{ Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com } ---------------------------------------------- Chaos Blue BL {Alligator Blue Balance Line - Jaw } {13 bar smoothed average offset 8 bars } Ref(Wilders(MP(),13),-8); ---------------------------------------------- Chaos Red BL {Alligator Red Balance Line - Teeth } {8 bar smoothed average offset 5 bars } Ref(Wilders(MP(),8),-5); ---------------------------------------------- Chaos Green BL {Alligator Green Balance Line - Lip } {5 bar smoothed average offset 3 bars } Ref(Wilders(MP(),5),-3); ---------------------------------------------- Chaos Gator { Chaos Alligator } { Plot as histogram } green := Fml("Chaos Green"); red := Fml("Chaos Red"); blue := Fml("Chaos Blue"); If(green > red AND red > blue, green - blue, If(blue > red AND red > green, green - blue, 0)); ---------------------------------------------- Chaos AO { Chaos Awsome Oscillator - measures momentum } { A very close approximation of MFI } { Plot as histogram } Mov(MP(),5,S) - Mov(MP(),34,S); ---------------------------------------------- Chaos AO Signal Line { Chaos Awsome Oscillator Signal Line } { Plot as line over AO histogram } Mov(Mov(MP(),5,S) - Mov(MP(),34,S),5,S) ---------------------------------------------- Chaos AC { Chaos Accelerator/Decelerator Oscillator } { Measures acceleration } { Plot as histogram } Fml("Chaos AO") - Mov(Fml("Chaos AO"),5,S); ---------------------------------------------- Chaos Fractal { Chaos Fractal (simple version +1=Up, -1=Dn) } High1 := Ref(HIGH,-2); High2 := Ref(HIGH,-1); High3 := Ref(HIGH,0); High4 := Ref(HIGH,1); High5 := Ref(HIGH,2); Low1 := Ref(LOW,-2); Low2 := Ref(LOW,-1); Low3 := Ref(LOW,0); Low4 := Ref(LOW,1); Low5 := Ref(LOW,2); Fractal := If((High3 > High1) AND (High3 > High2) AND (High3 > High4) AND (High3 > High5), +1,0); Fractal := If((Low3 < Low1) AND (Low3 < Low2) AND (Low3 < Low4) AND (Low3 < Low5), If(Fractal > 0, 0, -1), Fractal); Fractal;