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Heikin-Ashi(Koma) Modified for Amibroker (AFL)

Copy & Paste Friendly
Heikin-Ashi(Koma-Ashi) with Moving Average Type
SetChartOptions(2, chartWrapTitle);
// Calculate Moving Average
MAPeriod = Param("MA Period", 15, 1, 100);
MAOpen = EMA(Open, MAPeriod);
MAHigh = EMA(High, MAPeriod);
MALow = EMA(Low, MAPeriod);
MAClose = EMA(Close, MAPeriod);
HaClose = (MAOpen + MAHigh + MALow + MAClose) / 4;
HaOpen = AMA(Ref(HaClose,  - 1), 0.5);
// for graph collapse
for (i = 0; i <= MAPeriod; i++)
  HaClose[i] = Null;
// same 
// HaOpen = (Ref(HaOpen, -1) + Ref(HaClose, -1)) / 2;
HaOpen[ 0 ] = HaClose[ 0 ]; 
for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) { 
HaOpen[i] = (HaOpen[i - 1] + HaClose[i - 1]) / 2;
HaHigh = Max(MAHigh, Max(HaClose, HaOpen));
HaLow = Min(MALow, Min(HaClose, HaOpen));
// outs comments
"BarIndex = " + BarIndex();
"Open = " + Open;
"High = " + High;
"Low = " + Low;
"Close = " + Close;
"HaOpen = " + HaOpen;
"HaHigh = " + HaHigh;
"HaLow = " + HaLow;
"HaClose = " + HaClose;
// Plot graphs
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} HaOpen %g, HaHigh %g, HaLow %g, HaClose %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", HaOpen, HaHigh, HaLow, HaClose, SelectedValue(ROC(HaClose, 1))));
PlotOHLC(HaOpen, HaHigh, HaLow, HaClose, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorBlack), styleCandle);
/* **********************************
Code to automatically identify pivots
 ********************************** */
// -- what will be our lookback range for the hh and ll?
farback = Param("How Far back to go", 100, 50, 5000, 10);
nBars = Param("Number of bars", 12, 5, 40);
// -- Title.
Title = Name() + " (" + StrLeft(FullName(), 15) + ") O: " + Open + ", H: " + High + ", L: " + Low + ", C: " + Close;
// -- Plot basic candle chart
PlotOHLC(Open, High, Low, Close, "BIdx = " + BarIndex() + "\n" + "O = " + O + "\n" + "H = " + H + "\n" + "L = " + L + "\n" + "C ", colorYellow, styleLine | styleThick);
GraphXSpace = 7;
// -- Create 0-initialized arrays the size of barcount
aHPivs = H - H;
aLPivs = L - L;
// -- More for future use, not necessary for basic plotting
aHPivHighs = H - H;
aLPivLows = L - L;
aHPivIdxs = H - H;
aLPivIdxs = L - L;
nHPivs = 0;
nLPivs = 0;
lastHPIdx = 0;
lastLPIdx = 0;
lastHPH = 0;
lastLPL = 0;
curPivBarIdx = 0;
// -- looking back from the current bar, how many bars 
// back were the hhv and llv values of the previous 
// n bars, etc.?
aHHVBars = HHVBars(H, nBars);
aLLVBars = LLVBars(L, nBars);
aHHV = HHV(H, nBars);
aLLV = LLV(L, nBars);
// -- Would like to set this up so pivots are calculated back from
// last visible bar to make it easy to "go back" and see the pivots
// this code would find. However, the first instance of 
// _Trace output will show a value of 0
aVisBars = Status("barvisible");
nLastVisBar = LastValue(Highest(IIf(aVisBars, BarIndex(), 0)));
_TRACE("Last visible bar: " + nLastVisBar);
// -- Initialize value of curTrend
curBar = (BarCount - 1);
curTrend = "";
if (aLLVBars[curBar] < 
  curTrend = "D";
  curTrend = "U";
// -- Loop through bars. Search for 
// entirely array-based approach
// in future version
for (i = 0; i < farback; i++)
  curBar = (BarCount - 1) - i;
  // -- Have we identified a pivot? If trend is down...
  if (aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar])
    // ... and had been up, this is a trend change
    if (curTrend == "U")
      curTrend = "D";
      // -- Capture pivot information
      curPivBarIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];
      aLPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;
      aLPivLows[nLPivs] = L[curPivBarIdx];
      aLPivIdxs[nLPivs] = curPivBarIdx;
    // -- or current trend is up
    if (curTrend == "D")
      curTrend = "U";
      curPivBarIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];
      aHPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;
      aHPivHighs[nHPivs] = H[curPivBarIdx];
      aHPivIdxs[nHPivs] = curPivBarIdx;
    // -- If curTrend is up...else...
  // -- loop through bars
// -- Basic attempt to add a pivot this logic may have missed
// -- OK, now I want to look at last two pivots. If the most 
// recent low pivot is after the last high, I could
// still have a high pivot that I didn't catch
// -- Start at last bar
curBar = (BarCount - 1);
candIdx = 0;
candPrc = 0;
lastLPIdx = aLPivIdxs[0];
lastLPL = aLPivLows[0];
lastHPIdx = aHPivIdxs[0];
lastHPH = aHPivHighs[0];
if (lastLPIdx > lastHPIdx)
  // -- Bar and price info for candidate pivot
  candIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];
  candPrc = aHHV[curBar];
  if (
  lastHPH < candPrc AND 
  candIdx > lastLPIdx AND 
  candIdx < curBar)
    // -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot...
    aHPivs[candIdx] = 1;
    // ...and then rearrange elements in the 
    // pivot information arrays
    for (j = 0; j < nHPivs; j++)
      aHPivHighs[nHPivs - j] = aHPivHighs[nHPivs - 
      (j + 1)];
      aHPivIdxs[nHPivs - j] = aHPivIdxs[nHPivs - (j + 1)];
    aHPivHighs[0] = candPrc;
    aHPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;

  // -- Bar and price info for candidate pivot
  candIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];
  candPrc = aLLV[curBar];
  if (
  lastLPL > candPrc AND 
  candIdx > lastHPIdx AND 
  candIdx < curBar)
    // -- OK, we'll add this as a pivot...
    aLPivs[candIdx] = 1;
    // ...and then rearrange elements in the 
    // pivot information arrays
    for (j = 0; j < nLPivs; j++)
      aLPivLows[nLPivs - j] = aLPivLows[nLPivs - (j + 1)];
      aLPivIdxs[nLPivs - j] = aLPivIdxs[nLPivs - (j + 1)];
    aLPivLows[0] = candPrc;
    aLPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;
// -- Dump inventory of high pivots for debugging
for (k=0; k<nHPivs; k++) {
_TRACE("High pivot no. " + k
+ " at barindex: " + aHPivIdxs[k] + ", " 
+ WriteVal(ValueWhen(BarIndex()==aHPivIdxs[k], 
DateTime(), 1), formatDateTime)
+ ", " + aHPivHighs[k]);
// -- OK, let's plot the pivots using arrows
PlotShapes(IIf(aHPivs == 1, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone), colorRed, 0, High, Offset =  - 15);
PlotShapes(IIf(aLPivs == 1, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone), colorBrightGreen, 0, Low, Offset =  - 15);

Sell=(aHPivs == 1);
Buy=(aLPivs == 1);
shape = Buy * shapeUpArrow +Sell * shapeDownArrow ;

PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorLime, colorRed),0, IIf( Buy, Low, High ) );

GraphXSpace = 5;
dist = 1.5*ATR(20); 

for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) 
if( Buy[i] ) PlotText( "Buy\n@ HK " + C[ i ], i, L[ i ]-dist[i], colorLime ); 
if( Sell[i] ) PlotText( "sell\n@ HK " + C[ i ], i, L[ i ]+dist[i], colorRed ); 


SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("BgTop", ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )),

ParamColor("BgBottom", ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )),ParamColor("titleblock",ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )));

// Two adjustable parameter "Buy sensitivity" and "Buy Finetune" provided to adjust entry points.
// Two adjustable parameter "Sell sensitivity" and "Sell Finetune" provided to adjust Exit points.

_SECTION_BEGIN("KAMA System 1.0");


Title = ("KAMA SYSTEM - " + Name()+"  " + Date() +"  "+Interval(2) +"  "+ EncodeColor(colorLime)+",Open "+Open +" ,High "+H+" ,Low "+L+" ,Close "+C+" "+"{{VALUES}}");

//{{VALUES}}"+ O+ H+ L+C);

//_N(Title =StrFormat("{{Name}} - {{Interval}} {{Date}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));

// Buy adjustments
bs=Param("BUY Sensitivity",7,2,20,1);
bf=Param("BUY Finetune",2,0.1,20,0.1);

///uncommentf for optimization
//bs=Optimize("BUY Sensitivity",7,2,20,1);
//bf=Optimize("BUY Finetune",2,0.1,20,0.1);
// Sell Adjustments
ss=Param("SELL Sensitivity",5,2,20,1);
sf=Param("SELL Finetune",1,0.1,20,0.1);

///uncommentf for optimization
ss=Optimize("SELL Sensitivity",5,2,20,1);
sf=Optimize("SELL Finetune",1,0.1,20,0.1);

//stock selection parameters
MyCL = Param( "CL", 10, 10, 100, 10 );
MyVK = Param( "VK", 30, 10, 100, 10 );
MyTL = Param( "TL", 300, 100, 1000, 100 );
//stock selection
//TLM = EMA(C*V/100000,100) ;
//include = C> MyCL AND V/1000> MyVK AND C*V/100000 > MyTL AND TLM > 0.333 * MyTL ; 

// common
fast = 2/(2+1);
slow = 2/(30+1);
//BUY part
scb =( ERb*(fast-slow)+slow)^2; 
xb = AMA( C, scb ); 

//SELL part
scs =( ERs*(fast-slow)+slow)^2; 
xs = AMA( C, scs ); 

Buy=Cross(j,flb) ;
Plot( C, "Close", mycolor,styleNoTitle | styleLine  ); 
Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);

shape = Buy * shapeUpArrow +Sell * shapeDownArrow ;

PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorLime, colorRed),0, IIf( Buy, Low, High ) );

GraphXSpace = 5;
dist = 1.5*ATR(20); 

for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) 
if( Buy[i] ) PlotText( "Buy\n@" + C[ i ], i, L[ i ]-dist[i], colorLime ); 
if( Sell[i] ) PlotText( "sell\n@" + C[ i ], i, L[ i ]+dist[i], colorRed ); 
Filter= Buy OR Sell;

PositionSize = - 20;
SetBarsRequired(10000, 10000);
SetFormulaName("KAMA System");


// Documentation to describe what the function does.
// Second order smoother
// the function statement
function IIR2( input, f0, f1, f2 )
// the function body
result[ 0 ] = input[ 0 ];
result[ 1 ] = input[ 1 ];
for( i = 2; i < BarCount; i++ )
result[i] = f0 * input[i] + f1 * result[i-1] + f2 * result[i-2];
// the function returns a single value and exits.
return result;
// The routine that calls the function.
SmoothedClose = IIR2(Close, 0.2, 1.4, -0.6 );
//Plot( Close, "Price", 2, styleCandle );
Plot( SmoothedClose, "function example", colorRed );
//Figure 8.1 IIR2

PI = 3.1415926;

function jIIR2( input, f0, f1, f2 ) 
    result[ 0 ] = input[ 0 ]; 
    result[ 1 ] = input[ 1 ]; 

    for( i = 2; i < BarCount; i++ ) 
       result[ i ] = f0 * input[ i ] + 
                     f1 * result[ i - 1 ] + 
                     f2 * result[ i - 2 ]; 

   return result; 

function GSMA( input, Period )
  N = 0;
  an = 2 * PI / Period;
  c0 = b0 = 1;
  c1 = b1 = b2 = a1 = a2 = gamma1 = 0;
  beta1 = 2.415 * ( 1- cos( an ) );
  alpha = -beta1 + sqrt( beta1 ^ 2 + 2 * beta1 );
  alpha1 = ( cos( an ) + sin( an ) - 1 )/cos( an );
    fo = alpha ^ 2;
    f1 = 2 * ( 1- alpha ); f2 = -( 1 - alpha )*( 1 - alpha );

  return jIIR2( input, fo,f1,f2);

//Plot( Close, "Price", colorBlack, styleCandle ); 
Plot( GSMA( C,period), "GSMA", colorLime );

//  Linear Regression Line with 2 Standard Deviation Channels Plotted Above and Below 
//  Written by Patrick Hargus, with critical hints from Marcin Gorzynski, Technical Support 
//      Designed for use with AB 4.63 beta and above, using drag and drop feature.  
//  Permits plotting a linear regression line of any price field available on the chart for a period determined by the user.  
//     2 Channels, based on a standard deviation each determined by the user, are plotted above and below the linear regression line. 
// 		A look back feature is also provided for examining how the indicator would have appeared on a chart X periods in the past.    

P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Daysback = Param("Period for Liner Regression Line",21,1,240,1);
shift = Param("Look back period",0,0,240,1); 

//  =============================== Math Formula =============================================================

x = Cum(1);
lastx = LastValue( x ) - shift; 
aa = LastValue( Ref(LinRegIntercept( p, Daysback), -shift) ); 
bb = LastValue( Ref(LinRegSlope( p, Daysback ), -shift) ); 
y = Aa + bb * ( x - (Lastx - DaysBack +1 ) ); 

// ==================Plot the Linear Regression Line ==========================================================

LRColor = ParamColor("LR Color", colorCycle ); 
LRStyle = ParamStyle("LR Style");

LRLine =  IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y, Null );
Plot( LRLine , "LinReg", LRCOLOR, LRSTYLE ); //  styleDots ); 

// ==========================  Plot 1st SD Channel ===============================================================

SDP = Param("Standard Deviation", 1.5, 0, 6, 0.1);
SD = SDP/2;

width = LastValue( Ref(SD*StDev(p, Daysback),-shift) );   // THIS IS WHERE THE WIDTH OF THE CHANELS IS SET  
SDU = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y+width , Null ) ;
SDL = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y-width , Null ) ;

SDColor = ParamColor("SD Color", colorCycle ); 
SDStyle = ParamStyle("SD Style");

Plot( SDU , "Upper Lin Reg", SDColor,SDStyle ); 
Plot( SDL , "Lower Lin Reg", SDColor,SDStyle ); 

//  ==========================  Plot 2d SD Channel ===============================================================

SDP2 = Param("2d Standard Deviation", 2.0, 0, 6, 0.1);
SD2 = SDP2/2;

width2 = LastValue( Ref(SD2*StDev(p, Daysback),-shift) );   // THIS IS WHERE THE WIDTH OF THE CHANELS IS SET  
SDU2 = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y+width2 , Null ) ;
SDL2 = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y-width2 , Null ) ;

SDColor2 = ParamColor("2 SD Color", colorCycle ); 
SDStyle2 = ParamStyle("2 SD Style");

Plot( SDU2 , "Upper Lin Reg", SDColor2,SDStyle2 ); 
Plot( SDL2 , "Lower Lin Reg", SDColor2,SDStyle2 ); 

// ============================ End Indicator Code ==============================================================

//Fibonacci cluster

	SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel",colorWhite)); // color of outer border 
	SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel upper",colorWhite),ParamColor("Inner panel lower",colorWhite));
	tchoice=Param("Title Selection ",2,1,2,1);

//Plot(C, "", IIf(O>=C, colorOrange, colorGreen), ParamStyle("Price Style",styleCandle,maskPrice));
_SECTION_BEGIN("Fib Retracements");
	fibs = ParamToggle("Plot Fibs","Off|On",1);
	pctH = Param ("Pivot Hi %", 0.325,0.001,2.0,0.002);
	HiLB = Param ("Hi LookBack",1,1,BarCount-1,1);
	pctL = Param ("Pivot Lo %", 0.325,0.001,2.0,0.002);
	LoLB = Param ("Lo LookBack",1,1,BarCount-1,1);
	Back = Param ("Extend Left = 2",1,1,500,1);
	Fwd  = Param("Plot Forward", 0, 0, 500, 1);
	text = ParamToggle("Plot Text","Off|On",1);
	hts  = Param ("Text Shift", -33.5,-50,50,0.10);
	style =ParamStyle("Line Style",styleLine,styleNoLabel);
x = BarIndex();
pRp  = PeakBars( H, pctH, 1) == 0;
yRp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pRp, H, HiLB));
xRp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pRp, x, HiLB));
pSp  = TroughBars( L, pctL, 1) == 0;
ySp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pSp, L, LoLB));
xSp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pSp, x, LoLB));
Delta = yRp0 - ySp0;

function fib(ret)
retval = (Delta * ret);
Fibval = IIf(ret < 1.0 
AND xSp0 < xRp0, yRp0 - retval, IIf(ret < 1.0 
AND xSp0 > xRp0, ySp0 + retval,IIf(ret > 1.0 
AND xSp0 < xRp0, yRp0 - retval, IIf(ret > 1.0 
AND xSp0 > xRp0, ySp0 + retval, Null)))); 
return FibVal;

x0 = Min(xSp0,xRp0)-Back;
x1 = (BarCount -1);
r236 = fib(0.236);	r236I = LastValue (r236,1);
r382 = fib(0.382);	r382I = LastValue (r382,1);
r050 = fib(0.50);		r050I = LastValue (r050,1);
r618 = fib(0.618);	r618I = LastValue (r618,1);
r786 = fib(0.786);	r786I = LastValue (r786,1);
e127 = fib(1.27);		e127I = LastValue (e127,1);
e162 = fib(1.62);		e162I = LastValue (e162,1);
e200 = fib(2.00);		e200I = LastValue (e200,1);
e262 = fib(2.62);		e262I = LastValue (e262,1);
e424 = fib(4.24);		e424I = LastValue (e424,1);
p00 = IIf(xSp0 > xRp0,ySp0,yRp0); 	p00I = LastValue (p00,1);
p100 = IIf(xSp0 < xRp0,ySp0,yRp0); 	p100I = LastValue (p100,1);
color00 =IIf(xSp0 > xRp0,colorLime,colorRed);
color100 =IIf(xSp0 < xRp0,colorLime,colorRed);
numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible")));
fraction= IIf(StrRight(Name(),3) == "", 3.2, 3.2);
Plot(LineArray(xRp0-Fwd,yRp0,x1,yRp0,Back),"PR",32,8|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(xSp0-Fwd,ySp0,x1,ySp0,Back),"PS",27,8|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r236,x1,r236,Back),"",45,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r382,x1,r382,Back),"",44,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r050,x1,r050,Back),"",41,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r618,x1,r618,Back),"",43,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r786,x1,r786,Back),"",42,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e127,x1,e127,Back),"e127",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e162,x1,e162,Back),"e162",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e200,x1,e200,Back),"p200",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e262,x1,e262,Back),"p262",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e424,x1,e424,Back),"p424",25,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
PlotText(" 0% = " + WriteVal(p00,fraction), 	LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), p00I  + 0.05, color00);
PlotText("23% = " + WriteVal(r236,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r236I + 0.05, 45);
PlotText("38% = " + WriteVal(r382,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r382I + 0.05, 44);
PlotText("50% = " + WriteVal(r050,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r050I + 0.05, 41);
PlotText("62% = " + WriteVal(r618,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r618I + 0.05, 43);
PlotText("78% = " + WriteVal(r786,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r786I + 0.05, 42);
PlotText("100% = " + WriteVal(p100,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),p100I + 0.05, color100);
PlotText("127% = " + WriteVal(e127,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e127I + 0.05, 47);
PlotText("162% = " + WriteVal(e162,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e162I + 0.05, 47);
PlotText("200% = " + WriteVal(e200,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e200I + 0.05, 47);
PlotText("262% = " + WriteVal(e262,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e262I + 0.05, 47);
PlotText("424% = " + WriteVal(e424,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e424I + 0.05, 25);
if (tchoice==1 ) 
_N(Title = EncodeColor(colorBlack)+StrFormat(" {{NAME}} -   {{INTERVAL}}      {{DATE}}    Open:  %g,    High:  %g,     Low:  %g,     Close:  %g     {{VALUES}}",O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1   ) ) ));
if (tchoice==2 ) 
Title = EncodeColor(colorBlack)+  Date() + "   Tick = " + EncodeColor(5) + Interval()+
EncodeColor(colorBlack) + "     Open = " + EncodeColor(colorBlack) + O + 
EncodeColor(colorBlack) + "     High = " + EncodeColor(5) + H +
EncodeColor(colorBlack) + "      Low = " + EncodeColor(colorRed) + L + 
EncodeColor(colorBlack) + "     Close = " + EncodeColor(colorBlack) + C + "\n" +
EncodeColor( colorBlack) +"_______________"+"\n"+
EncodeColor( colorBlack)  + "424%   =  "	+ 	EncodeColor(25)+ e424 + " " +"\n"+
EncodeColor( colorBlack)  + "262%   =  "	+ 	EncodeColor(47)+ e262 + " " +"\n"+
EncodeColor( colorBlack)  + "200%   =  "	+ 	EncodeColor(47)+ e200 + " " +"\n"+
EncodeColor( colorBlack)  + "162%   =  "	+ 	EncodeColor(47)+ e162 + " " +"\n"+
EncodeColor( colorBlack)  + "127%   =  "	+ 	EncodeColor(47)+ e127 + " " +"\n"+
EncodeColor( colorYellow) + "  Res    =  "	+ 	EncodeColor(32)+ p100 + " " +"\n"+
EncodeColor( colorBlack)  + "  78%   =  "	+	EncodeColor(42)+ r786 + " " +"\n"+
EncodeColor( colorBlack)  + "  62%   =  "	+ 	EncodeColor(43)+ r618 + " " +"\n"+
EncodeColor( colorBlack)  + "  50%   =  "	+ 	EncodeColor(41)+ r050 + " " +"\n"+
EncodeColor( colorBlack)  + "  38%   =  "	+ 	EncodeColor(44)+ r382 + " " +"\n"+
EncodeColor( colorBlack)  + "  23%   =  "	+ 	EncodeColor(45)+ r236+ " " +"\n"+
EncodeColor( colorYellow) + "  Sup   =   "	+ 	EncodeColor(34)+ p00 + " " ;

SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("BgTop", ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )),

ParamColor("BgBottom", ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )),ParamColor("titleblock",ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )));