// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com //Created by don tanggang (c) 2016 // Init C1 = C[0]; //C2 = IIf(BarCount==1,C1,C[1]); //Sehari = ((C2/C1)-1)*100; //WriteVal (Sehari,1.1); //Kalkulasi momentum DC = IIf(IsEmpty(C[BarCount-5]),0,C[BarCount-1] - C[BarCount-5]); MAV = MA(V,5)/1000000; MMT = DC * MAV; MaxOpenPos = 5; SetOption("MaxOpenPositions", MaxOpenPos); PositionSize=-100/MaxOpenPos; Terakhir = ( ( C / C1 ) - 1 ) * 100; WriteVal( Terakhir, 1.1 ); // Perhitungan pivot point, tidak boleh lebih besar dari open atau close PP = (O+H+L+C)/4; // Pivot point PP = IIf(O == C, O, PP); PP = IIf (O> C AND PP > O, O, PP); PP = IIf (O> C AND PP < C, C, PP); PP = IIf (C> O AND PP > C, C, PP); PP = IIf (C> O AND PP < O, O, PP); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Profit/Loss % Change over Time" ); // PARAMETERS TtD_Param = ParamList( "Period", "Day to Date|Week to Date|Month to Date|Year to Date", 0 ); // VARIABLES FDayMonth = BarsSince( Month() != Ref( Month(), -1 ) ); FDayYear = BarsSince( Year() != Ref( Year(), -1 ) ); TtD_Period = IIf( TtD_Param == "Day to Date", 1, IIf( TtD_Param == "Week to Date", DayOfWeek(), IIf( TtD_Param == "Month to Date", FDayMonth, IIf( TtD_Param == "Year to Date", FDayYear, 0 ) ) ) ); // FORMULA TtD_Change = 100 * ( Close - Ref( Close, -TtD_Period ) ) / Ref( Close, -TtD_Period ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Price" ); SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates ); _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) )); Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor( "Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle( "Style" ) | GetPriceStyle() ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Informasi Ticker" ); GfxSetOverlayMode( 1 ); SetChartBkColor( ParamColor( "Background Color", colorWhite ) ); GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor( "Text Color", colorDarkGrey ) ); GfxSetOverlayMode( 1 ); Besar = Param( "Besar Font", 1, 0.3, 2, 0.1 ); GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", ( Status( "pxheight" ) / 20 )*Besar ); GfxSetTextAlign( 6 );// center alignment GfxSetBkMode( 0 ); // transparent GfxTextOut( Name(), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 2, Status( "pxheight" ) / 4 ); GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", ( Status( "pxheight" ) / 30 )*Besar ); GfxTextOut( FullName(), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 2, Status( "pxheight" ) / 3 ); GfxTextOut( GroupID( 1 ), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 2, Status( "pxheight" ) / 2.5 ); GfxTextOut( IndustryID( 1 ), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 2, Status( "pxheight" ) / 2.2 ); GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", Status( "pxheight" ) / 18 ); GfxTextOut( "don tanggang", Status( "pxwidth" ) / 2, Status( "pxheight" ) / 1.5 ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "tick" ); //Definisi fraksi tick = IIf( C >= 5000, 25, IIf( C >= 2000, 10, IIf( C >= 500, 5, IIf( C >= 200, 2, 1 ) ) ) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "HHLL" ); //Find highest and lowest over the years H1y = HHV( H, FDayYear ); Hi = H1y[BarCount - 1]; L1y = LLV( L, FDayYear ); Lo = L1y[BarCount - 1]; Hi = IIf( IsEmpty( Hi ), HHV( H, 22 ), Hi ); Hi = IIf( IsEmpty( Hi ), HHV( H, 5 ), Hi ); Lo = IIf( IsEmpty( Lo ), LLV( L, 22 ), Lo ); Lo = IIf( IsEmpty( Lo ), LLV( L, 5 ), Lo ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Fibo" ); /* Definisi tiap layer S/R Bot - S1 - S2 - S3 - S4 - S5 - Top S 100 - 76.4 61.8 - S 50.0 - S 38.2 - S 23.6 - S0 Prio 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 10 */ DS = Hi - Lo; Bot = Lo; Top = Hi; S1 = Bot + ( 0.236 * DS ); S2 = Bot + ( 0.382 * DS ); S3 = Bot + ( 0.500 * DS ); S4 = Bot + ( 0.618 * DS ); S5 = Bot + ( 0.764 * DS ); ext = Top + ( 0.236 * DS ); ex2 = Top + ( 0.382 * DS ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Determination of Support, Resistance and Priority" ); Sup = IIf( C >= Top, Top, IIf( C >= S5, S5, IIf( C >= S4, S4, IIf( C >= S3, S3, IIf( C >= S2, S2, IIf( C >= S1, S1, IIf( C >= Bot, Bot, Bot ) ) ) ) ) ) ); Res = IIf( C >= Top, ext, IIf( C >= S5, Top, IIf( C >= S4, S5, IIf( C >= S3, S4, IIf( C >= S2, S3, IIf( C >= S1, S2, IIf( C >= Bot, S1, S1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ); Cel = IIf( C >= Top, ex2, IIf( C >= S5, ext, IIf( C >= S4, Top, IIf( C >= S3, S5, IIf( C >= S2, S4, IIf( C >= S1, S3, IIf( C >= Bot, S2, S1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ); Prio = IIf( C >= Top, 10, IIf( C >= S5, 5, IIf( C >= S4, 4, IIf( C >= S3, 3, IIf( C >= S2, 2, IIf( C >= S1, 1, IIf( C >= Bot, 0, 0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ); //Check break out / break down dari support Sup = Sup - ( Sup % tick ); Res = Res - ( Res % tick ); Cel = Cel - ( Cel % tick ); BO = IIf( C > Sup AND O < Sup, 1, -1 ); BD = IIf( C< Res AND O > Res, 1, -1 ); Cel = Cel - ( 3 * tick ); SL = Sup - ( 3 * tick ); TP = Res - ( 3 * tick ); // //Created by don tanggang (c) 2016 //Plot Support,Ressistance, SL & TP Plot( PP, "Pivot", colorGold, styleDashed); Plot( Sup[Barcount - 1], "Support", colorRed, styleLine | styleThick ); Plot( Res[Barcount - 1], "Ressist", colorBlue, styleLine | styleThick ); Plot( Cel[Barcount - 1], "Ceiling", colorBlueGrey, styleLine | styleThick ); Plot( SL[Barcount - 1], "SL", colorRed, styleDashed ); Plot( TP[Barcount - 1], "TP", colorBlue, styleDashed ); Plot( Prio[Barcount - 1], "Prio", colorBlack, styleNoDraw | styleOwnScale ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Value" ); // Indikator Value dalam Milyar Rupiah AvgPrice = ( O + H + L + C ) / 4; DV = AvgPrice * V; DVMil = DV / 1000000000; MADV20 = MA( DV, 20 ); MADV20Mil = MADV20 / 1000000000; FV = DVMil / Ref( MADV20Mil, -1 ) ; _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "N B S A" ); /* Hanya dipakai kalau langganan data NBSA // Akumulasi NBSA sejak awal NBSAValue_Cum = Cum( Aux2 ) / 1000000000 ; // Menghitung akumulasi NBSA sejak BEGIN VALUE TglAwal = BeginValue( DateTime() ); Bar = BarsSince( Datetime() == TglAwal ); NBSAValue_Sum = Sum( Aux2, Bar ) / 1000000000; warna = IIf( NBSAValue_Cum > Ref( NBSAValue_Cum, -1 ), colorGreen, colorRed ); PlotNBSA = ParamToggle( "Plot NBSA?", "Tidak|Ya", 1 ); if( PlotNBSA ) { Plot( NBSAValue_Cum, " " , warna , styleLine | styleThick | styleLeftAxisScale | styleOwnScale | stylenotitle ); Title = Title + EncodeColor( colorblack ) + "\nNBSA (Rp. Mil.) ~~ Sejak awal : " + EncodeColor( colorred ) + WriteIf( NBSAValue_Cum < 0, WriteVal( NBSAValue_Cum, 1.2 ) , " " ) + EncodeColor( colorGreen ) + WriteIf( NBSAValue_Cum >= 0, WriteVal( NBSAValue_Cum, 1.2 ) , " " ); Title = Title + EncodeColor( colorblack ) + " ; Sejak " + DateTimeToStr( TglAwal ) + " : " + EncodeColor( colorred ) + WriteIf( NBSAValue_Sum < 0, WriteVal( NBSAValue_Sum, 1.2 ) , " " ) + EncodeColor( colorGreen ) + WriteIf( NBSAValue_Sum >= 0, WriteVal( NBSAValue_Sum, 1.2 ) , " " ); // Buat pita NBSA Cummulation MA5 = MA( NBSAValue_Cum, 5 ); MA20 = MA( NBSAValue_Cum, 20 ); NCum = NBSAValue_Cum ; //Definisi Kuning = ( NCum > MA5 ); Hijau = ( NCum > MA5 ) AND( NCum > MA20 ) ; Merah = ( NCum < MA5 ) AND( NCum < MA20 ) ; ZoneColorNBSA = IIf( Hijau, colorGreen, IIf( Kuning, colorYellow, IIf( Merah, colorRed, 0 ) ) ); PlotZoneNBSA = ParamToggle( "Plot Pita NBSA?", "Tidak|Ya", 0 ); if( PlotZoneNBSA ) Plot( 2, "Zone NBSA", ZonecolorNBSA , styleOwnScale | styleArea | styleNoTitle, -0.5, 100 ); } _SECTION_END(); */ // REVERSAL by Candlestick _SECTION_BEGIN( "Candle Reversal" ); PlotReversal = ParamToggle( "Tampilkan Sinyal Candle Reversal ?", "Tidak|Ya", 1 ); if( PlotReversal ) { C1 = Ref( C, -1 ); C2 = Ref( C, -2 ); A1 = Ref( Avg, -1 ); A2 = Ref( Avg, -2 ); A3 = Ref( Avg, -3 ); A4 = Ref( Avg, -4 ); A5 = Ref( Avg, -5 ); O1 = Ref( O, -1 ); O2 = Ref( O, -2 ); Syarat1 = ( ( A1 < A2 ) AND( A2 < A3 ) AND( A1 < A4 ) ); //AND (A3 < A4) ) ;//OR ( A1 < A3); Syarat2 = ( C1 <= O1 ) AND( C2 <= O2 ); SyaratTurun = Syarat1 AND Syarat2; Syarat3 = ( A1 > A2 ) AND( A2 > A3 ) AND( A1 > A4 ) ; Syarat4 = ( C1 >= O1 ) AND( C2 >= O2 ); SyaratNaik = Syarat3 AND Syarat4; DibawahMA20 = C < MA( C, 20 ); DiatasMA20 = C > MA( C, 20 ); //HammerItem = BodyI = O - C; TailI = C - L; HammerItem = ( O == H ) AND( C < O ) AND( TailI >= 2 * BodyI ); //HammerPutih = BodyP = C - O; TailP = O - L; HammerPutih = ( C == H ) AND( C > O ) AND( TailP >= 2 * BodyP ); Hammer = HammerPutih OR HammerItem;// Syarat Candlestick Bullish dan Bearish Reversal Doji = O == C; BodiPutih = C > O ;//AND (TailI < BodyI) ; BodiItem = C < O ;//AND (TailP < BodyP); BullishReversal = Doji OR BodiPutih OR Hammer; BearishReversal = Doji OR BodiItem OR Hammer; SyaratBullishR = SyaratTurun AND BullishReversal ; SyaratBearishR = SyaratNaik AND BearishReversal ; PlotShapes( IIf( SyaratBullishR , shapeHollowSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorBlue, 0, L, -15 ); PlotShapes( IIf( SyaratBearishR , shapeHollowSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorRed, 0, H, 15 ); } _SECTION_END(); // Trend - MA _SECTION_BEGIN( "T r e n d" ); DTPendek = C <= MA( C, 5 ); DTMenengah = C <= MA( C, 20 ) ; DTPanjang = C <= MA( C, 50 ) ; UTPendek = C >= MA( C, 5 ); UTMenengah = C >= MA( C, 20 ) ; UTPanjang = C >= MA( C, 50 ) ; PlotTrend = ParamToggle( "Tampilkan Trend ?", "Tidak|Ya", 1 ); if( PlotTrend ) { Title = Title + "\nTrend : "; Title = Title + WriteIf( DTPendek, EncodeColor( colorred ) + "Pendek ", WriteIf( UTPendek, EncodeColor( colorgreen ) + "Pendek ", "" ) ); Title = Title + WriteIf( DTMenengah, EncodeColor( colorred ) + "Menengah ", WriteIf( UTMenengah, EncodeColor( colorgreen ) + "Menengah ", "" ) ); Title = Title + WriteIf( DTPanjang, EncodeColor( colorred ) + "Panjang ", WriteIf( UTPanjang, EncodeColor( colorgreen ) + "Panjang ", "" ) ); } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Engulfing_Star" ); BullEn = IIf( ( C > Ref( O, -1 ) ) AND( O < Ref( C, -1 ) ) AND( Ref( C, -1 ) < Ref( O, -1 ) ) AND( C > O ), 1, 0 ); BearEn = IIf( ( C < Ref( O, -1 ) ) AND( O > Ref( C, -1 ) ) AND( Ref( C, -1 ) > Ref( O, -1 ) ) AND( O > C ), 1, 0 ); MS = IIf( ( Ref( O, -2 ) > Ref( C, -2 ) ) AND( Ref( O, -1 ) < Ref( O, -1 ) ) AND( O < C ) AND( Ref( C, -1 ) < Ref( C, -2 ) ) AND( Ref( C, -1 ) < O ), 1, 0 ); ES = IIf( ( Ref( O, -2 ) < Ref( C, -2 ) ) AND( Ref( O, -1 ) > Ref( O, -1 ) ) AND( O > C ) AND( Ref( C, -1 ) > Ref( C, -2 ) ) AND( Ref( C, -1 ) > O ), 1, 0 ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Regresi Linear" ); // Parameter-parameter FDY = BarsSince( Year() != Ref( Year(), -1 ) ); Perioda = Param( "Perioda", 182, 2, 300, 1 ); Geser = Param( "Perioda mundur ", 0, 0, 300, 1 ); P = ParamField( "Price field", -1 ); // Menghitung Regresi Linear (RL) x = Cum( 1 ); lastx = LastValue( x ) - Geser ; // menentukan akhir dari RL aa = LastValue( Ref( LinRegIntercept( P, Perioda ), -Geser ) ); bb = LastValue( Ref( LinRegSlope( P, Perioda ), -Geser ) ); // Persamaan Garis Regresi Linear y = aa + bb * ( x - ( Lastx - Perioda + 1 ) ); slope = IIf( y > Ref( y, -1 ), 1, -1 ); // Menampilkan Regresi Linear LRColor = ParamColor( "LR Color", colorCycle ); LRLine = IIf( x > ( lastx - Perioda ) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y, Null ); Plot( LRLine , "Regresi Linear", LRCOLOR, style = styleNotitle ); //LRSTYLE); _SECTION_END(); // ========================== Plot Channel Deviasi Standard ===================================================== _SECTION_BEGIN( "Deviasi Standar" ); // Parameter Deviasi Standar DSP = Param( "Deviasi Standar", 1.0, 0, 6, 0.1 ); DS = DSP / 2; // Menghitung Channel Deviasi Standar width = LastValue( Ref( DS*StDev( p, Perioda ), -Geser ) ); DSU = IIf( x > ( lastx - Perioda ) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y + width , Null ) ; DSL = IIf( x > ( lastx - Perioda ) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y - width , Null ) ; CDSL = ((C - DSL)/C) * 100; DSColor = ParamColor( "Warna DS ", colorCycle ); // Menampilkan Channel Atas dan Bawah Plot( DSU , "Top Channel ", DSColor, style = styleNoTitle ); //DSStyle ); Plot( DSL , "Btm Channel ", DSColor, style = styleNoTitle ); // DSStyle ); _SECTION_END(); // Perhitungan SAR _SECTION_BEGIN( "SAR" ); acc = Param( "Acceleration", 0.02, 0, 1, 0.001 ); accm = Param( "Max. acceleration", 0.2, 0, 1, 0.001 ); SI = IIf( SAR( acc, accm ) < C, 1, 0 ); // SAR Indicator Plot( SAR( acc, accm ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), IIf( SI == 1, colorGreen, colorRed ), ParamStyle( "Style", styleDots | styleNoLine, maskDefault | styleDots | styleNoLine ) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "VAP" ); segments = IIf( Interval() < inDaily, Day(), Month() ); segments = segments != Ref( segments , -1 ); PlotVAPOverlayA( segments , Param( "Lines", 300, 100, 1000, 1 ), Param( "Width", 80, 1, 100, 1 ), ParamColor( "Color", colorPink ), ParamToggle( "Side", "Left|Right" ) | 2 * ParamToggle( "Style", "Fill|Lines", 0 ) | 4 * ParamToggle( "Z-order", "On top|Behind", 1 ) ); Plot( segments, "", colorPink, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "R" ); R2PDS = 20; R2 = Correlation( Cum( 1 ), C, r2pds ) * Correlation( Cum( 1 ), C, r2pds ); slopeR = LinRegSlope( C, r2pds ); Crit = IIf( R2PDS == 5, .77, IIf( R2PDS == 10, .40, IIf( R2PDS == 14, .27, IIf( R2PDS == 20, .20, IIf( R2PDS == 25, .16, IIf( R2PDS == 30, .13, IIf( R2PDS == 50, .08, IIf( R2PDS == 60, .06, IIf( R2PDS == 120, .03, 0 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "MACD" ); //Calc MACD MGC = Cross( MACD( 12, 26 ), signal( 12, 26, 9 ) ); MDC = Cross( signal( 12, 26, 9 ), MACD( 12, 26 ) ); MP = iif( MACD( 12, 26 ) > 0, 1, 0 ); CMA50 = Cross( C, MA( C, 50 ) ); GMA50 = IIf( C > MA( C, 50 ), 1, 0 ); _SECTION_END(); /*hanya dipakai untuk langganan data frekuensi _SECTION_BEGIN( "Frekuensi" ); PlotFreks = ParamToggle( "Plot FREKUENSI?", "Tidak|Ya", 0 ); Frek = ( Volume / ( ( Aux1 ) ^ 3 ) ) * 100; Freks = IIf( Aux1 != 0, Frek, 1 ); MA20 = MA( Freks, 20 ); WarnaFreks = IIf( Freks > MA20 AND C > O AND C > Ref( C, -1 ), colorBlue, colorlightGrey ); if( PlotFreks ) Plot( Freks, " ; Vol/Frek^3 ", WarnaFreks, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleNoTitle ); _SECTION_END(); */ //Display Trend and break GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor( "Text Color", colorGold ) ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf( slope == 1, "Up Trend", "Down Trend" ), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 8, Status( "pxheight" ) / 8 ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf( BO == 1, "Break Out", WriteIf( BD == 1, "Break Down", "" ) ), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 8, Status( "pxheight" ) / 5 ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf( MGC == 1, "MACD Golden Cross", WriteIf( BD == 1, "MACD Death Cross", "" ) ), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 6, Status( "pxheight" ) / 3.5 ); GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor( "Text Color", colorGrey50 ) ); GfxTextOut( WriteIf( CMA50 == 1, "Cross Up MA50", WriteIf( GMA50 == 1, "Bullish", "" ) ), Status( "pxwidth" ) / 8, Status( "pxheight" ) / 2.5 ); // _SECTION_BEGIN( "Kalkulasi" ); naik = IIf( C > O, 1, 0 ); PG = ( ( TP - C ) / C ) * 100; PL = ( ( C - SL ) / C ) * 100; RRR = PG / PL; PG2 = ( ( Cel - C ) / C ) * 100; RR2 = PG2 / PL; //Kalkulasi momentum DC = IIf(IsEmpty(C[BarCount-5]),0,C[BarCount-1] - C[BarCount-5]); MAV = MA(V,5)/1000000; MMT = DC * MAV; //Investing IV = MA( C * V, 100 ); IV = IIf( IsEmpty( IV ), MA( C * V, 22 ), IV ); IV = IIf( IsEmpty( IV ), MA( C * V, 5 ), IV ); IVD = IV / 5000000000; MFIz = Ref( ( ( H - L ) / V ), -1 ); // MFI kemarin MFIa = ( H - L ) / V; // MFI sekarang Vz = Ref( V, -1 ); indi = IIf( V > Vz, IIf( MFIa > MFIz, 1, 4 ), IIf( MFIa > MFIz, 3, 2 ) ); //Hitung kekuatan trend berdasarkan jumlah indikator yang OK Kuat = slope + IIf( indi == 1 OR indi == 4, 1, 0 ) + IIf( MP == 1 AND MDC == 0, 1, 0 ) + IIf( CMA50 == 1, 0, GMA50 ) + CMA50 + SI + BullEn - BearEn + IIf( slopeR >= 0, 1, -1 ); PositionScore=MMT; _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN( "Explorer" ); Buy = PL <= 1 OR BO == 1; // AND naik == 1; Sell = PG <= 1 OR BD == 1; // AND naik == 0; None = PL > 1 AND PG > 1; konfirm = IIf(Sell, C < TP, C > Sup); // Menampilkan penanda beli atau jual PlotShapes( Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorRed ) ); // FILTER Filter = MADV20Mil >= 5; ////////////////////////////////////EXPLORER////////////////////////////////// //Plot explorer AddTextColumn( WriteIf( Buy, "Beli", WriteIf( Sell, "Jual", "Hold" ) ), "Sinyal", 1.0 ); AddColumn( konfirm, "C?", format = 1.0 ); AddColumn( C, "Close", format = 1.0, IIf( C > O, colorGreen, colorRed ) ); AddColumn( PP, "Pivot", format = 1.0, IIf( C > O, colorGreen, colorRed ) ); AddColumn( ROC( C, 1 ), "D%", 1.2, IIf( ROC( C, 1 ), colorGreen, colorRed ) ); //AddColumn( Sup, "Sup", format = 1.0 ); AddColumn( SL, "SL", format = 1.0 ); AddColumn( Cel, "TP", format = 1.0 ); AddColumn( Res, "Res", format = 1.0 ); AddColumn( Res-TP, "DRes", format = 1.0 ); //AddColumn( TP, "TP", format = 1.0 ); AddColumn( PG, "PG", format = 1.2 ); AddColumn( PL, "PL", format = 1.2 ); AddColumn( RRR, "RRR", format = 1.2 ); AddColumn( RR2, "RR2", format = 1.2 ); AddColumn( MMT, "MMT", format = 1.0 ); //Priority ranking & Risk Reward Ratio AddColumn( Prio, "Rank", format = 1.0 ); AddColumn( Kuat, "STR", format = 1.0 ); AddColumn( IVD, "IVD", format = 1.1 ); AddTextColumn( Writeif( slope == 1, "UpTrend", "DnTrend" ), "Trend", format = 1.0, IIf( slope == 1, colorGreen, colorRed ) ); AddColumn( slopeR, "SlpR", format = 1.2 ); AddColumn( IIf( BO == 1, 1, IIf( BD == 1, -1, 0 ) ), "BSR", format = 1.0 ); AddTextColumn( WriteIf( indi == 1, "Green", writeIf( indi == 2, "Fade", writeIf( indi == 3, "Fake", "Squat" ) ) ), "MFI", format = 1.0, IIf( indi == 1, colorGreen, IIf( indi == 2, colorRed, IIf( indi == 3, colorBlue, colorPink ) ) ) ); /* MFI signaL : 1 = Green 2 = Fade / Red 3 = Fake / Blue 4 = Squat / Pink */ AddTextColumn( WriteIf( MP == 0, "Bear", WriteIf( MGC == 1, "GoldenCross", WriteIf( MDC == 1, "DeathCross", "Bull" ) ) ), "MACD", format = 1.0, IIf( MP == 0 OR MDC == 1, colorAqua, colorGold ) ); AddTextColumn( WriteIf( GMA50 == 0, "Bear", WriteIf( CMA50 == 1, "Cross", "Bull" ) ), "MA50", format = 1.0, IIf( GMA50 == 0, colorAqua, colorGold ) ); AddTextColumn( WriteIf( SI == 1, "Bull", "Bear" ), "SAR", format = 1.0, IIf( SI == 0, colorAqua, colorGold ) ); AddTextColumn( Writeif( BullEn == 1, "Bullish", WriteIf( BearEn == 1, "Bearish", "" ) ), "Engulf", format = 1.0, IIf( BullEn == 1, colorGreen, colorRed ) ); AddTextColumn( Writeif( MS == 1, "Morning", WriteIf( ES == 1, "Evening", "" ) ), "Star", format = 1.0, IIf( MS == 1, colorGreen, colorRed ) ); AddColumn( Fv, "TVx", format = 1.1 ); AddColumn( ( C - MA( C, 50 ) ) / MA( C, 50 ), "DMA50", format = 1.2, colorBrightGreen ); AddColumn( ( C - MA( C, 100 ) ) / MA( C, 100 ), "DMA100", format = 1.2, colorBlueGrey ); MA5y = MA( C, 1251 ); CMA5y = ( ( C - MA5y ) / MA5y ) * 100; AddColumn( CMA5y, "CMA5y", format = 1.2 ); AddColumn( CDSL, "CDSL", format = 1.2 ); AddColumn(Bot,"Bot",format=1.0); AddColumn(S1,"S1",format=1.0); AddColumn(S2,"S2",format=1.0); AddColumn(S3,"S3",format=1.0); AddColumn(S4,"S4",format=1.0); AddColumn(S5,"S5",format=1.0); AddColumn(Top,"Top",format=1.0); AddColumn(ext,"Ext",format=1.0); AddColumn(ex2,"Ex2",format=1.0); AddColumn(FDayYear,"FDY",format=1.0); _SECTION_END();