// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com Daysback = Param( "DysBack", 126, 30, 252, 1 ); x = Cum( 1 ); // the X axis, abscissa LastX = LastValue( X ); C1 = Close; aa = LastValue( LinRegIntercept( C1, Daysback ) ); bb = LastValue( LinRegSlope( C1, Daysback ) ); yy = Aa + bb * ( x - ( Lastx - DaysBack ) ); // the algebraic equation for a straight line yy = IIf( x >= ( lastx - Daysback ), yy, -1e10 ); // roll the plot forward and show only the 6 months Plot( yy, "LinRegression Line", colorDarkRed, styleThick ); UpperSEBand = YY + 2 * StdErr( C, 126 ); LowerSEBand = YY - 2 * StdErr( C, 126 ); Plot( UpperSEBand, "Upper 2 Sigma", colorBlue, styleLine ); Plot( LowerSEband, "Lower 2 Sigma", colorBlue, styleLine ); // General Section period = 22; // 22 trading days a month MPT_Period = Param( "MPT Period", 252, 125, 500, 5 ); IndexSym = ParamStr( "Russell 2000 Index Symbol", "!spx" ); Plot( Close, "Close", colorBlue, styleLine ); // calc angel from bb pi = 4 * atan( 1 ) ; //Pi slopeangle = atan( bb ) * ( 180 / pi ); Title = FullName() + " " + Date() + "\n" + "Slope of Regression Line(in degrees) = " + WriteVal( slopeangle, 1.2 ) + "\n" + "Standard Err of of RS Line(%) = " + WriteVal( StdErr( 100 * Close, 126 ), 1.2 );