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BB and Keltner Squeeze for Amibroker (AFL)
5 / 5 (Votes 1)
amibroker, bands, alerts
Bollinger bands and Keltner bands squeeze formula
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// FROM AMIBROKER FORUMS Here we go: _SECTION_BEGIN("Squeesy"); /* BB Squeeze (conversion for TS code) Instructions Insert Linked to new chart pane Periods can be selected in Param window */ Price = Close; Length = Param("Length",20,2,100,1); // { Length for Average True Range (ATR)} Lenght1 = Param("Length1",20,2,100,1); // { Std. Deviation (SD) Calcs } nK = Param("Channel ATRs",1.5,0.1,2,0.1); //{ Keltner Channel ATRs from Average } nBB = Param("BB Std Devs",2,0.1,3,0.1); // { Bollinger Band Std. Devs. from Average } AlertLine = Param("AlertLine",1,0,3,1); //{ BBS_Index level at which to issue alerts } NormalColor = colorRed; //{ Normal color for BBS_Ind } AlertlColor = colorBlue; //{ Color for BBS_Ind below alert line } LHMult = Nz(PointValue/TickSize); //{-- Calculate BB Squeeze Indicator ----------------------} AvgTrueRange = ATR(Length); SDev = StDev(Price, Length); Denom = nK*AvgTrueRange; BBS_Ind = Nz((nBB * SDev) /Denom); SetPlotColor = IIf( BBS_Ind < Alertline, NormalColor, AlertlColor); BBcrossDown = Cross(AlertLine,BBS_Ind); BBcrossUp = Cross(BBS_Ind,AlertLine); SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowDates|chartWrapTitle ); GraphXSpace=10; //_N(Title = "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} "+_DEFAULT_NAME()+" : {{OHLCX}} {{VALUES}}"); //+"\nALERT: "+WriteIf(BBcrossDown,"BB Squeeze Alert",WriteIf (BBcrossUp,"BB Squeeze Is Over","")) ); //{-- Plot the Index & Alert Line -------------------------} Plot(0, "BBS_Ind", SetPlotColor, styleDots ); //{-- Plot delta of price from Donchian mid line ----------} value2 = LinearReg( price-((HHV(H, Lenght1)+LLV(L, Lenght1))/2+ MA (C,Lenght1))/2, Lenght1); color = IIf( value2 > 0, IIf( value2 > Ref(value2,-1), colorGreen, colorDarkGreen), IIf( value2 < 0, IIf( value2 < Ref(value2,-1), colorRed, colorDarkRed ), colorYellow )); Plot(value2*LHMult, "NickmNxtMove", color, styleArea ); Plot(value2,"BB Squeeze",color, styleArea ); //{-- Issue Alert when the Squeeze is On ------------------} "ALERT"; //Write alerts to Interpretation window //Ticker = Name(); //WriteIf(BBcrossDown,Ticker + " " + "BB Squeeze Alert" ,WriteIf (BBcrossUp,Ticker + " " + "BB Squeeze Is Over","")); //Write alerts to Alert Output window AlertIf(BBcrossDown,"","BB Squeeze Alert",0); AlertIf(BBcrossUp,"","BB Squeeze Is Over",0); //Sound alerts //AlertIf( BBcrossDown, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\RINGIN.WAV", "Audio alert", 2 ); //AlertIf( BBcrossUp, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\RINGIN.WAV", "Audio alert", 2 ); //Write text to screen /* for(i=1;i<BarCount;i++) { if(BBcrossDown[i]) { PlotText("BB Squeeze Alert",i,-6,colorWhite); } if(BBcrossUp[i]) { PlotText("BB Squeeze Is Over",i,-3,colorWhite); } } */ PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow*BBcrossDown,colorBrightGreen,0,0); PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow*BBcrossup,colorBrightGreen,0,0); _SECTION_END();
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can anyone modify the buy sell signal according this
bb period : 20
bb width : 1
buy : close abv upper band
sell: close below lower band
how to use this??
Ref: ( TTM Squeeze how to use )
Superb code….hunted for this ages for Amibroker!!
Great share!!