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Market Profile but with fauillure..someone? for Amibroker (AFL)

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SetChartOptions(3, chartShowDates);
//SetChartOptions( 0);//3 , chartShowDates ); for y axis

GfxSetOverlayMode( mode = 1 );

nn = StrToNum(ParamList("Days", "1|2|3", 1));
box = Param("step", 10, 1, 100, 1)*TickSize;

NewDay = Day()!= Ref(Day(), -1);
DH = LastValue(HighestSince(NewDay, H, nn));
DL = LastValue(LowestSince(NewDay, L, nn));
Range = DH - DL;
steps = ceil(Range/box); // linage
height = Status("pxheight") - 50; // width of the profile (indention overhand 30 from below 20 pixels)
boxheight = LastValue(height/steps); // size of the box

width = (Status("pxwidth")-110)/3; // offset of the profiles

bars = Highest(BarsSince(NewDay));
ColorStep = LastValue(185/bars);

// çàêðûâàåì âíóòðèäíåâíûå ãýïû
L = IIf(C > Ref(C, -1) AND L > Ref(C, - 1) AND NOT NewDay, Ref(C, -1), L);
H = IIf(C < Ref(C, -1) AND H < Ref(C, - 1) AND NOT NewDay, Ref(C, -1), H);

function GetDayPrice( fild, shift)
DayPrice = LastValue(TimeFrameGetPrice(fild, inDaily, -shift));
return DayPrice;

function pixlev(price)
result = 30 + (DH - price)/box * boxheight;
return result;

procedure PlotProfile(DH, DL, begini, endi, disp)
m = 0;
for(j = DH; j > DL; j = j-box)
n = 0;
for(i = begini; i < endi; i++)
if(H[i] >= j AND L[i] <= j)
GfxSelectPen( colorBlack, 1, 0);
GfxSelectSolidBrush(ColorHSB((i-begini)*ColorStep, 255, 255));
GfxRectangle( disp+n*boxheight, 30+m*boxheight, disp+(n+1)*boxheight, 30+(m+1)*boxheight);

procedure PlotLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, Color)
GfxSelectPen(Color, 1, 0);
GfxPolyline( x1, y1, x2, y2 );

procedure PlotRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, Color)
GfxSelectPen(Color, 0, 5);
GfxRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2);

procedure PlotPrice(Text, FontName, FontSize, Color, x, y, yAlign, xAlign)
GfxSetTextAlign( xAlign|yAlign);
GfxSelectFont(FontName, FontSize, 600); // dont work orientation 
GfxTextOut(Text, x, y);
for(q = nn; q > 0; q--)
begini = LastValue(ValueWhen(NewDay, BarIndex(), q));
endi = LastValue(IIf(q == 1, BarCount, ValueWhen(NewDay, BarIndex(), q-1)));
PlotRect(50 + width*(nn-q), pixlev(GetDayPrice("H", q-1)), // day range
50 + width*(nn-q+1), pixlev(GetDayPrice("L", q-1)), colorLightYellow);
PlotRect(50 + width*(nn-q), pixlev(GetDayPrice("O", q-1)), // open-close range
50 + width*(nn-q+1), pixlev(GetDayPrice("C", q-1)), 
IIf(GetDayPrice("O", q-1) > GetDayPrice("C", q-1), ColorHSB(15, 40, 255), 
ColorHSB(80, 40, 255)));
PlotLine(50 + width*(nn-q), pixlev(GetDayPrice("C", q-1)), // close line
50 + width*(nn-q+1), pixlev(GetDayPrice("C", q-1)), 
IIf( GetDayPrice("O", q-1) > GetDayPrice("C", q-1), colorRed, colorGreen));
PlotProfile(DH, DL, begini, endi, 50 + width*(nn-q));
PlotLine(50 + width*(nn-q), height+40, 50 + width*(nn-q), 0, colorBlack); // vertical line
PlotPrice( " close " + NumToStr(GetDayPrice("C", q-1))+" ", "Tahoma", 10, // plot close price 
IIf( GetDayPrice("O", q-1) > GetDayPrice("C", q-1), colorRed, colorGreen), 
50+width*(nn-q+1), pixlev(GetDayPrice("C", q-1)), 
IIf( GetDayPrice("O", q-1) > GetDayPrice("C", q-1), 0, 8), 2);
PlotPrice( " open " + NumToStr(GetDayPrice("O", q-1))+" ", "Tahoma", 10, // plot open price
colorBlack, 50+width*(nn-q+1), pixlev(GetDayPrice("O", q-1)), 
IIf( GetDayPrice("O", q-1) > GetDayPrice("C", q-1), 8, 0), 2);
PlotPrice( " "+NumToStr(GetDayPrice("H", q-1)), "Tahoma", 10, // plot high price
colorBlack, 50+width*(nn-q), pixlev(GetDayPrice("H", q-1)), 8, 0);
PlotPrice(" "+NumToStr(GetDayPrice("L", q-1)), "Tahoma", 10, // plot low price
colorBlack, 50+width*(nn-q), pixlev(GetDayPrice("L", q-1)), 0, 0);

