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Automatic Trend Lines for Amibroker (AFL)

3 / 5 (Votes 4)
Trend Lines, amibroker
  • This Amibroker script is designed to automate the process of drawing:
  • 1. Trend lines (sloping)
  • 2. Support & resistance lines (horizontal)
  • 3. Channel lines (parallel lines to trend lines & horizontal lines)
  • This script is not a recommendation to buy or sell anything. It’s to be
  • used as is without any guarantees or warranties on its reliability.
  • Author: Prajan
  • Version: v2.0.2 (20160816)

Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
*  Name: Automatic Trend Lines
*  This Amibroker script is designed to automate the process of drawing:
*     1. Trend lines (sloping)
*     2. Support & resistance lines (horizontal)
*     3. Channel lines (parallel lines to trend lines & horizontal lines)
*  This script is not a recommendation to buy or sell anything. It's to be
*  used as is without any guarantees or warranties on its reliability.
*  Author: Prajan
*  Version: v2.0.2 (20160816)


// We only want to draw trend lines where they are within +/-X% of the last close
PctLmt = Param("% from last Close to draw", 3, 0, 100, 1, 0);

// Number of breaks allowed before NullBars area
BreaksLimit = Param("Number of breaks allowed (before NullBars)", 2, 0, 100, 1, 0);

// Do we deem a price body as a valid "break"? If just the close as a valid break leave No.
OpenBreak = ParamToggle("Price body considered break?", "No|Yes", 0);

// What are the minimum numbers of touches to draw a trend line, being mindful
// that a sloping trend line already has two trend line touches, whereas horizontal
// and channel lines only have one.
TouchesLimit = Param("Minimum trend line touches", 2, 0, 10, 1, 0);

// Only look back over the last X number of bars from the right-most edge of
// the chart. By placing a value in here besides 0 it can help speed up the
// computation time spent with processing this script.
LastBars = Param("Only use last X bars (0 = Use all)", 0, 0, 10000, 100, 0);

// Ignore all trend line breaks and touches in the last X bars
NullBars = Param("Ignore touches and breaks in last X bars", 10, 0, 100, 1, 0);

// Swing level
SwingPoints = Param("Swing points", 2, 1, 3, 1, 0 );

// Do you wish to plot sloping trend lines?
PlotTL = ParamToggle("Plot trend lines?", "No|Yes", 1);

// Do you wish to plot horizontal support and resistance lines?
PlotSR = ParamToggle("Plot sup/res lines?", "No|Yes", 1);

// Do you wish to plot sloping channel lines?
PlotChannels = ParamToggle("Plot channel lines?", "No|Yes", 1); 

// What colour do you wish to plot for upper lines?
UpperColor = ParamColor("Upper trend line colours", ColorRGB( 17,199,251 ) );

// What colour do you wish to plot for lower lines?
LowerColor = ParamColor("Lower trend line colours", ColorRGB( 243,126,120 ) );

// Do you wish to plot upper lines?
PlotUpper = ParamToggle("Plot upper lines?", "No|Yes", 1);

// Do you wish to plot lower lines?
PlotLower = ParamToggle("Plot lower lines?", "No|Yes", 1); 


// Determine if the bars passed in form a swing high.
// @param {int} left bar
// @param {int} middle bar
// @param {int} right bar
// @return {boolean} if the three bars have created a swing high is True
function isSwingHigh( left, middle, right ) {
	result = False;
	if ( H[left] <= H[middle] && H[middle] > H[right] ) result = True;
	return result; 

// Determines if the bars passed in form a swing low.
// @param {int} left bar
// @param {int} middle bar
// @param {int} right bar
// @return {boolean} if the three bars have created a swing low is True
function isSwingLow( left, middle, right ) {
	result = False;
	if ( L[left] >= L[middle] && L[middle] < L[right] ) result = True;
	return result;

// This function refines the swing array.
// @param {int[]} array of bar indexes
// @param {boolean} get swing high if True, otherwise get swing lows
// @return {int[]} array of bar indexes
function getSwingArray( swing, isHigh ) {
	z = 0;
	result = Null;
	for ( i = 2; i < BarCount; i += 1 ) {
		if ( IsNull( swing[i] ) ) break;
		if ( swing[i] < BarCount-LastBars && LastBars > 0 ) continue; 
		if ( isHigh && isSwingHigh( swing[i-2], swing[i-1], swing[i] ) ) {
			result[z] = swing[i-1];
			z = z + 1;
		} else if ( !isHigh && isSwingLow( swing[i-2], swing[i-1], swing[i] ) ) {
			result[z] = swing[i-1];
			z = z + 1;
	return result;

// This function returns the highest or lowest bar between two bars.
// @param {int} bar1 - the leftmost bar
// @param {int} bar2 - the rightmost bar
// @param {boolean} isHigh - get highest bar if True, otherwise lowest bar
// @return {int} highest or lowest bar
function getBar( bar1, bar2, isHigh ) {
	result = bar1;
	for ( i = bar1; i <= bar2; i += 1 ) {
		if ( isHigh && H[i] >= H[result] ) result = i;
		if ( !isHigh && L[i] <= L[result] ) result = i;
	return result;

// This function calculates the slope value.
// @param {int} bar1
// @param {int} bar2
// @param {boolean} isHigh
// @return {double} slope value
function getSlope( bar1, bar2, isHigh ) {
	result = -1;
	if ( bar1 - bar2 == 0 ) {
		result = 0;
	} else if ( isHigh ) {
		result = ( H[bar1] - H[bar2] ) / ( bar1 - bar2 );
	} else if ( !isHigh ) {
		result = ( L[bar1] - L[bar2] ) / ( bar1 - bar2 );
	return result;

// This function plots the trend line. Don't directly call from code,
// pass through the checkTrendline procedure first.
// @param {int} bar1
// @param {int} bar2
// @param {boolean} isHigh
// @param {double} slope
// @param {int} tlType  0 = horizontal; 1 = sloping; -1 = parallel (channel)
// @return {boolean} was trend line plotted?
function plotTrendLine( bar1, bar2, isHigh, slope, tlType ) {
	touches = 1; // being i == bar1
	breaks = 0;
	isPlotted = False;
	flag = 0;
	for ( i = bar1+1; i < BarCount-NullBars; i += 1 ) {
		if ( isHigh ) {
			trendlineValue = H[bar1] + ( slope * ( i - bar1 ) );
			if ( C[i] > trendlineValue ) {
				breaks = breaks + 1;
			} else if ( O[i] > trendlineValue && OpenBreak ) {
				breaks = breaks + 1;
			// rather than just being a touch we're checking that the touch
			// was a swing point as trendlines can go through a cluster of price
			// points and meet the touch trigger, here we're refining what's
			// classified as a legitimate "touch"
			if ( H[i] >= trendlineValue ) flag = i+1;
			if ( flag == i && isSwingHigh( i-2, i-1, i ) ) touches = touches + 1;
		} else {
			trendlineValue = L[bar1] + ( slope * ( i - bar1 ) );
			if ( C[i] < trendlineValue ) {
				breaks = breaks + 1;
			} else if ( O[i] < trendlineValue && OpenBreak ) {
				breaks = breaks + 1;
			if ( L[i] <= trendlineValue ) flag = i+1;
			if ( flag == i && isSwingLow( i-2, i-1, i ) ) touches = touches + 1;
		if ( breaks > BreaksLimit ) break;
	if ( breaks <= BreaksLimit && touches >= TouchesLimit ) {
		// time to plot the trend line
		if ( isHigh ) {
			// Plot if parallel (channel) line
			if ( tlType == -1 ) {
				trendlineArray = LineArray( bar1, H[bar1], bar1+1, H[bar1]+slope, 1 );
				Plot( trendlineArray, "ch-up-"+bar1, LowerColor );
			// Plot if horizontal line
			if ( tlType == 0 ) {
				trendlineArray = LineArray( bar1, H[bar1], BarCount, H[bar1], 1 );
				Plot( trendlineArray, "hz-"+bar1, UpperColor );
			// Plot if sloping line
			if ( tlType == 1 ) {
				trendlineArray = LineArray( bar1, H[bar1], bar2, H[bar2], 1 );
				Plot( trendlineArray, "tl-up-"+bar1+"."+bar2, UpperColor );
			isPlotted = True;
		} else {
			if ( tlType == -1 ) {
				trendlineArray = LineArray( bar1, L[bar1], bar1+1, L[bar1]+slope, 1 );
				Plot( trendlineArray, "ch-dn-"+bar1, UpperColor );
			if ( tlType == 0 ) {
				trendlineArray = LineArray( bar1, L[bar1], BarCount, L[bar1], 1 );
				Plot( trendlineArray, "hz-"+bar1, LowerColor );
			if ( tlType == 1 ) {
				trendlineArray = LineArray( bar1, L[bar1], bar2, L[bar2], 1 );
				Plot( trendlineArray, "tl-dn-"+bar1+"."+bar2, LowerColor );
			isPlotted = True;
	return isPlotted;

// Here is the main procedure that plots trend lines, however, it's
// operating as a gatekeeper to help determine whether values inserted
// into the parameters are valid. The types of trend lines passed through
// this function are:
// 1. Sloping trend lines (required = bar1, bar2, isHigh, slope)
// 2. Horizontal support & resistance lines (required = bar1, isHigh, slope)
// 3. Sloping channel lines (required = bar1, bar2, isHigh, slope)
// @param {int} bar1
// @param {int} bar2
// @param {boolean} isHigh
// @param {double} slope
// @param {int} tlType  0 = horizontal; 1 = sloping; -1 = parallel (channel)
procedure checkTrendline( bar1, bar2, isHigh, slope, tlType ) {
	if ( IsNull( bar2 ) ) bar2 = 0;
	if ( IsNull( slope ) && bar1 == bar2 ) slope = 0;
	if ( IsNull( slope ) ) slope = getSlope( bar1, bar2, isHigh );
	if ( isHigh ) trendlineEnd = H[bar1] + ( slope * ( BarCount-1 - bar1 ) );
	if ( !isHigh ) trendlineEnd = L[bar1] + ( slope * ( BarCount-1 - bar1 ) );
	if ( abs( 1 - ( trendlineEnd / LastValue( C ) ) ) * 100 <= PctLmt ) {
		if ( plotTrendline( bar1, bar2, isHigh, slope, tlType ) ) {
			// Check corresponding channel lines
			if ( PlotChannels ) {
				channelBar = getBar( bar1, bar2, !isHigh );
				plotTrendline( channelBar, channelBar, !isHigh, slope, -1 );

 * MAIN 
 * Here is the beginning of the script.

// 1. Initialise our swing points with all bars

swingHighs = BarIndex();
swingLows = BarIndex();

// 2. Recursively loop through the array by obtaining the SwingPoint level needed

for ( i = 0; i < SwingPoints; i += 1 ) {

	if ( PlotUpper ) swingHighs = getSwingArray( swingHighs, True );
	if ( PlotLower ) swingLows = getSwingArray( swingLows, False );

// 3. Count the number of elements in the array

swingHighCount = BarCount - NullCount( swingHighs, 0 );
swingLowCount = BarCount - NullCount( swingLows, 0 );

// 4a. Loop through the swing high array

for ( a = 0; a < swingHighCount; a += 1 ) {

	for ( b = a+1; b < swingHighCount; b += 1 ) {
		bar1 = swingHighs[a];
		bar2 = swingHighs[b];
		if ( !IsNull( bar1 ) && !IsNull( bar2 ) ) {
			slope = getSlope( bar1, bar2, True );
			// Check sloping trend lines
			if ( PlotTL ) checkTrendLine( bar1, bar2, True, slope, 1 );
			// Check horizontal resistance lines
			if ( PlotSR ) checkTrendLine( bar1, bar1, True, 0, 0 );

// 4b. Loop through the swing low array

for ( a = 0; a < swingLowCount; a += 1 ) {

	for ( b = a+1; b < swingLowCount; b += 1 ) {
		bar1 = swingLows[a];
		bar2 = swingLows[b];
		if ( !IsNull( bar1 ) && !IsNull( bar2 ) ) {
			slope = getSlope( bar1, bar2, False );
			// Check sloping trend lines
			if ( PlotTL ) checkTrendLine( bar1, bar2, False, slope, 1 );
			// Check horizontal resistance lines
			if ( PlotSR ) checkTrendLine( bar1, bar1, False, 0, 0 );


1. pankit

swing count error

2. Anilkrishnareddy456

swingHighCount = BarCount – NullCount( swingHighs, 0 );


3. SandipanSarkar

Swing count error. Please rectify

4. Expecto Patronum

Can you tell us how to use this please? All I can see is a price chart and altering the parameters doesn’t affect this. Thanks.

5. Expecto Patronum

Sorry, it’s working now. Thanks for uploading. Maybe make the support trendlines so that they only angle upwards? And vice versa for the resistance trendlines.

6. pankit

how it is working still i got swing count error pls tell me to work it

7. mavirk

Sensory Overload

9. tradermind

swingHighCount = BarCount – NullCount( swingHighs, 0 );


10. santosh padhy

not working on ami 6.20.
too many function call error comes.

plz paste updated ver.

11. phucluu26

someone can tell me any providers supply global stock data for amibroker, can’t you? I’m from Vietnam.
Many thanks

12. sagar2kd

good afl

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