = 180 / Pi; Dtr = 1 / Rtd; x = ( O + C + H + L ) / 4; if( Derece3 ) { Katsayi43 = Katsayi43 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi53 = Katsayi53 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi63 = Katsayi63 * ( ACID * DTR ); y3 = Katsayi43 * x * exp( 3 ) + Katsayi53 * x * exp( 2 ) + Katsayi63 * x; y3m = WMA( x, y3 ); for( i = 1 ; i < BarCount - 2; i++ ) { if( y3m[i] < y3m[i - 1] && y3m[i] < y3m[i + 1] ) Lpml[i] = 1; else Lpml[i] = 0; if( y3m[i] > y3m[i - 1] && y3m[i] > y3m[i + 1] ) Lpmh[i] = 1; else Lpmh[i] = 0; } GR = ExRem( LpmH, Lpmh ); RD = ExRem( Lpml, Lpml ); if( Shape ) { PlotShapes( IIf( GR != 0, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorRed, H, y3m, -30 ); PlotShapes( IIf( RD != 0, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorBrightGreen, L, y3m, -30 ); } Plot( y3m, "", IIf( y3m > Ref( y3m, -1 ), colorLime, colorRed ), styleLine | styleThick ); GfxTextOut( "3.ncü Derece Katsay?-1 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi43 ), 50 + Moveto, 60 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "3.ncü Derece Katsay?-2 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi53 ), 50 + Moveto, 80 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "3.ncü Derece Katsay?-3 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi63 ), 50 + Moveto, 100 + Moveto1 ); } if( Derece4 ) { Katsayi34 = Katsayi34 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi44 = Katsayi44 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi54 = Katsayi54 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi64 = Katsayi64 * ( ACID * DTR ); y4 = Katsayi34 * x * exp( 4 ) + Katsayi44 * x * exp( 3 ) + Katsayi54 * x * exp( 2 ) + Katsayi64 * x; y4m = WMA( x, y4 ); for( i = 1 ; i < BarCount - 2; i++ ) { if( y4m[i] < y4m[i - 1] && y4m[i] < y4m[i + 1] ) Lpml[i] = 1; else Lpml[i] = 0; if( y4m[i] > y4m[i - 1] && y4m[i] > y4m[i + 1] ) Lpmh[i] = 1; else Lpmh[i] = 0; } GR = ExRem( LpmH, Lpmh ); RD = ExRem( Lpml, Lpml ); if( Shape ) { PlotShapes( IIf( GR != 0, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorRed, H, y4m, -40 ); PlotShapes( IIf( RD != 0, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorBrightGreen, L, y4m, -40 ); } Plot( y4m, "", IIf( y4m > Ref( y4m, -1 ), colorLime, colorRed ), styleLine | styleThick ); GfxTextOut( "4.ncü Derece Katsay?-1 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi34 ), 50 + Moveto, 120 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "4.ncü Derece Katsay?-2 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi44 ), 50 + Moveto, 140 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "4.ncü Derece Katsay?-3 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi54 ), 50 + Moveto, 160 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "4.ncü Derece Katsay?-4 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi64 ), 50 + Moveto, 180 + Moveto1 ); } if( Derece5 ) { Katsayi25 = Katsayi25 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi35 = Katsayi35 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi45 = Katsayi45 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi55 = Katsayi55 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi65 = Katsayi65 * ( ACID * DTR ); y5 = Katsayi25 * x * exp( 5 ) + Katsayi35 * x * exp( 4 ) + Katsayi45 * x * exp( 3 ) + Katsayi55 * x * exp( 2 ) + Katsayi65 * x; y5m = WMA( x, y5 ); for( i = 1 ; i < BarCount - 2; i++ ) { if( y5m[i] < y5m[i - 1] && y5m[i] < y5m[i + 1] ) Lpml[i] = 1; else Lpml[i] = 0; if( y5m[i] > y5m[i - 1] && y5m[i] > y5m[i + 1] ) Lpmh[i] = 1; else Lpmh[i] = 0; } GR = ExRem( LpmH, Lpmh ); RD = ExRem( Lpml, Lpml ); if( Shape ) { PlotShapes( IIf( GR != 0, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorRed, H, y5m, -50 ); PlotShapes( IIf( RD != 0, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorBrightGreen, L, y5m, -50 ); } Plot( y5m, "", IIf( y5m > Ref( y5m, -1 ), colorLime, colorRed ), styleLine | styleThick ); GfxTextOut( "5.ncü Derece Katsay?-1 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi25 ), 50 + Moveto, 200 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "5.ncü Derece Katsay?-2 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi35 ), 50 + Moveto, 220 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "5.ncü Derece Katsay?-3 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi45 ), 50 + Moveto, 240 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "5.ncü Derece Katsay?-4 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi55 ), 50 + Moveto, 260 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "5.ncü Derece Katsay?-5 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi65 ), 50 + Moveto, 280 + Moveto1 ); } if( Derece6 ) { Katsayi16 = Katsayi16 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi26 = Katsayi26 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi36 = Katsayi36 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi46 = Katsayi46 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi56 = Katsayi56 * ( ACID * DTR ); Katsayi66 = Katsayi66 * ( ACID * DTR ); y6 = Katsayi16 * x * exp( 6 ) + Katsayi26 * x * exp( 5 ) + Katsayi36 * x * exp( 4 ) + Katsayi46 * x * exp( 3 ) + Katsayi56 * x * exp( 2 ) + Katsayi66 * x; y6m = WMA( x, y6 ); for( i = 1 ; i < BarCount - 2; i++ ) { if( y6m[i] < y6m[i - 1] && y6m[i] < y6m[i + 1] ) Lpml[i] = 1; else Lpml[i] = 0; if( y6m[i] > y6m[i - 1] && y6m[i] > y6m[i + 1] ) Lpmh[i] = 1; else Lpmh[i] = 0; } GR = ExRem( LpmH, Lpmh ); RD = ExRem( Lpml, Lpml ); if( Shape ) { PlotShapes( IIf( GR != 0, shapeHollowCircle, shapeNone ), colorRed, H, y6m, 0 ); PlotShapes( IIf( RD != 0, shapeHollowCircle, shapeNone ), colorBrightGreen, L, y6m, 0 ); } Plot( y6m, "", IIf( y6m > Ref( y6m, -1 ), colorYellow, colorRed ), styleLine | styleThick ); GfxTextOut( "6.ncü Derece Katsay?-1 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi16 ), 50 + Moveto, 300 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "6.ncü Derece Katsay?-2 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi26 ), 50 + Moveto, 320 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "6.ncü Derece Katsay?-3 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi36 ), 50 + Moveto, 340 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "6.ncü Derece Katsay?-4 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi46 ), 50 + Moveto, 360 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "6.ncü Derece Katsay?-5 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi56 ), 50 + Moveto, 380 + Moveto1 ); GfxTextOut( "6.ncü Derece Katsay?-6 : " + StrFormat( "%-3.000d", Katsayi66 ), 50 + Moveto, 400 + Moveto1 ); } } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Colored Bollinger Bands" ); Bg = ParamToggle( " Bollinger göster ", "hide|show", 0 ); pr = Param( "Period", 20, 0, 100, 1 ); P = ParamField( "Price field", -1 ); Style = ParamStyle( "Style" ) | styleNoRescale | styleNoLabel | styleDashed; if( Bg ) { BBT = BBandTop( P, pr, 2 ); BBB = BBandBot( P, pr, 2 ); topcond = ( Cross( BBT, C )OR C > BBT )AND Ref( C, -1 ) > BBT; botcond = ( Cross( C, BBB ) )AND Ref( C, -1 < BBB ); bbtcolor = IIf( BBT > Ref( BBT, -1 ), colorDarkGreen, colorYellow ); bbbcolor = IIf( BBB > Ref( BBB, -1 ), colorDarkGreen, colorYellow ); PlotOHLC( O, H, L, C, "Data", colorWhite, styleBar | styleThick ); Plot( BBT, "BBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES(), bbtcolor, styleLine | styleThick ); Plot( BBB, "BBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES(), bbbcolor, styleLine | styleThick ); Buy = botcond; Sell = topcond ; } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Hurst Cycle" ); EnableScript("VBScript"); <% function Gaussian_Elimination (GE_Order, GE_N, GE_SumXn, GE_SumYXn) Dim b(10, 10) Dim w(10) Dim Coeff(10) for i = 1 To 10 Coeff(i) = 0 next n = GE_Order + 1 for i = 1 to n for j = 1 to n if i = 1 AND j = 1 then b(i, j) = cDBL(GE_N) else b(i, j) = cDbl(GE_SumXn(i + j - 2)) end if next w(i) = cDbl(GE_SumYXn(i)) next n1 = n - 1 for i = 1 to n1 big = cDbl(abs(b(i, i))) q = i i1 = i + 1 for j = i1 to n ab = cDbl(abs(b(j, i))) if (ab >= big) then big = ab q = j end if next if (big <> 0.0) then if (q <> i) then for j = 1 to n Temp = cDbl(b(q, j)) b(q, j) = b(i, j) b(i, j) = Temp next Temp = w(i) w(i) = w(q) w(q) = Temp end if end if for j = i1 to n t = cDbl(b(j, i) / b(i, i)) for k = i1 to n b(j, k) = b(j, k) - t * b(i, k) next w(j) = w(j) - t * w(i) next next if (b(n, n) <> 0.0) then Coeff(n) = w(n) / b(n, n) i = n - 1 while i > 0 SumY = cDbl(0) i1 = i + 1 for j = i1 to n SumY = SumY + b(i, j) * Coeff(j) next Coeff(i) = (w(i) - SumY) / b(i, i) i = i - 1 wend Gaussian_Elimination = Coeff end if end function %> // ********************************************************* // * // * AFL Function for nth Order Polynomial Fit // * Calls Gaussian_Elimination ( VBS ) // * // * Y = The array to Fit // * BegBar = Beg Bar in range to fit // * EndBar = End Bar in range to fit // * Order = 1 - 8 = Order of Poly Fit (Integer) // * ExtraB = Number of Bars to Extrapolate (Backward) // * ExtraF = Number of Bars to Extrapolate (Forward) // * // ********************************************************* function PolyFit( GE_Y, GE_BegBar, GE_EndBar, GE_Order, GE_ExtraB, GE_ExtraF ) { BI = BarIndex(); GE_N = GE_EndBar - GE_BegBar + 1; GE_XBegin = -( GE_N - 1 ) / 2; GE_X = IIf( BI < GE_BegBar, 0, IIf( BI > GE_EndBar, 0, ( GE_XBegin + BI - GE_BegBar ) ) ); GE_X_Max = LastValue( Highest( GE_X ) ); GE_X = GE_X / GE_X_Max; X1 = GE_X; AddColumn( X1, "X1", 1.9 ); GE_Y = IIf( BI < GE_BegBar, 0, IIf( BI > GE_EndBar, 0, GE_Y ) ); GE_SumXn = Cum( 0 ); GE_SumXn[1] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X ) ); GE_X2 = GE_X * GE_X; GE_SumXn[2] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X2 ) ); GE_X3 = GE_X * GE_X2; GE_SumXn[3] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X3 ) ); GE_X4 = GE_X * GE_X3; GE_SumXn[4] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X4 ) ); GE_X5 = GE_X * GE_X4; GE_SumXn[5] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X5 ) ); GE_X6 = GE_X * GE_X5; GE_SumXn[6] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X6 ) ); GE_X7 = GE_X * GE_X6; GE_SumXn[7] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X7 ) ); GE_X8 = GE_X * GE_X7; GE_SumXn[8] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X8 ) ); GE_X9 = GE_X * GE_X8; GE_SumXn[9] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X9 ) ); GE_X10 = GE_X * GE_X9; GE_SumXn[10] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X10 ) ); GE_X11 = GE_X * GE_X10; GE_SumXn[11] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X11 ) ); GE_X12 = GE_X * GE_X11; GE_SumXn[12] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X12 ) ); GE_X13 = GE_X * GE_X12; GE_SumXn[13] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X13 ) ); GE_X14 = GE_X * GE_X13; GE_SumXn[14] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X14 ) ); GE_X15 = GE_X * GE_X14; GE_SumXn[15] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X15 ) ); GE_X16 = GE_X * GE_X15; GE_SumXn[16] = LastValue( Cum( GE_X16 ) ); GE_SumYXn = Cum( 0 ); GE_SumYXn[1] = LastValue( Cum( GE_Y ) ); GE_YX = GE_Y * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[2] = LastValue( Cum( GE_YX ) ); GE_YX2 = GE_YX * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[3] = LastValue( Cum( GE_YX2 ) ); GE_YX3 = GE_YX2 * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[4] = LastValue( Cum( GE_YX3 ) ); GE_YX4 = GE_YX3 * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[5] = LastValue( Cum( GE_YX4 ) ); GE_YX5 = GE_YX4 * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[6] = LastValue( Cum( GE_YX5 ) ); GE_YX6 = GE_YX5 * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[7] = LastValue( Cum( GE_YX6 ) ); GE_YX7 = GE_YX6 * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[8] = LastValue( Cum( GE_YX7 ) ); GE_YX8 = GE_YX7 * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[9] = LastValue( Cum( GE_YX8 ) ); GE_Coeff = Cum( 0 ); GE_VBS = GetScriptObject(); GE_Coeff = GE_VBS.Gaussian_Elimination( GE_Order, GE_N, GE_SumXn, GE_SumYXn ); for( i = 1; i <= GE_Order + 1; i++ ) printf( NumToStr( i, 1.0 ) + " = " + NumToStr( GE_Coeff[i], 1.9 ) + "\n" ); GE_X = IIf( BI < GE_BegBar - GE_ExtraB - GE_ExtraF, 0, IIf( BI > GE_EndBar, 0, ( GE_XBegin + BI - GE_BegBar + GE_ExtraF ) / GE_X_Max ) ); GE_X2 = GE_X * GE_X; GE_X3 = GE_X2 * GE_X; GE_X4 = GE_X3 * GE_X; GE_X5 = GE_X4 * GE_X; GE_X6 = GE_X5 * GE_X; GE_X7 = GE_X6 * GE_X; GE_X8 = GE_X7 * GE_X; GE_X9 = GE_X8 * GE_X; GE_X10 = GE_X9 * GE_X; GE_X11 = GE_X10 * GE_X; GE_X12 = GE_X11 * GE_X; GE_X13 = GE_X12 * GE_X; GE_X14 = GE_X13 * GE_X; GE_X15 = GE_X14 * GE_X; GE_X16 = GE_X15 * GE_X; GE_Yn = IIf( BI < GE_BegBar - GE_ExtraB - GE_ExtraF, -1e10, IIf( BI > GE_EndBar, -1e10, GE_Coeff[1] + GE_Coeff[2] * GE_X + GE_Coeff[3] * GE_X2 + GE_Coeff[4] * GE_X3 + GE_Coeff[5] * GE_X4 + GE_Coeff[6] * GE_X5 + GE_Coeff[7] * GE_X6 + GE_Coeff[8] * GE_X7 + GE_Coeff[9] * GE_X8 ) ); return GE_Yn; } p1 = Param( "CMA Period 1", 13, 0, 999, 1 ); p2 = Param( "CMA Period 2", 25, 0, 999, 1 ); p3 = Param( "CMA Period 3", 50, 0, 999, 1 ); p4 = Param( "CMA Period 4", 100, 0, 999, 1 ); p5 = Param( "CMA Period 5", 200, 0, 999, 1 ); p6 = Param( "CMA Period 6", 600, 0, 999, 1 ); BType = ParamList( "Band Type", "Percent|Amount" ); Pct1 = Param( "Pct or Amt 1", 1.6, 0, 33, 0.05 ); Pct2 = Param( "Pct or Amt 2", 2.4, 0, 33, 0.05 ); Pct3 = Param( "Pct or Amt 3", 3.6, 0, 33, 0.05 ); Pct4 = Param( "Pct or Amt 4", 5.4, 0, 33, 0.05 ); Pct5 = Param( "Pct or Amt 5", 8.1, 0, 33, 0.05 ); Pct6 = Param( "Pct or Amt 6", 12.0, 0, 33, 0.05 ); ePFac = Param( "Extrapolation Period Factor", 0.35, 0.10, 5.00, 0.05 ); ePOrd = Param( "Extrapolation PolyFit Order", 2, 1, 8, 1 ); eAuto = Param( "Extrapolation Auto Fixup Passes", 5, 0, 9, 1 ); eLFac = Param( "Extrapolation AF Lag Factor", 0.33, 0, 1, 0.01 ); eFFac = Param( "Extrapolation AF Factor", 0.25, 0, 1, 0.01 ); eFLen = Param( "Extrapolation Future Length", 0, 0, 10, 1 ); HT = ParamToggle( "Hurst Cycle Göstermek ", "hide|show", 0 ); BI = BarIndex(); SVBI = SelectedValue( BI ); LVBI = LastValue( BI ); Data = ( H + L ) / 2; Title = EncodeColor( colorWhite ) + " Hurst / Millard DE " + EncodeColor( colorDefault ) + " - BI = " + NumToStr( BI, 1.0 ) + " - CMA Periods = "; GraphXSpace = 5; function CMA_DE( Period, Percent, Red, Green, Blue ) { Pm = int( Period * 2 / 3 ); if( Pm % 2 == 0 ) Pm = Pm + 1; Pn = Period - Pm; if( Pn < 3 ) Pn = 3; if( Pm <= Pn ) Pm = Pn + 2; if( Pn % 2 == 0 ) Pn = Pn + 1; if( SVBI - ( Pm + Pn ) * ( 1 + eLFac + 0.02 ) > 0 ) { Lag = ( Pm - 1 ) / 2 + ( Pn - 1 ) / 2; ExtraF = Lag + eFLen; CMA = Ref( MA( MA( Data, Pm ), Pn ), Lag ); EndBar = SVBI - Lag; BegBar = EndBar - round( Period * ePFac ) + 1; if( EndBar - BegBar < 2 ) BegBar = EndBar - 2; CMA = IIf( BI <= SVBI - Lag, CMA, -1e10 ); if( BType == "Amount" ) { UBIS = CMA + Percent; LBIS = CMA - Percent; } else if( BType == "Percent" ) { UBIS = CMA * ( 1 + Percent / 100 ); LBIS = CMA * ( 1 - Percent / 100 ); } Plot( UBIS, "", ColorRGB( Red, Green, Blue ), styleThick ); Plot( LBIS, "", ColorRGB( Red, Green, Blue ), styleThick ); if( Red > 0 ) Red = 254; if( Green > 0 ) Green = 254; if( Blue > 0 ) Blue = 254; CMAx = PolyFit( CMA, BegBar, EndBar, ePOrd, 0, ExtraF ); CMAx = IIf( BI >= SVBI - Lag - ExtraF, CMAx, -1e10 ); if( BType == "Amount" ) { CMAx = CMAx + CMA[SVBI - Lag] - CMAx[SVBI - Lag - ExtraF]; UBOS = CMAx + Percent; LBOS = CMAx - Percent; } else { CMAx = CMAx * CMA[SVBI - Lag] / CMAx[SVBI - Lag - ExtraF]; UBOS = CMAx * ( 1 + Percent / 100 ); LBOS = CMAx * ( 1 - Percent / 100 ); } k = 0; for( j = 1; j <= eAuto; j++ ) { k = j; AdjBar = 0; for( i = SVBI - ExtraF; i >= SVBI - ExtraF - Lag * eLFac; i-- ) { if( i + ExtraF <= LVBI ) { if( UBOS[i] < ( H[i + ExtraF] + L[i + ExtraF] ) / 2 ) { AdjBar = i + ExtraF; Target = CMAx[i] + ( C[i + ExtraF] - CMAx[i] ) * eFFac; } if( LBOS[i] > ( H[i + ExtraF] + L[i + ExtraF] ) / 2 ) { AdjBar = i + ExtraF; Target = CMAx[i] - ( CMAx[i] - C[i + ExtraF] ) * eFFac; } if( AdjBar > 0 ) i = 0; } } if( AdjBar > 0 ) { ExtraB = AdjBar - EndBar; ExtraF = ExtraF - ExtraB; EndBar = EndBar + ExtraB; StepSize = ( Target - CMA[SVBI - Lag] ) / ( EndBar - ( SVBI - Lag ) ); CMA = IIf( BI <= SVBI - Lag, CMA, 0 ); for( i = SVBI - Lag + 1; i <= EndBar; i++ ) { CMA[i] = CMA[i - 1] + StepSize; } CMAx = PolyFit( CMA, BegBar, EndBar, ePOrd, 0, ExtraF ); CMAx = IIf( BI >= SVBI - Lag - ExtraF, CMAx, -1e10 ); if( BType == "Amount" ) { CMAx = CMAx + CMA[SVBI - Lag] - CMAx[SVBI - Lag - ExtraF]; UBOS = CMAx + Percent; LBOS = CMAx - Percent; } else { CMAx = CMAx * CMA[SVBI - Lag] / CMAx[SVBI - Lag - ExtraF]; UBOS = CMAx * ( 1 + Percent / 100 ); LBOS = CMAx * ( 1 - Percent / 100 ); } } else j = 999; } k = k - 1; Plot( UBOS, "", ColorRGB( Red, Green, Blue ), styleThick, Null, Null, ExtraF ); Plot( LBOS, "", ColorRGB( Red, Green, Blue ), styleThick, Null, Null, ExtraF ); Title = Title + EncodeColor( ColorRGB( Red, Green, Blue ) ) + NumToStr( Period, 1.0 ) + " (" + NumToStr( Pm, 1.0 ) + "/" + NumToStr( Pn, 1.0 ) + ") " + NumToStr( k, 1.0 ) + " "; PlotShapes( ( BI == SVBI - Lag ) * shapeSmallUpTriangle, ColorRGB( Red, Green, Blue ), 0, CMA * ( 1 - Percent / 100 ), -15 ); PlotShapes( ( BI == SVBI - Lag ) * shapeSmallDownTriangle, ColorRGB( Red, Green, Blue ), 0, CMA * ( 1 + Percent / 100 ), -15 ); } return; } if( HT ) { PlotOHLC( O, H, L, C, "Data", colorWhite, styleBar | styleThick ); if( p1 > 0 ) CMA_DE( p1, Pct1, 000, 160, 000 ); if( p2 > 0 ) CMA_DE( p2, Pct2, 160, 112, 000 ); if( p3 > 0 ) CMA_DE( p3, Pct3, 160, 000, 000 ); if( p4 > 0 ) CMA_DE( p4, Pct4, 160, 000, 160 ); if( p5 > 0 ) CMA_DE( p5, Pct5, 000, 000, 160 ); if( p6 > 0 ) CMA_DE( p6, Pct6, 0, 160, 160 ); } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( " DESTEK DI.RENÇ" ); DDG = ParamToggle( "Destek Direnç Göstermek ", "hide|show", 0 ); chartflag = ParamToggle( "Heikin Ashi", "show|hide", 1 ); xx = Cum( 1 ); nbar = Param( "nbar", 5, 2, 50, 1 ); if( DDG ) { PHigh = H > Ref( HHV( H, nbar ), -1 ) AND Ref( HHV( H, nbar ), nbar ) <= H; PHighPrice = ValueWhen( PHigh, H ); PLow = L < Ref( LLV( L, nbar ), -1 ) AND Ref( LLV( L, nbar ), nbar ) >= L; PLowPrice = ValueWhen( PLow, L ); startval_L = ValueWhen( PLow, L, 1 ); endval_L = ValueWhen( PLow, L, 0 ); startbar_L = ValueWhen( PLow, xx, 1 ); endbar_L = ValueWhen( PLow, xx, 0 ); aa_L = ( endval_L - startval_L ) / ( endbar_L - startbar_L ); bb_L = startval_L; trendline_L = aa_L * ( xx - startbar_L ) + bb_L; dtrendline_L = trendline_L - Ref( trendline_L, -1 ); startval_L_extend = ValueWhen( PLow, L, 2 ); endval_L_extend = ValueWhen( PLow, L, 1 ); startbar_L_extend = ValueWhen( PLow, xx, 2 ); endbar_L_extend = ValueWhen( PLow, xx, 1 ); aa_L_extend = ( endval_L_extend - startval_L_extend ) / ( endbar_L_extend - startbar_L_extend ); bb_L_extend = startval_L; trendline_L_extend = aa_L_extend * ( xx - startbar_L ) + endval_L_extend; dtrendline_L_extend = trendline_L_extend - Ref( trendline_L_extend, -1 ); dtrendline_L_extend = IIf( PLow, Ref( dtrendline_L, -1 ), dtrendline_L_extend ); startval_L_extend2 = ValueWhen( PLow, L, 3 ); endval_L_extend2 = ValueWhen( PLow, L, 2 ); startbar_L_extend2 = ValueWhen( PLow, xx, 3 ); endbar_L_extend2 = ValueWhen( PLow, xx, 2 ); aa_L_extend2 = ( endval_L_extend2 - startval_L_extend2 ) / ( endbar_L_extend2 - startbar_L_extend2 ); bb_L_extend2 = endval_L_extend2; trendline_L_extend2 = aa_L_extend2 * ( xx - endbar_L_extend2 ) + endval_L_extend2; dtrendline_L_extend2 = trendline_L_extend2 - Ref( trendline_L_extend2, -1 ); dtrendline_L_extend2 = IIf( PLow, Ref( dtrendline_L_extend, -1 ), dtrendline_L_extend2 ); startval_H = ValueWhen( PHigh, H, 1 ); endval_H = ValueWhen( PHigh, H, 0 ); startbar_H = ValueWhen( PHigh, xx, 1 ); endbar_H = ValueWhen( PHigh, xx, 0 ); aa_H = ( endval_H - startval_H ) / ( endbar_H - startbar_H ); bb_H = startval_H; trendline_H = aa_H * ( xx - startbar_H ) + bb_H; dtrendline_H = trendline_H - Ref( trendline_H, -1 ); startval_H_extend = ValueWhen( PHigh, H, 2 ); endval_H_extend = ValueWhen( PHigh, H, 1 ); startbar_H_extend = ValueWhen( PHigh, xx, 2 ); endbar_H_extend = ValueWhen( PHigh, xx, 1 ); aa_H_extend = ( endval_H_extend - startval_H_extend ) / ( endbar_H_extend - startbar_H_extend ); bb_H_extend = startval_H; trendline_H_extend = aa_H_extend * ( xx - startbar_H ) + endval_H_extend; dtrendline_H_extend = trendline_H_extend - Ref( trendline_H_extend, -1 ); dtrendline_H_extend = IIf( PHigh, Ref( dtrendline_H, -1 ), dtrendline_H_extend ); startval_H_extend2 = ValueWhen( PHigh, H, 3 ); endval_H_extend2 = ValueWhen( PHigh, H, 2 ); startbar_H_extend2 = ValueWhen( PHigh, xx, 3 ); endbar_H_extend2 = ValueWhen( PHigh, xx, 2 ); aa_H_extend2 = ( endval_H_extend2 - startval_H_extend2 ) / ( endbar_H_extend2 - startbar_H_extend2 ); bb_H_extend2 = endval_H_extend2; trendline_H_extend2 = aa_H_extend2 * ( xx - endbar_H_extend2 ) + endval_H_extend2; dtrendline_H_extend2 = trendline_H_extend2 - Ref( trendline_H_extend2, -1 ); dtrendline_H_extend2 = IIf( PHigh, Ref( dtrendline_H_extend, -1 ), dtrendline_H_extend2 ); tld = ParamToggle( "All trendlines", "show|hide", 1 ); if( tld ) { trendline_L = IIf( dtrendline_L > 0, trendline_L, Null ); trendline_L_extend = IIf( dtrendline_L_extend > 0, trendline_L_extend, Null ); trendline_L_extend2 = IIf( dtrendline_L_extend2 > 0, trendline_L_extend2, Null ); trendline_H = IIf( dtrendline_H < 0, trendline_H, Null ); trendline_H_extend = IIf( dtrendline_H_extend < 0, trendline_H_extend, Null ); trendline_H_extend2 = IIf( dtrendline_H_extend2 < 0, trendline_H_extend2, Null ); } trendline_L_extend2 = IIf( BarsSince( Plow ) <= nbar, trendline_L_extend2, Null ); trendline_H_extend2 = IIf( BarsSince( PHigh ) <= nbar, trendline_H_extend2, Null ); GraphXSpace = 5; SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowDates ); if( chartFlag ) { PlotOHLC( O, H, L, C, "Data", colorWhite, styleBar | styleThick ); } else { HaClose = ( O + H + L + C ) / 4; HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 ); HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); PlotOHLC( HaOpen, HaHigh, HaLow, HaClose, "Modified " + Name(), colorWhite, styleBar ); } PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow * PLow, colorYellow, 0, L, -20 ); PlotShapes( shapeDownArrow * PHigh, colorWhite, 0, H, -20 ); Plot( trendline_L, "", colorLime, styleLine | styleThick ); Plot( IIf( BarsSince( Plow ) <= nbar, trendline_L_extend, Null ), "", colorLightGrey, styleLine | styleThick ); Plot( IIf( BarsSince( Plow ) > nbar, trendline_L_extend, Null ), "", colorBrightGreen, styleLine | styleThick ); Plot( IIf( BarsSince( Plow ) <= nbar, trendline_L_extend2, Null ), "", colorDarkGreen, styleLine | styleThick ); Plot( trendline_H, "", colorRed, styleLine | styleThick ); Plot( IIf( BarsSince( PHigh ) <= nbar, trendline_H_extend, Null ), "", colorLightGrey, styleLine | styleThick ); Plot( IIf( BarsSince( PHigh ) > nbar, trendline_H_extend, Null ), "", colorOrange, styleLine | styleThick ); Plot( IIf( BarsSince( PHigh ) <= nbar, trendline_H_extend2, Null ), "", colorOrange, styleLine | styleThick ); signalFlag = ParamToggle( "Possible Signals", "show|hide", 1 ); if( signalFlag ) { Buy = ( !IsEmpty( trendline_H_extend ) AND Cross( C, trendline_H_extend ) AND BarsSince( PHigh ) > nbar ) OR ( !IsEmpty( trendline_H_extend2 ) AND Cross( C, trendline_H_extend2 ) AND !PHigh ) OR ( PHigh AND C > trendline_H_extend2 AND Ref( C, -1 ) < Ref( trendline_H_extend, -1 ) AND !IsEmpty( trendline_H_extend ) AND !IsEmpty( trendline_H_extend2 ) ); BuyPrice = C; Short = ( !IsEmpty( trendline_L_extend ) AND Cross( trendline_L_extend, C ) AND BarsSince( PLow ) > nbar ) OR ( !IsEmpty( trendline_L_extend2 ) AND Cross( trendline_L_extend2, C ) AND !PLow ) OR ( PLow AND C < trendline_L_extend2 AND Ref( C, -1 ) > Ref( trendline_L_extend, -1 ) AND !IsEmpty( trendline_L_extend ) AND !IsEmpty( trendline_L_extend2 ) ); ShortPrice = C; Sell = 0; Cover = 0; } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( " EXPLORE" ); AL = ( !IsEmpty( trendline_H_extend ) AND Cross( C, trendline_H_extend ) AND BarsSince( PHigh ) > nbar ) OR ( !IsEmpty( trendline_H_extend2 ) AND Cross( C, trendline_H_extend2 ) AND !PHigh ) OR ( PHigh AND C > trendline_H_extend2 AND Ref( C, -1 ) < Ref( trendline_H_extend, -1 ) AND !IsEmpty( trendline_H_extend ) AND !IsEmpty( trendline_H_extend2 ) ); BuyPrice = C; SAT = ( !IsEmpty( trendline_L_extend ) AND Cross( trendline_L_extend, C ) AND BarsSince( PLow ) > nbar ) OR ( !IsEmpty( trendline_L_extend2 ) AND Cross( trendline_L_extend2, C ) AND !PLow ) OR ( PLow AND C < trendline_L_extend2 AND Ref( C, -1 ) > Ref( trendline_L_extend, -1 ) AND !IsEmpty( trendline_L_extend ) AND !IsEmpty( trendline_L_extend2 ) ); ShortPrice = C; AL_status = WriteIf( AL, "Al?s, Yap", " " ); SAT_status = WriteIf( SAT, "Sat?s, Yap", " " ); AL_col = IIf( AL, colorDarkGreen , colorWhite ); SAT_col = IIf( SAT, colorRed, colorWhite ); Filter = AL OR SAT; AddColumn( C, "KAPANIS,", 1.2, IIf( C > Ref( C, -1 ), colorBlue, colorRed ) ); AddTextColumn( AL_status, "ALIS,", 1.2, colorWhite, Al_col ); AddTextColumn( SAT_status, "SATIS,", 1.2, colorWhite, SAT_col ); } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Parabolic Sar" ); acc = Param( "Acceleration factor", 0.02, 0.01, 0.05, 0.01 ); af_start = Param( "Starting AF value", 0.02, 0.01, 0.05, 0.01 ); af_max = Param( "Maximum AF value", 0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 0.01 ); Ct = Param( "Crossover threshold in %", 1, 0, 3, 0.5 ); PS = ParamToggle( " Parabolic Sar Göstermek ", "hide|show", 0 ); Ct1 = Ct / 100; IAF = acc; MaxAF = af_max; psar = Close; long = 1; af = af_start; ep = Low[ 0 ]; hp = High [ 0 ]; lp = Low [ 0 ]; for( i = 2; i < BarCount; i++ ) { if( long ) { psar [ i ] = psar [ i - 1 ] + af * ( hp - psar [ i - 1 ] ); } else { psar [ i ] = psar [ i - 1 ] + af * ( lp - psar [ i - 1 ] ); } reverse2 = 0; if( long ) { if( Low [ i ] < psar [ i ] * ( 1 - Ct1 ) ) { long = 0; reverse2 = 1; psar [ i ] = hp; lp = Low [ i ]; af = af_start; } } else { if( High [ i ] > psar [ i ] * ( 1 + Ct1 ) ) { long = 1; reverse2 = 1; psar [ i ] = lp; hp = High [ i ]; af = af_start; } } if( reverse2 == 0 ) { if( long ) { if( High [ i ] > hp ) { hp = High [ i ]; af = af + IAF; if( af > MaxAF ) af = MaxAF; } if( Low[ i - 1 ] < psar[ i ] ) psar[ i ] = Low[ i - 1 ]; if( Low[ i - 2 ] < psar[ i ] ) psar[ i ] = Low[ i - 2 ]; } else { if( Low [ i ] < lp ) { lp = Low [ i ]; af = af + IAF; if( af > MaxAF ) af = MaxAF; } if( High[ i - 1 ] > psar[ i ] ) psar[ i ] = High[ i - 1 ]; if( High[ i - 2 ] > psar[ i ] ) psar[ i ] = High[ i - 2 ]; } } } if( PS ) { Plot( psar, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorYellow ), styleDots | styleNoLine | styleThick ); PlotOHLC( O, H, L, C, "Data", colorWhite, styleBar | styleThick ); } _SECTION_END();