// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com /* This is not my code, I found it in the internet. I hope that you will benefit from it. Good Luck */ //=========PARAMETERS==================== myVol=Param("Min Volume (Million)", 0,0,10,0.5); // Filter out stocks below certain Volume (average over sampled periods). Default 0 (not filtered) myVol = myVol * 1000000; // Volume * million multiplier myMaxPrice = Param("Price Max",200,0.0001,200,1); // Filter for stocks below certain price. Default 0 (not filtered) myMinPrice = Param("Price Min",0,0.0001,199,1); // Filter for stocks above certain price. Default 0 (not filtered) myPercentMin = Param("Min ADPV %",0,0,30,0.5); // Filter for minimum Average Dollar Price Volatility %. Default 0 (not filtered) myMinPriceSteps = Param("Min Price Steps",0,0,500,1); // Filter for minimum ticks in ADPV (eg H=0.005, L=0.002, price steps=3) // Default 0 (not filtered) myPeriods = Param("No. Of Days To Sample",20,2,90,1); myPeriods = IIf(myPeriods>BarCount,BarCount,myPeriods); // Just in case there are less data bars than the number of periods wanted // ****** Uncomment next 2 lines for use in Australian ASX market ********* //myTickerMax = ParamList("Stocks only?","Yes|No"); // Filter to exclude options/warrants. Default "Yes" (stocks only) //myTickerMax = IIf(myTickerMax == "Yes", 3,10); // Ticker max length. 3 for stocks only. //========================================== trig1 = IIf(C<=O,True,False); trig2 = IIf(Ref(C,-1)<=Ref(O,-1),True,False); trig3 = IIf(Ref(C,-2)<=Ref(O,-2),True,False); trig4 = IIf(C500000; Filter=Buy; // ==============OUTPUT================== // Tidy up output txtADPVpercent=NumToStr(ADPVpercent,10.2 ); txtADPVpercent=txtADPVpercent + " %"; txtADPV = NumToStr(ADPV,3.3); txtADPV = "$" + txtADPV ; txtClose=NumToStr(Close,4.3 ); txtClose = "$" + txtClose; AddTextColumn( txtClose , "Close"); AddColumn( MA(V,myPeriods), "Avg Daily Vol",20.0 ); AddTextColumn( txtADPV , "$Avg Range",10.3 ); AddTextColumn( txtADPVpercent, "Av % Range",10.2 ); // AddColumn( PriceSteps , "Price Steps",8.0 ); // Remove comment tags to display price steps // ==================================== END CODE ====================================================