// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com /*************************************** Solar Wind Joy Translated from MT4 to Amibroker Done by KelvinHand ****************************************/ Version(4.90); period = Param("Period",35, 1); smooth = Param("Smooth",10, 1); MaxHHV = HHV(H, period); MinLLV = LLV(L, period); Value1=0; Fish1=0; aFish=Null; for(i=0; i0) aFish[i]=10; else aFish[i]=-10; } aSmth=0; for(i=0; i=0; k++) { weight = smooth-k; SumW += weight; SumI += weight*aFish[i-k]; } if (SumW>0) aSmth[i] = SumI/SumW; } aLine=0; for(i=0; i=0; k++) { weight = smooth-k; SumW += weight; SumI += weight*aSmth[i-k]; } if (SumW>0) aLine[i] = SumI/SumW; } colorH = IIf(aLine>0, colorBrightGreen, IIf(aLine<0, colorRed, colorGold)); Plot(aLine, "", colorH, stylenolabel|styleHistogram); colorL = IIf(aLine>0 AND Ref(aLine, -1)>0, colorBrightGreen, IIf(aLine<0 AND Ref(aLine, -1) <0, colorRed, colorGold)); Plot(aLine, "", colorL, stylenolabel|stylethick); PlotGrid(0, colorLightgrey, 6, 1, True);