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Scale Out for Amibroker (AFL)

Copy & Paste Friendly
_SECTION_BEGIN("Scale Out: Futures");
BuyPrice = Close;
ShortPrice = Close;
SetOption("FuturesMode", True);
SetOption("InitialEquity", 10000000);

Buy = Cross(MA(C, 20), MA(C,50));
Short = Cross(MA(C,50), MA(C,20));
SystemExitLong = Cross(MA(C,18), C); // This value will be adjusted according the system's exit rules
SystemExitShort = Cross(C, MA(C,18));
StopAmt = 1.5; //number of points
ProfitTarget = 3;//number of points

TickIncrement = Param("Tick Increment", 0.25, 0.1, 1, 0.1);//ES = 0.25, NQ = 0.10, YM = 1
TickIncrement = TickIncrement * 1; //change this value according to the expected slippage when stops are tiggered

//set begining value of essential variables
TrailingStop = 0; // This value will be adjusted to FirstProfitTarget only after SecondProfitTarget is hit
StopLoss = 0;
FirstProfitTarget = 0;
SecondProfitTarget = 0;
//set begining values for long variables
highsincebuy = 0; 
Sell = 0;
TradeDate = DateTime();
//set begining values for short variables
priceatshort= 0; 
lowsincebuy = 0;
Cover = 0; 

//set exit to zero
exit = 0;  
PortEq = Equity();

//////////////Begin code to scale out of positions/////////////////////////
for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) 
   if( priceatbuy == 0 AND Buy[ i ] ) 
		//initialize required variables
		priceatbuy = BuyPrice[ i ]; 
		StopLoss = StopAmt[i];
		FirstProfitTarget = StopAmt[i];
		SecondProfitTarget = ProfitTarget[i];

   if( priceatshort == 0 AND Short[ i ] ) 
		//initialize required variables
       priceatshort = ShortPrice[ i ];
		StopLoss = StopAmt[i];
		FirstProfitTarget = StopAmt[i];
		SecondProfitTarget = ProfitTarget[i];

   if( priceatbuy > 0 ) 
       highsincebuy = Max( High[ i ], highsincebuy ); 
//un-comment statement below for debuging
//_TRACE("LongEntry: " + DateTimeToStr(TradeDate[i]) +"/ BuyPrice: " +BuyPrice[i] +"/ Equity in-loop: " +PortEq[i]);

//check if 1st target hit and Buy not = 1
      if( Buy[i] != 1 AND exit == 0 AND 
          High[ i ] >= FirstProfitTarget + TickIncrement  + priceatbuy ) 
         // first profit target hit - scale-out 
         exit = 1; 
         Buy[ i ] = sigScaleOut; 
		  BuyPrice[i] = FirstProfitTarget + priceatbuy;

//check if 2nd target hit and Buy not = 1
      if( Buy[i] != 1 AND exit == 1 AND 
          High[ i ] >= SecondProfitTarget + TickIncrement  + priceatbuy ) 
         // second profit target hit - scale-out 
         exit = 2; 
			Buy[ i ] = sigScaleOut;
			BuyPrice[i] = SecondProfitTarget + priceatbuy;
				//if close of bar that sets trailing stop is higher than target 1 assume
				//trailing stop is not triggered on that bar.
				SetTrail = IIf(Close[i] > priceatbuy + FirstProfitTarget, 1, 0);
			//after hitting SecondProfitTarget, move
			//stop to FirstProfitTarget position
			TrailingStop = FirstProfitTarget + priceatbuy;   

//check if trailing stop hit and Buy not = 1
				//make sure SetTrail is not = 1 to ensure trail stop is not hit
				//unless close of bar where trail stop is set is lower than
				//trail stop
      if( Buy[i] != 1 AND exit == 2 AND SetTrail == 0 AND
          Low[ i ] <=  TrailingStop - TickIncrement  ) 
         // Trailing Stop target hit - exit trade with final contract
         exit = 3; 
         SellPrice[ i ] = TrailingStop - TickIncrement  ; //accounting for one tick slippage

//check if system exit hit and Buy not = 1
      if( Buy[i] != 1 AND exit <= 2 AND 
          SystemExitLong [i]) //need to substitute system exit here
         // System Exit hit - exit all remaining contracts 
         exit = 3; 
			SellPrice[i] = Close[i]; //all three contracts would exit here

//check if stop loss hit and Buy not = 1
      if(Buy[i] != 1 AND Low[ i ] <= priceatbuy - StopLoss - TickIncrement  ) 
         // Stop Loss hit - exit 
         exit = 3;    
         SellPrice[ i ] = Min( Open[ i ], priceatbuy - StopLoss - TickIncrement 
); //assume one tick slippage
//un-comment statement below for debuging
//_TRACE("Buy = " + Buy[i] +"/ Exit: " +exit);

				//Reset the SetTrail variable back to zero before processing next bar
				SetTrail = 0;

//check if exit complete
      if( exit >= 3 ) 
         Buy[ i ] = 0; 
         Sell[ i ] = exit + 1; // mark appropriate exit code 
         exit = 0; 
         priceatbuy = 0; // reset price 
         highsincebuy = 0; 
		  ThirdProfitTarget  = 0;
		  TrailingStop  = 0;

    } //exit: Check exits for longs

   	if( priceatshort > 0 ) 
       lowsincebuy = Min( Low[ i ], lowsincebuy );
//un-comment statement below for debuging
//_TRACE("ShortEntry: " + DateTimeToStr(TradeDate[i]) +"/ ShortPrice = " +priceatshort +"/ Equity in-loop: " +PortEq[i]);

//check if 1st target hit and short not = 1
      if( Short[i] != 1 AND exit == 0 AND
          Low[ i ] <= priceatshort - FirstProfitTarget - TickIncrement ) 
         // first profit target hit - scale-out 
         exit = 1; 
         Short[ i ] = sigScaleOut; 
		  ShortPrice[i] = priceatshort - FirstProfitTarget;

//check if 2nd target hit and short not = 1
      if( Short[i] != 1 AND exit == 1 AND
          Low[ i ] <= priceatshort - SecondProfitTarget - TickIncrement ) 
         // second profit target hit - scale-out 
         exit = 2; 
			Short[ i ] = sigScaleOut;
		   ShortPrice[i] = priceatshort - SecondProfitTarget;
				//if close of bar that sets trailing stop is lower than target 1 assume
				//trailing stop is not triggered on that bar.
				SetTrail = IIf(Close[i] < priceatshort - FirstProfitTarget, 1, 0);
			//after hitting SecondProfitTarget, move  
			//stop to FirstProfitTarget position
			TrailingStop = priceatshort - FirstProfitTarget ; 
//check if trailing stop hit and short not = 1
				//make sure SetTrail is not = 1 to ensure trail stop is not hit
				//unless close of bar where trail stop is set is higher than
				//trail stop
      if( Short[i] != 1 AND exit == 2 AND SetTrail == 0 AND
          High[ i ] >=  TrailingStop + TickIncrement  ) 
         // Trailing Stop target hit - exit trade with final contract
         exit = 3; 
         CoverPrice[ i ] = TrailingStop + TickIncrement ;
//check if system exit and short not = 1
      if( Short[i] != 1 AND exit <= 2 AND
          SystemExitShort[i]) //need to substitute system exit here
         // System Exit hit - exit all remaining contracts 
         exit = 3; 
			CoverPrice[i] = Close[i]; //all three contracts would exit here

//check if stop loss hit and short not = 1
      if(Short[i] != 1 AND High[ i ] >= priceatshort  + StopLoss + TickIncrement
         // Stop Loss hit - exit 
         exit = 3;    
         CoverPrice[ i ] = Max( Open[ i ], priceatshort  + StopLoss +
TickIncrement  ); //assume one tick slippage
//un-comment statement below for debuging
//_TRACE("Short = " + Short[i] +"/ Exit: " +exit);

				//Reset the SetTrail variable back to zero before processing next bar
				SetTrail = 0;
//check if exit complete
      if( exit >= 3 ) 
         Short[ i ] = 0; 
         Cover[ i ] = exit + 1; // mark appropriate exit code
         exit = 0; 
         priceatshort = 0; // reset price
         highsincebuy = 0; 
		  ThirdProfitTarget  = 0;
		  TrailingStop  = 0;

    } //exit: check exits for shorts

} //exit: loop

//trade three contracts with every entry signal
//scale out one contract at a time
SetPositionSize( 1, IIf( Short == sigScaleOut OR Buy == sigScaleOut, spsShares,
spsNoChange ) );
//////////////End of code to scale out of positions////////////////////////