// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("Ultimate StochK"); //--- Chart/Indicator Mode --------------------------------------------------------------- p1 = Param("Slow Period", 32); p2 = Param("Medium Period", int(p1/2)); p3 = Param("Fast Period", int(p2/2)); stk1 = StochK(p1,3); stk2 = StochK(p2,3); stk3 = StochK(p3,3); UltStk = (stk3 * (4/7)) + (stk2 * (2/7)) + (stk1 * (1/7)); //Plot(UltStk, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style")); Plot(UltStk, Date()+" "+_SECTION_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style")); //Plot(80, "", colorRed, styleLine | styleNoLabel); //Plot(20, "", colorBlue, styleLine | styleNoLabel); PlotGrid(80, colorRed); PlotGrid(20, colorBlue); GraphXSpace = 5; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- Exploration Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------ // consensus rating ExtremeOversold = UltStk < 10; Oversold = UltStk > 10 AND UltStk < 20; Neutral = UltStk > 20 AND UltStk < 80; Overbought = UltStk > 80 AND UltStk < 90; ExtremeOverbought = UltStk > 90; ConsensusRating = WriteIf(ExtremeOversold, "Extreme Oversold", WriteIf(Oversold, "Oversold", WriteIf(Overbought, "Overbought", WriteIf(ExtremeOverbought, "Extreme Overbought", "Neutral")))); Filter = 1; AddColumn(UltStk, "UltStk"); AddTextColumn(ConsensusRating, "Rating"); AddTextColumn( WriteIf(UltStk > Ref(UltStk,-1), "Up", "Down"), "Direction"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _SECTION_END();