// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN( "NMN-TradeMarking" ); SetFormulaName( "NMN-TradeMarking" ); Comm = Param( "Buy-Sell Commission", 0.6, 0, 5, 0.001 ); DayProfit = Param( "Profit per day (in %)", 1.25, 0.05, 15, 0.01 ); NMat = Param( "Normal maturity (T+#days)", 4, 0, 365, 1 ); ZMat = Param( "Z-Group maturity (T+#days)", 11, 0, 365, 1 ); // Indication colors & their toggles ShowBuyLine = ParamToggle( "Show BUY line", "Off,On", 1 ); BuyColor = ParamColor( "Buy line color", colorAqua ); ShowTPLine = ParamToggle( "Show 'Take Profit' line", "Off,On", 1 ); TPColor = ParamColor( "TakeProfit line color", colorGreen ); ShowBELine = ParamToggle( "Show 'Break Even' line", "Off,On", 1 ); BEColor = ParamColor( "BreakEven line color", colorRose ); ShowSLLine = ParamToggle( "Show 'Stop Loss' line", "Off,On", 1 ); SLColor = ParamColor( "StopLoss line color", colorRed ); ShowVertical = ParamToggle( "Show vertical limits", "Off,On", 0 ); CreateBand = ParamToggle( "Show band", "Off|On" ); // Nifty Calculations Commission = Comm / 100; // Percentage PerDayProfit = DayProfit / 100 ; TradeDays = IIf( GroupID( 1 ) == "Z", ZMat, NMat ) ; TradePrice = C;//Min( O, C ); TakeProfit = TradePrice * ( 1 + Commission ) * ( 1 + PerDayProfit * TradeDays ) / ( 1 - Commission ); BreakEven = TradePrice * ( 1 + Commission ) * ( 1 + PerDayProfit / ( 1 - Commission ) ); StopLoss = TradePrice * ( 1 - Commission ) * ( 1 - PerDayProfit / ( 1 + Commission ) ); if ( Status( "action" ) == actionIndicator ) { // Running trade marking if ( ShowVertical == True ) { bi = BarIndex(); arrayitem = SelectedValue( bi ) - bi[ 0 ]; bars = Tradedays; Line1 = //Cum( 1 ) == LastValue( Cum(1) ) - bars; //SelectedValue( BarIndex() ) - bars; arrayitem - bars; Plot( Line1, "Line is ( " + WriteVal( bars, 1 ) + " ) bars back", colorRose, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale ); //Plot( IIf( Ref( C, -4 ), 1, 0 ), "", colorRose, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel ); } // Buy line : if it is opted to not have shown if ( ShowBuyLine ) { Plot( SelectedValue( TradePrice ), "\nBuy @", BuyColor, styleLine | styleThick ); // TakeProfit/TP line if ( ShowTPLine ) { Plot( SelectedValue( TakeProfit ), "\nTP @", TPColor, styleLine | styleThick ); } // BE line if ( ShowBELine ) { Plot( SelectedValue( BreakEven ), "\nBE @", BEColor, styleThick | styleDashed ); } // StopLoss line if ( ShowSLLine ) { Plot( SelectedValue( StopLoss ), "\nSL @", SLColor, styleLine | styleThick ); } } // Create band effect if ( CreateBand ) { PlotOHLC( SelectedValue( BreakEven ), SelectedValue( BreakEven ), SelectedValue( TakeProfit ), SelectedValue( TakeProfit ), "", ColorBlend( TPColor, colorWhite, 0.85 ), styleCloud | styleNoLabel | styleNoTitle ); PlotOHLC( SelectedValue( TradePrice ), SelectedValue( TradePrice ), SelectedValue( BreakEven ), SelectedValue( BreakEven ), "", ColorBlend( BuyColor, colorWhite, 0.75 ), styleCloud | styleNoLabel | styleNoTitle ); PlotOHLC( SelectedValue( StopLoss ), SelectedValue( StopLoss ), SelectedValue( TradePrice ), SelectedValue( TradePrice ), "", ColorBlend( SLColor, colorWhite, 0.85 ), styleCloud | styleNoLabel | styleNoTitle ); } } _SECTION_END();