// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com SmaPeriodFast = 10; SmaPeriodSlow = 30; StartTime = 1 ; // 10000 * Hour + 100 * Minute + Second, so 12:37:15 becomes 123715 EndTime = 22; tn = TimeNum(); timeCheck = tn >=( StartTime * 10000) AND tn <= ( EndTime * 10000); FastMA = MA(Close, SmaPeriodFast ); SlowMA = MA(Close, SmaPeriodSlow ); IsLong = FastMA > SlowMA; IsShort = SlowMA > FastMA; LongSignal = Cross(FastMA, SlowMA); ShortSignal = Cross(SlowMA, FastMA); LongConfirmPrice = ValueWhen(LongSignal, H) + 0.001; ShortConfirmPrice = ValueWhen(ShortSignal, L) - 0.001; Buy = IsLong AND H > LongConfirmPrice AND timeCheck ; Sell = (IsShort AND L < ShortConfirmPrice) OR Cross( tn, EndTime); Short = (IsShort AND L < ShortConfirmPrice) AND timeCheck ; Cover = ( IsLong AND H > LongConfirmPrice) OR Cross( tn, EndTime); Buy =ExRem(Buy,Sell); Sell =ExRem(Sell,Buy); Short=ExRem(Short,Cover); Cover= ExRem(Cover,Short); Plot(C,"Close", colorBlack, styleCandle); Plot(FastMA,"Fast MA", colorRed, styleThick); Plot(SlowMA,"Slow MA", colorBlue, styleThick ); PlotShapes( IIf( LongSignal , shapeSmallCircle + shapePositionAbove, shapeNone ), colorGreen ); PlotShapes( IIf( ShortSignal , shapeSmallCircle , shapeNone ), colorRed ); PlotShapes( IIf( Buy , shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorGreen ); PlotShapes( IIf( Sell , shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorRed );