// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com _SECTION_BEGIN( "F12" ); // Works out the percentage change between the selected days // and displays the change and days on the chart. //F12 (Start) and Shift-F12 (End). Clear Ctrl-F12 Price = ParamField( "Price", 0 ); Start = BeginValue( BarIndex() ); End = EndValue( BarIndex() ); Days = End - Start; ValStart = BeginValue( Price ); ValEnd = EndValue( Price ); Diff = ValEnd - ValStart; Pct = ( Diff / ValStart ) * 100; GfxSetBkColor( colorBlueGrey ); GfxTextOut( "Pct: " + NumToStr( Pct, 3 ) + "%", 1200 , 20 ); GfxTextOut( "Days: " + Days, 1200 , 40 ); _SECTION_END();