// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN("BehgozinStrengthFinder2"); //Behgozin Stock Strength Finder. //Simply It shows the Strength of any Stock so you can select the best stock //Also can be used as buy and sell system by crossing zero line // It can be used in daily, weekly or monthly time frame. Also you can see the results by Exploration CLN= Ref(C,3); Beh=((CLN - EMA(CLN, 10)) / EMA(CLN, 10)) * 100; Plot(0,"",colorBlack,styleLine); V2 = HHV(Beh,100); V3 = LLV(Beh,100); Beh1= WMA(Beh*(V2-V3),6); Plot(Beh1, "(Buy or sell when crossing Zero)- Behgozin Strength Finder ",4,4); Buy = Beh1>0; Sell = Beh1>0; Filter = Buy OR Sell; Buy=ExRem(Buy,Sell); Sell=ExRem(Sell,Buy); AddColumn(Beh1,"Behgozin Stock Strength"); AddColumn(Buy, "Buy"); AddColumn(Sell, "Sell"); _SECTION_END();