// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("_BollingerLine Indicator"); GraphXSpace=7; periods = Optimize("periods ",Param("periods ",20,1,48,1),1,48,1); width = Optimize("width ",Param("width ",2,0.1,10,0.1),2,2,0.1); C1 = C - BBandBot( Close, periods, width) ; C2 = BBandTop (Close,periods,width) - BBandBot( Close, periods, width); R = (C1 / C2)*100; RS = (AMA( C1, 0.5 ) / AMA( C2, 0.5 ))*100; //smooth uptrend = r > Ref(r,-1); downtrend = r < Ref(r,-1); uptrendS = rs > Ref(rs,-1); downtrendS = rs < Ref(rs,-1); BS = ParamToggle("smooth","No|Yes",1); BN = ParamToggle("normal","No|Yes",0); if (BS) Plot( RS , " smooth ", IIf(( uptrendS ), colorGreen, colorRed )); if (BS) Plot ( 2, "", IIf( uptrendS , colorGreen, IIf( downtrendS , colorRed, colorPink )), styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 ); if (BN) Plot( R , " normal ", IIf(( uptrend ), colorGreen, colorRed )); if (BN) Plot ( 4, "", IIf( uptrend, colorGreen, IIf( downtrend, colorRed, colorPink )), styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Bollinger Bands"); P = rs ;//ParamField("Price field",-1); Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 100, 1 ); Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 ); Color = ParamColor("Color", colorLightGrey ); Style = ParamStyle("Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel ) | styleNoLabel; bbt = BBandTop( P, Periods, Width ); bbb = BBandBot( P, Periods, Width ); Plot( bbt , "BBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES(), colorBlack, Style ); Plot( bbb , "BBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES(), colorBlack, Style ); PlotOHLC( bbt, bbt, bbb, bbb, "", ColorBlend( Color, colorWhite, 0.9 ), styleNoLabel | styleCloud | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, Null, -1 ); _SECTION_END(); bbm = (bbb + bbt) / 2; // middle bollingerbands f= Optimize("colored bandsize factor",Param("colored bandsize factor",7,1,21,1),1,21,1); bbmf = (bbm / 100) * f; bwup = (bbt - bbmf); bwlo = (bbb + bbmf); PlotOHLC (bbb ,bbb ,bwlo ,bwlo ,"lowercloud",colorPink,styleCloud,0,0,0); PlotOHLC (bbt ,bbt ,bwup ,bwup ,"uppercloud",colorBrightGreen,styleCloud,0,0,0); Plot( bbm , "BBMiddle" + _PARAM_VALUES(), colorPink, styleDashed ); b1= C > O AND L>Ref(L,-1) AND (Ref(L,-1) > Ref(L,-2) OR (C>Ref(O,-1) AND O Ref(rs,-1) AND rs < bwup AND Ref(rs,-1) < Ref(bwup,-1); s1= C < O AND HRef(L,-1))); s2= rs < Ref(rs,-1) AND rs > bwlo AND Ref(rs,-1) > Ref(bwlo,-1); Buy = b1 AND b2; Sell = s1 AND s2; //Plot( 5, /* defines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane width */"ribbon", //IIf( Buy , colorLightBlue, IIf( Sell , colorOrange, colorLavender )), /* choose color */ //styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );