// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("__add custom lines to pricechart"); STOPLOSS = 2.5; PROFIT = 2.5; EPT1= 1.0; EPT1a= 1.5; EPT2= 2.0; EPT3= 3.0; EPT4= 4.0; EPT5= 5.0; EPT6= 7.5; EPT7= 10.0; line = DateNum() == ParamDate("VUL IN V/D DAG NA SIGNAAL: DATUM", "24/02/2012", 0); //plot vertical line Value = Param( "VUL IN V/D DAG NA SIGNAAL: OPEN", 327.52,200,600,0.01 ); LinesLONG = ParamToggle("Toon lijnen positie LONG ","No|Yes",0); LinesSHORT = ParamToggle("Toon lijnen positie SHORT ","No|Yes",1); if (LinesLONG ) Plot(Value ,"INGEVULD:",colorBlue ,styleLine | styleThick, Null, Null, 10) AND Plot(Value +((Value /100)*PROFIT)," TARGET ",colorGreen,styleLine | styleThick, Null, Null, 10) AND Plot(Value -((Value /100)*STOPLOSS)," STOP ",colorRed,styleLine | styleThick, Null, Null, 10) AND Plot(Value +((Value /100)*EPT1)," 1.0% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value +((Value /100)*EPT1a)," 1.5% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value +((Value /100)*EPT2)," 2.0% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value +((Value /100)*EPT3)," 3.0% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value +((Value /100)*EPT4)," 4.0% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value +((Value /100)*EPT5)," 5.0% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value +((Value /100)*EPT6)," 7.5% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value +((Value /100)*EPT7)," 10.0% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(line, "", colorLightBlue, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel | styleThick); if (LinesSHORT ) Plot(Value ,"INGEVULD:",colorBlue ,styleLine | styleThick, Null, Null, 10) AND Plot(Value -((Value /100)*PROFIT)," TARGET ",colorGreen,styleLine | styleThick, Null, Null, 10) AND Plot(Value +((Value /100)*STOPLOSS)," STOP ",colorRed,styleLine | styleThick , Null, Null, 10) AND Plot(Value -((Value /100)*EPT1)," 1.0% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value -((Value /100)*EPT1a)," 1.5% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value -((Value /100)*EPT2)," 2.0% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value -((Value /100)*EPT3)," 3.0% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value -((Value /100)*EPT4)," 4.0% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value -((Value /100)*EPT5)," 5.0% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value -((Value /100)*EPT6)," 7.5% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(Value -((Value /100)*EPT7)," 10.0% ",colorBlack,styleLine|styleDashed, Null, Null, 10 ) AND Plot(line, "", colorLightBlue, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel | styleThick); _SECTION_END();