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Longtermtrade -target line for Amibroker (AFL)

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//* #1453fatihsystem @acarlar33 longtermtrade uzunvadeli yatırım *// // * *// /* Arka Plan Parametre */ _SECTION_BEGIN("Background"); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); GraphXSpace=Param("grafik genişlet",15,-100,300,1); SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel color ",colorwhite)); // color of outer border SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel color upper half",colorwhite), ParamColor("Inner panel color lower half",colorWhite),ParamColor("behind Text Color", colorwhite)); Plot(C,"Kapanış",colorBlack,styleCandle); GfxSelectFont("Arial Bold", Status("pxheight")/20); GfxSetTextAlign( 6 );// center alignment GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Text Color", ColorHSB( 40, 40, 40 ) )); GfxSetBkMode(0); // transparent GfxTextOut( Name(), Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/10); GfxSelectFont("Arial Bold", Status("pxheight")/90); GfxTextOut( " #1453fatihsystem @acarlar33", Status("pxwidth")/14, Status("pxheight")/30); GfxSelectFont("Arial Bold", Status("pxheight")/20); /*CROSS-Ortlamaların YUKARI Kesismesi*/ kesisme=Cross(EMA(C,270),EMA(C,360)); Akesisme=Cross(EMA(C,360),EMA(C,270)); /* #1453fatihsystem ortlamaları */ Plot(EMA(C,60),"üstü kuvvvetli",colorred,styleThick); Plot(EMA(C,90),"",colorRose,styleLine); Plot(EMA(C,180),"",colorLightOrange,styleLine); Plot(EMA(C,270),"",colorGrey40,styleLine); Plot(EMA(C,360),"destek seviye",colorBlue,styleThick); /* HAFTALIK 360 EMA */ wc = TimeFrameCompress( Close, inWeekly ); weeklyma1 = eMA( wc, 360 ); weeklyma1 = TimeFrameExpand( weeklyma1, inWeekly ); Plot( weeklyma1, "", colorGreen,styledashed ); mc = TimeFrameCompress( Close, inmonthly ); /* AYLIK 150 EMA */ monthlyma1 = eMA( mc, 150 ); monthlyma1 = TimeFrameExpand( monthlyma1, inmonthly); Plot( monthlyma1, "", colorred,styledashed ); /* kesişme , hedef1 ,hedef2 yatay çizimi */ Plot(ValueWhen(kesisme,EMA(C,360))*2,"SHDF-1",colorGreen,styleLine); Plot(ValueWhen(kesisme,EMA(C,360))*3,"SHDF-2",colorGreen,styleLine); Plot(ValueWhen(kesisme,EMA(C,360)),"POZİTİF CROSS ",colorBlue,styleThick); Plot(ValueWhen(Akesisme,EMA(C,360)),"NEGATIF CROSS ",colorRed,styleThick); /* ALT BAR NEGATIF ALAN POZİTİF ALAN GOSTERİMİ */ Color = IIf( EMA(C,270) > EMA(C,360) , colorLime, IIf( EMA(C,360) > EMA(C,270), colorred, colorGrey40 )) ; Plot( 2, "", Color, styleArea | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel, -1.1, 50 ); /* ALT BAR SIRALI ORTLAMA GOSTERİMİ */ Color = IIf( EMA(C,60) > EMA(C,90) AND EMA(C,90) > EMA(C,180) AND EMA(C,180) > EMA(C,270) AND EMA(C,270) > EMA(C,360) , colorCustom12 , IIf( EMA(C,360) > EMA(C,270) AND EMA(C,270) > EMA(C,180) AND EMA(C,180) > EMA(C,90) AND EMA(C,90) > EMA(C,60) , coloraqua, colorGREY40 )) ; Plot( 2, "", Color, styleArea | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel, -0.1, 100); /* uzun vadeli girenleri tarama */ Buy=Cross(EMA(C,270),EMA(C,360)); Sell=Cross(EMA(C,360),EMA(C,270));