// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("SETTING"); SetChartOptions(0, chartShowDates | chartWrapTitle); Type = ParamList("Average Type", "Wilders"); P = Param("Averaging Period", 20, 3, 100,1); Q = Param("%Change", 1, 0.1, 10, 0.1); BP = Param("BB Period", 20, 3, 100); BW = Param("BB Width", 2, 0.5, 10, 0.5); BBOption = ParamToggle("Plot BB", "No I Yes"); A=Param( "Swing", 20, 1, 100); SL = Max(LLV(L, 5), Trough(L, Q, 1)); Tgt = 2 * H - SL; MeanPrice = Prec((O + C) / 2, 2); Part = 100 * (H - A) / (H - L); BBTop = BBandTop(C, BP, BW); BBBot = BBandBot(C, BP, BW); res=HHV(H,A); sup=LLV(L,A); avd=IIf(C>Ref(res,-1),1,IIf(C= 0.9999 * NextTgt[i - 1]) NextTgt[i] = Tgt[i - 1]; NextTgt[i] = Max(NextTgt[i], NextTgt[i - 1]); } } BuyDate = ValueWhen(Buy, Ref(DateTime(), 1), 1); BuyPrice = ValueWhen(Buy, Ref(MeanPrice, 1), 1); SellPrice = ValueWhen(Sell, Ref(MeanPrice, 1), 1); TgtReached = IIf(Bought AND NOT Buy AND C >= 0.9999 * NextTgt, True, False); SLHit = IIf(Bought AND NOT Buy AND C < SL, True, False); SLHit = ExRem(SLHit, Buy); // if(TgtReached[BarCount - 1]) NextTgt[BarCount - 1] = 2 * H[BarCount -1] - SL[BarCount - 1]; // if(Status("action") == actionIndicator) { Ttl = EncodeColor(colorGold) + "NJETHVA@YMAIL.COM" + "\n" + EncodeColor(colorBlue) + WriteIf(Bought AND NOT Buy, "Bought @ " + BuyPrice + ". " + "Target Price = " + NextTgt + ", Stop Loss = " + SL + ".\n" + WriteIf(TgtReached, "Target Reached. Next Target = " + Ref(NextTgt, 1) + ".\n", "") + EncodeColor(colorGreen) + "Profit / Loss so far = " + Prec(100 * (C - BuyPrice) / BuyPrice, 2) + "%", "") +EncodeColor(colorRed)+ WriteIf(Sold AND NOT Sell, "Sold @ " + SellPrice + "\nProfit / Loss in Previous Trade = " + Prec(100 * (SellPrice - BuyPrice) / BuyPrice, 2) + "%", ""); _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} ({{INTERVAL}}), {{DATE}} ; {{OHLCX}}, V=%1.0f\n {{VALUES}}\n\n", V) + Ttl); ChartStyle = ParamStyle("Chart Type", styleBar, maskAll); PlotOHLC(O, H, L, C, "", colorDarkGrey, ChartStyle); Plot(A, Type + "(" + P +")", ParamColor( "ColorD", colorRed ), ParamStyle("StyleD")); Plot(IIf(Bought, NextTgt, Null), "Target", colorDarkYellow, styleLine); Plot(SL, "Trail SL", colorBlue, styleLine); PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpTriangle, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0,L, Offset=-12); PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownTriangle, shapeNone),colorRed, 0,H, Offset=-12); if(BBOption) Plot(BBtop, "BB-Top", colorPink, styleLine); if(BBOption) Plot(BBBot, "BB-Bot", colorPink, styleLine); }