// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com //Day Pivot with Supports and Resistances. //Week Pivot wit Supports AND Resistances. //Hour High, Low AND Close EMAs all Realtime AND Live on your Chart. //Day High, Low AND Close EMAs all Realtime AND Live on your Chart. //Week High, Low AND Close EMAs all Realtime AND Live on your Chart. //3, 30, 100 AND 200 EMAs on chart. //J10SAR on Chart which will change Realtime on the chart. //Magnified Market Price on Chart. (You can change the size AND position) _SECTION_BEGIN("Price"); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) )); Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("R&S Channel"); a1= LastValue(StDev(abs(C-Ref(C,-1))/Ref(C,-1)*100,50)); a1 = Param( "R&S Period",1,1,5); Peak(H,a1,1); Trough(L,a1,1); Plot(Peak(H,a1,1), "Resistance Level", colorGreen, styleLine, Null, Null, 10 ); Plot(Trough(L,a1,1), "Support Level", colorRed, styleLine, Null, Null, 10 ); _SECTION_END(); Buy = Cross( C, Peak(H,a1,1) ) ; Sell =Cross( Trough(L,a1,1), C ) ; PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow , shapeNone), colorGreen); PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow , shapeNone), colorRed);_SECTION_BEGIN("ATP"); Atp=ParamToggle("ATP","Off|On",1); if(Atp==1) { DayChange = Day() != Ref(Day(), -1); AvgTradePrice = Null; CurDayBars = 0; CurDayCloseSum = 0; for (i = 0; i < BarCount; i++) { if (DayChange[i]) { CurDayCloseSum = C[i]; CurDayBars = 1; } else { CurDayCloseSum = CurDayCloseSum + C[i]; CurDayBars++; } AvgTradePrice[i] = CurDayCloseSum / CurDayBars; } Plot(AvgTradePrice, "AvgTradePrice",colorOrange,styleThick); ATP=AvgTradePrice; _SECTION_END();} //KUMARAN TRADER TOOLS// _SECTION_BEGIN("Price"); SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("BgTop",colorBlack),ParamColor("BgBottom",colorBlack),ParamColor("Titleblock",colorLightGrey)); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowDates|chartShowArrows|chartLogarithmic|chartWrapTitle); GraphXSpace = 5; Plot(C,"",colorWhite,styleCandle); _SECTION_END(); //Previous Days HI LO // DayH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -1); DayHI = LastValue (DayH,1);// yesterdays high DayL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -1); DayLI = LastValue (DayL,1); // yesterdays low DayC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, -1); // yesterdays close DayO = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily); // current day open DayH2= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -2); DayH2I = LastValue (DayH2,1); // Two days before high DayL2= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -2); DayL2I = LastValue (DayL2,1); // Two days before low DayH3= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -3); DayH3I = LastValue (DayH3,1); // Three days before high DayL3= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -3); DayL3I = LastValue (DayL3,1); // Three days before low numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible"))); hts = -33.5; YHL = ParamToggle("Yesterday HI LO","Show|Hide",1); if(YHL==1) { Plot(DayL,"YL",colorRed,styleLine|styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoTitle); Plot(DayH,"YH",colorGreen,styleLine|styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoTitle); PlotText(" YH " , LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), DayHI, colorGreen); PlotText(" YL " , LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), DayLI, colorRed); } _SECTION_BEGIN( "Stokinghem-Diraj 2652 system" ); /*Stokinghem-Diraj 2652 Intra-Day system*/ "========"; SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates ); H1 = SelectedValue( TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inDaily, -1 ) ); L1 = SelectedValue( TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inDaily, -1 ) ); C1 = SelectedValue( TimeFrameGetPrice( "C", inDaily, -1 ) ); H2 = SelectedValue( TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inDaily, 0 ) ); L2 = SelectedValue( TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inDaily, 0 ) ); O1 = SelectedValue( TimeFrameGetPrice( "open", inDaily, 0 ) ); /*PIVOT Calculation*/ D1 = ( H1 - L1 ); D2 = ( H2 - L2 ); F1 = D1 * 0.433; F2 = D1 * 0.766; F3 = D1 * 1.35; F4 = 0; if ( D2 <= F1 ) F4 = F1; else if ( D2 <= F2 ) F4 = F2; else F4 = F3; S_P = ( O1 - F4 ); B_P = ( O1 + F4 ); BP = ( L2 + F4 ); BPTGT = ( BP + ( BP * .0065 ) );//.0015 brokerage BPSTPLS = ( BP - ( BP * .0085 ) ); SP = ( H2 - F4 ); SPTGT = ( SP - ( SP * .0065 ) ); SPSTPLS = ( SP + ( SP * .0085 ) ); p = ( H1 + L1 + C1 ) / 3; s1 = ( H1 ); r1 = ( L1 ); r2 = SelectedValue( L2 ); s2 = SelectedValue( H2 ); //CONDITION S = ( C > p ); SS = ( C < P ); //Plot Plot ( p , "PIVOT", 25, 4 );PlotText( "PIVOT" , BarCount-25, p+0, 25 ); Plot ( r1, "PRE_LOW", 29, 4 );PlotText( "PreDay LOW" , BarCount-25, r1+0, 29 ); Plot ( s1, "PRE_HIGH", 29, 4 );PlotText( "PreDay HIGH" , BarCount-25, s1+0, 29 ); Plot ( s2, "DAY_HIGH", 42, 4 );PlotText( "Day HIGH" , BarCount-25, s2+0, 42 ); Plot ( r2, "DAY_LOW", 42, 4 );PlotText( "Day LOW" , BarCount-25, r2+0, 42 ); GfxSetBkColor( colorRed ); GfxSetTextColor( 41 ); GfxSelectFont( "TOHMA", 9, 700, False ); GfxSetBkColor( colorLightGrey ); GfxSetTextColor( 16 ); GfxTextOut("* "+ ( WriteVal( H1 ) + "--" + WriteVal( L1 ) + "=PreDay=" + WriteVal( D1 ) ), 32, 100 ); GfxTextOut("* "+ ( WriteVal( H2 ) + "--" + WriteVal( L2 ) + "=ToDay=" + WriteVal( D2 ) ), 32, 115 ); GfxTextOut( "F1=" + ( WriteVal( F1 ) ), 32, 130 ); GfxTextOut( "F2=" + ( WriteVal( F2 ) ), 32, 145 ); GfxTextOut( "F3=" + ( WriteVal( F3 ) ), 32, 160 ); GfxTextOut( "Selected FC==" + ( WriteVal( F4 ) ), 32, 175 ); GfxTextOut( ( "-P-TGT 0.65 and STP-LS 1.0(Inc-Bkrg)-" ), 32, 190 ); Filter = S OR SS; AddColumn( IIf( S, 66, 1 ), "Buy", formatChar, 1, bkcolor = IIf( S, 43, 33 ) ); AddColumn( IIf( SS, 83, 1 ), "Sell", formatChar, 1, bkcolor = IIf( SS, 25, 32 ) ); AddColumn( C, "CMP", 1.2, colorDefault, colorLightBlue ); AddColumn( BP, "BUY PRICE", 1.2, colorDefault, colorGreen ); AddColumn( BPTGT, "TGT PRICE", 1.2, colorDefault, colorBrown ); AddColumn( BPSTPLS, "STPLS BUY", 1.2, colorDefault, colorRed ); AddColumn( p, "PIVOT", 1.2, colorDefault, colorYellow ); AddColumn( SPSTPLS, "STPLS SELL", 1.2, colorDefault, colorRed ); AddColumn( SP, "SELL PRICE", 1.2, colorDefault, colorGreen ); AddColumn( SPTGT, "TGT PRICE", 1.2, colorDefault, colorBrown ); AddColumn( H1, "PRE-HIGH" ); AddColumn( L1, "PRE-LOW" ); AddColumn( D1, "PRE-DIFF" ); AddColumn( F1, "0.433" ); AddColumn( F2, "0.766" ); AddColumn( F3, "1.35" ); AddColumn( H2, "D-HIGH" ); AddColumn( L2, "D-LOW" ); AddColumn( D2, "D-DIFF" ); AddColumn( F4, "SELECT FACT" ); Buy = Cross ( ( C ), ( BP ) ); Sell = Cross ( ( C ), ( SP ) ); AlertIf( Buy, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Ding.wav", "2652 System", 1, 2 ); AlertIf( Sell, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Chime.wav", "2652 System", 2, 2 ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Show Values at H&L"); n=Param("Values back",20,1,200,1); p=Param("zig %",5,1,100,1); dist = 0.8*ATR(15); for( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) { PlotText(""+LastValue(Peak(H,p,i),True),BarCount-3-LastValue(PeakBars(H,p,i)),LastValue(dist,True)+LastValue(Peak(H,p,i),False),colorBlack,ColorRGB(225,225,225)); PlotText(""+LastValue(Trough(L,p,i),True),BarCount-3-LastValue(TroughBars(L,p,i)),LastValue(Trough(L,p,i),False)-LastValue(dist,True),colorBlack,ColorRGB(225,225,225)); } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Price1"); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) )); Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); _SECTION_END(); // AMA System by Karthikmarar // Two adjustable parameter "Buy sensitivity" and "Buy Finetune" provided to adjust entry points. // Two adjustable parameter "Sell sensitivity" and "Sell Finetune" provided to adjust Exit points. //SAM-JN-AFL V1.0 .. Made by SAM(Admin and Founder of Traderadda.com) //This AFL is made with help of various codes available freely. I have made many alterations and Some my design in it. //If you have any suggestions please visit http://traderadda.com _SECTION_BEGIN("Background Color Switcher"); if (NOT ParamToggle("Background switch","On,Off",defaultval=1)) { bckg1=ParamColor("Background level 1",colorBlack); bckg2=ParamColor("Background level 2",colorBlack); bckg3=ParamColor("Background level 3",ColorRGB(25,0,0)); bckg4=ParamColor("Background level 4",ColorRGB(40,0,0)); stockname=ParamColor("Stock name color",ColorRGB(44,44,37)); GfxGradientRect(0,0,Status("pxwidth"),Status("pxhe ight")*2/5,bckg1,bckg2); GfxGradientRect(0,Status("pxheight")*2/5,Status("pxwidth"),Status("pxheight")*4/5,bckg2,bckg3); GfxGradientRect(0,Status("pxheight")*4/5,Status("pxwidth"),Status("pxheight"),bckg3,bckg4 ); if (NOT ParamToggle("StockName Switch","On,Off")) { GfxSelectFont("Time news roman", Status("pxheight")/7 ); GfxSetTextAlign(6 ); GfxSetOverlayMode(1); GfxSetTextColor(stockname); GfxSetBkMode(0); GfxTextOut(Name(),Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/18 ); GfxSelectFont("Time news roman", Status("pxheight")/26 ); GfxTextOut(FullName(), Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/3.9 ); GfxSelectFont("Time news roman", Status("pxheight")/25 ); GfxTextOut("Market: " + MarketID(1), Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/3 ); } } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Background text"); //C11=ParamColor("up panel",colorBlack ); //C12=ParamColor("dn panel",colorBlack ); C13=Param("fonts",20,10,30,1 ); C14=Param("left-right",2.1,1.0,5.0,0.1 ); C15=Param("up-down",12,1,20,1 ); Miny = Status("axisminy"); Maxy = Status("axismaxy"); lvb = Status("lastvisiblebar"); fvb = Status("firstvisiblebar"); pxwidth = Status("pxwidth"); pxheight = Status("pxheight"); GfxSetBkMode( 0 ); GfxSetOverlayMode(1); //GfxGradientRect(0,0,pxwidth, pxheight, C11, C12 ); GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13 ); GfxSetTextAlign( 6 ); GfxTextOut( Name(), Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15 ); GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 ); GfxTextOut( "", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15*2.5 ); GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 ); GfxTextOut( "", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15*4 ); GfxSelectFont("MS Sans Serif", 10, 500, False, False, 0); GfxSelectFont("Ariel",9, 700, False, False, 0); GfxSetTextColor(colorYellow); //axisarea = 56; // may need adjustment if you are using non-default font for axis _SECTION_BEGIN(" J10SARbySAM "); TimeFrameSet( inDaily ); FS=Param("Font Size",20,11,100,1); GfxSelectFont("Arial", FS, 700, True ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite ); GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorYellow) ); Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",373,1,1200,1); Ver=Param("Vertical Position",16,1,830,1); //SAR1=Prec((C+YC+DFYC+DFYC1+DFYC2)/5,5); SAR1=EMA( Close, 10 ); GfxTextOut("J10SAR="+SAR1, Hor , Ver ); TimeFrameRestore(); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Magnified Market Price"); FS=Param("Font Size",30,11,100,1); GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", FS, 700, True ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite ); GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorLightOrange) ); Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",373,1,1200,1); Ver=Param("Vertical Position",45,1,830,1); GfxTextOut(""+C, Hor , Ver ); YC=TimeFrameGetPrice("C",inDaily,-1); DD=Prec(C-YC,2); xx=Prec((DD/YC)*100,2); GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", 11, 700, True ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite ); GfxSetTextColor(ParamColor("Color",colorBlack) ); GfxTextOut(""+DD+" ("+xx+"%)", Hor , Ver+45 ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Title"); if( Status("action") == actionIndicator ) ( Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ "SAM()JN AFL V1.0 " + " - " + Name() + " - " + EncodeColor(colorRed)+ Interval(2) + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " - " + Date() +" - "+"\n" +EncodeColor(colorYellow) +"Op-"+O+" "+"Hi-"+H+" "+"Lo-"+L+" "+ "Cl-"+C+" "+ "Vol= "+ WriteVal(V)+"\n"+ EncodeColor(colorLime)); //WriteIf (Buy , " GO LONG / Reverse Signal at "+C+" ","")+ //WriteIf (Sell , " EXIT LONG / Reverse Signal at "+C+" ","")+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ //WriteIf(Sell , "Total Profit/Loss for the Last Trade Rs."+(C-BuyPrice)+"","")+ //WriteIf(Buy , "Total Profit/Loss for the Last trade Rs."+(SellPrice-C)+"","")+ //WriteIf(Long AND NOT Buy, "Trade : Long - Entry price Rs."+(BuyPrice),"")+ //WriteIf(shrt AND NOT Sell, "Trade : Short - Entry price Rs."+(SellPrice),"")+"\n"+ //WriteIf(Long AND NOT Buy, "Current Profit/Loss Rs."+(C-BuyPrice)+"","")+ //WriteIf(shrt AND NOT Sell, "Current Profit/Loss Rs."+(SellPrice-C)+"","")); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Price1"); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorRed ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); _SECTION_END(); //_SECTION_BEGIN("Pivot") YH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -1); // yesterdays high YL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -1); // low YC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, -1); // close YO = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily); // current day open //Normal Pivot PP = (YH + YL + YC) / 3; R1 = (2 * PP) - YL; R2 = PP + (YH - YL); R3 = YH + 2*(PP-YL); S1 = (2 * PP) - YH; S2 = PP - (YH - YL); S3 = YL - 2*(YH - PP) ; GfxSetOverlayMode( mode = 0 ); GfxSelectPen( colorYellow, 3 ); GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorBlack ); GfxRoundRect( 20, 72, 117, 205, 100, 25 ); GfxSetBkMode(1); GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 900, False ); GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite ); GfxSetTextAlign(0); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(YH, "D.Piv.: "+(PP),""), 25, 85); GfxSetTextColor( colorRed ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(R1, "R1: "+(R1),""), 30, 105); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(R2, "R2: "+(R2),""), 30, 120); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(R3, "R3: "+(R3),""), 30, 135); GfxSetTextColor( colorLime ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S1, "S1: "+(S1),""), 30, 150); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S2, "S2: "+(S2),""), 30, 165); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S3, "S3: "+(S3),""), 30, 180); WYH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inWeekly, -1); WYL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inWeekly, -1); WYC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inWeekly, -1); WYO = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inWeekly); //Week Pivot WPP = (WYH + WYL + WYC) / 3; WR1 = (2 * WPP) - WYL; WR2 = WPP + (WYH - WYL); WR3 = WYH + 2*(WPP-WYL); WS1 = (2 * WPP) - WYH; WS2 = WPP - (WYH - WYL); WS3 = WYL - 2*(WYH - WPP) ; GfxSetOverlayMode( mode = 0 ); GfxSelectPen( colorYellow, 3 ); GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorBlack ); GfxRoundRect( 130, 72, 232, 205, 100, 25 ); GfxSetBkMode(1); GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 900, False ); GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite ); GfxSetTextAlign(0); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(YH, "W.Piv.: "+(WPP),""), 135, 85); GfxSetTextColor( colorRed ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(R1, "R1: "+(WR1),""), 140, 105); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(R2, "R2: "+(WR2),""), 140, 120); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(R3, "R3: "+(WR3),""), 140, 135); GfxSetTextColor( colorLime ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S1, "S1: "+(WS1),""), 140, 150); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S2, "S2: "+(WS2),""), 140, 165); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S3, "S3: "+(WS3),""), 140, 180); GfxSetOverlayMode( mode = 0 ); GfxSelectPen( colorYellow, 3 ); GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorBlack ); GfxRoundRect( 20, 480, 160, 230, 100, 25 ); GfxSetBkMode(1); GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 900, False ); GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite ); GfxSetTextAlign(0); TimeFrameSet( inDaily ); EMADH = EMA(H, 5); TimeFrameExpand( EMADH , inDaily ); EMADL = EMA(L, 5); TimeFrameExpand( EMADL , inDaily ); EMADC = EMA(C, 5); TimeFrameExpand( EMADC , inDaily ); TimeFrameRestore(); TimeFrameSet( inHourly ); EMAHH = EMA(H, 5); TimeFrameExpand( EMAHH , inHourly ); EMAHL = EMA(L, 5); TimeFrameExpand( EMAHL , inHourly ); EMAHC = EMA(C, 5); TimeFrameExpand( EMAHC , inHourly ); TimeFrameRestore(); GfxSetTextColor( colorRed); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S3 , "Hour High : "+EMAHH,""), 30, 250); GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S3 , "Hour Low: "+EMAHL,""), 30, 270); GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S3 , "Hour Close: "+EMAHC,""), 30, 290); GfxSetTextColor( colorRed); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S3 , "Day High : "+EMADH,""), 30, 320); GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S3 , "Day Low : "+EMADL,""), 30, 340); GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S3 , "Day Close : "+EMADc,""), 30, 360); TimeFrameSet( inWeekly ); WEEKH = EMA(H, 5); TimeFrameExpand( WEEKH , inWeekly ); WEEKL = EMA(L, 5); TimeFrameExpand( WEEKL , inWeekly ); WEEKC = EMA(C, 5); TimeFrameExpand( WEEKC , inWeekly ); TimeFrameRestore(); GfxSetTextColor( colorRed); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S3 , "Week High : "+WEEKH ,""), 30, 390); GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S3 , "Week Low : "+WEEKL ,""), 30, 410); GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(S3 , "Week Clo. : "+WEEKC ,""), 30, 430); TimeFrameSet(inDaily); DayHigh = LastValue(H); DayLow = LastValue(L); TimeFrameRestore(); Title = Date() + ", Op=" + Open + ", Hi=" + High + ", Lo=" + Low + ", LTP=" + Close + ", Change= " + SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) + "%" + "\n Today`s High=" + DayHigh + ", Today`s Low=" + DayLow + " © KUMARAN SWING TADING SYSTEM" ; prev=AMA2(C,1,0); d=IIf(C>Ref(Max(Max(H,Ref(H,-20)),Max(Ref(H,-10),Ref(H,-15))),-1),Min(Min(L,Ref(L,-20)),Min(Ref(L,-10),Ref(L,-15))), IIf(CRef(state,-1); ss=stateRef(res,-1),1,IIf(CMDI(10)AND Signal(29)PDI(20)AND Signal(29)>MACD(13); Plot( 2, /* defines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane width */"ribbon", IIf( uptrend, colorGreen, IIf( downtrend, colorRed, 0 )), /* choose color */ styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 ); _SECTION_END(); Buy = s AND a AND uptrend ; Short = ss AND b AND downtrend ; Sell = ss AND b AND downtrend ; Cover = s AND a AND uptrend ; Buy=ExRem(Buy,Sell); Sell=ExRem(Sell,Buy); Cover=ExRem(Cover,Short); Short=ExRem(Short,Cover); Filter=Buy OR Sell; Filter= Cover OR Short; AddColumn( Buy, "Buy", 1); AddColumn(Sell, "Sell", 1); AddColumn(Close,"Close",1.2); AddColumn(Volume,"Volume",1.0); // Plot the Buy and Sell arrows. shape = Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow; PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-10); PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-20); PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-15); PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=20); PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=30); PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-25); //plot volume graph // set background gradient colours SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("BgTop", ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )),ParamColor("BgBottom", ColorRGB( 102,136,187 )),ParamColor("titleblock",ColorRGB( 255,255,255 ))); GraphXSpace = 5; //Previous Days HI LO // DayH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -1); DayHI = LastValue (DayH,1);// yesterdays high DayL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -1); DayLI = LastValue (DayL,1); // yesterdays low DayC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, -1); // yesterdays close DayO = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily); // current day open DayH2= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -2); DayH2I = LastValue (DayH2,1); // Two days before high DayL2= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -2); DayL2I = LastValue (DayL2,1); // Two days before low DayH3= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -3); DayH3I = LastValue (DayH3,1); // Three days before high DayL3= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -3); DayL3I = LastValue (DayL3,1); // Three days before low numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible"))); hts = -33.5; YHL = ParamToggle("Yesterday HI LO","Show|Hide",1); if(YHL==1) { Plot(DayL,"YL",colorRed,styleLine|styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoTitle); Plot(DayH,"YH",colorGreen,styleLine|styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoTitle); PlotText(" YH " , LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), DayHI, colorGreen); PlotText(" YL " , LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), DayLI, colorRed); }