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Rotasi Saham / Stock Rotation XY-Chart for Amibroker (AFL)

4 / 5 (Votes 10)

Rotasi Saham digunakan untuk memetakan saham yang outperform / underperfom dibandingkan index acuan, ke dalam 4 kuadran XY chart.

- Kanan atas = Leading
- Kanan bawah = Weakening
- Kiri bawah = Lagging
- Kiri atas = Improving

Ini adalah versi kode paling dasar yang dibutuhkan.
Silakan menambahkan warna dan tulisan untuk masing2 kuadran sesuai keinginan kalian.

Stock rotation is used to map stocks that outperform / underperform compared to the reference index, into 4 quadrants of the XY chart.

– Top right = Leading
– Bottom right = Weakening
– Bottom left = Lagging
– Top left = Improving

This is the most basic version of the code needed.
Do add colors and text for each quadrant as you wish.


Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
_SECTION_BEGIN( "XY-Rotation Chart" );

_N( base = ParamStr( "Base", "IHSG" ) );
tbar = Param( "Trailing Bar", 12, 1, 100, 1 );

EnableTextOutput( False );
GfxSetOverlayMode( 2 );

pxl = Status( "pxchartleft" );
pxr = Status( "pxchartright" );
pxt = Status( "pxcharttop" );
pxb = Status( "pxchartbottom" );
pxw = ( pxr - pxl ) / 2;
pxh = ( pxb - pxt ) / 2;
xm = pxl + pxw;
ym = pxt + pxh;

GfxMoveTo( pxl, ym ); 
GfxLineTo( pxr, ym );
GfxMoveTo( xm, pxt );
GfxLineTo( xm, pxb );

function getrs ( sc, t )
    bc = Foreign( base, "C" );
    sbr = sc / bc;

    rs1 = MA( sbr, 12 );
    rs2 = MA( sbr, 26 );
    rs = 100 * ( ( rs1 - rs2 ) / rs2 + 1 );

    rm1 = MA( rs, 1 );
    rm2 = MA( rs, 9 );
    rm = 100 * ( ( rm1 - rm2 ) / rm2 + 1 );

    return IIf( t, rs , rm ) - 100;

function drawpos ( x, y, sym, text )
    rsl = VarGet( "rsl" );
    rsh = VarGet( "rsh" );
    rml = VarGet( "rml" );
    rmh = VarGet( "rmh" );

    xx = pxl + pxw + x * ( pxw / ( Max( rsh, -rsl ) * 1.10 ) );
    yy = pxb - pxh - y * ( pxh / ( Max( rmh, -rml ) * 1.10 ) );

    xp = Nz( VarGet( "xp" + sym ), xx );
    yp = Nz( VarGet( "yp" + sym ), yy );

    VarSet( "xp" + sym, xx );
    VarSet( "yp" + sym, yy );

    GfxMoveTo( xp, yp );
    GfxLineTo( xx, yy );

    GfxCircle( xx, yy, IIf( text == "", 2, 4 ) );

    if ( text != "" ) GfxTextOut( sym, xx + 6 , yy - 3 );

for ( i = 0; ( sym = StrExtract( list, i ) ) != ""; i++ )
    SetForeign( sym );

    rs = getrs( C, 1 );
    rm = getrs( C, 0 );

    for ( ii = BarCount - tbar; ii < BarCount; ii++ )
        rs_ = rs[ ii ];
        rm_ = rm[ ii ];

        rsh = Nz( VarGet( "rsh" ), rs_ );
        if ( rs_ >= rsh )
            VarSet( "rsh", rs_ );

        rsl = Nz( VarGet( "rsl" ), rs_ );
        if ( rs_ <= rsl )
            VarSet( "rsl", rs_ );

        rmh = Nz( VarGet( "rmh" ), rm_ );
        if ( rm_ >= rmh )
            VarSet( "rmh", rm_ );

        rml = Nz( VarGet( "rml" ), rm_ );
        if ( rm_ <= rml )
            VarSet( "rml", rm_ );

    RestorePriceArrays( True );

for ( i = 0; ( sym = StrExtract( list, i ) ) != ""; i++ )
    SetForeign( sym );

    rs = getrs( C, 1 );
    rm = getrs( C, 0 );

    for ( ii = BarCount - tbar; ii < BarCount; ii++ )
        drawpos( rs[ ii ], rm[ ii ], sym, WriteIf( ii == BarCount - 1, sym, "" ) );

    RestorePriceArrays( True );



1. bebo

chart empty , only 4 quadrants showed .

2. newbie123

in line 3, change the name of the index/stock you want to use as a reference/base

in line 4, change the name of the stock you want to display on the chart

3. bebo

ok , thanx for replay

4. Sat

Thanks a lot for you contribution by share this AFL ,

to user :
please visit this link :
to more understand how this afl work.

5. wuchang

how can i change color and draw line for this indicator. please help me!

6. TigerXXX

Thank you very much…

You inspired me and helped me improve the code. As a result, I was able to achieve the following result…

Thanks again…

XY-Chart Graph

7. newbie123

Very nice TigerXXX. Good job and happy for you.

8. soigau

Hi TigerXXX can you share your code please.

9. Kenji

Hi TigerXXX,
Can you share your code with the color please?
Thank you for your sharing.

10. elvisnguyen

Hi TigerXXX,
Can you share your code with the color please?
Thank you for your sharing.

12. psr

How to use colours add names for 4 quadrants?
Thank you for sharing. Its quite helpful

13. echcom

Thanks for your sharing, exactly what I was looking for. respect your contribution

14. dungaoi

Hi TigerXXX,
Could you share with me your code with color please?
Thank you very much in advance!

15. bsant79

thank bro for share

16. kazunoki

thank bro for your share

17. wangjia0427

Hi TigerXXX can you share your code please.Thank you in advance!

18. t3nsai

Di ami sy tampilan nya blank ya ?

19. newcomer

Halo gan, boleh share contact telegram atau WA? mau minta tolong ada project. Salam.

20. alwi afghani

bang kok g ada gambarnya. gimana cara gunainnya

22. iwan


   rs1 = MA( sbr, 12 );
    rs2 = MA( sbr, 26 );
    rs = 100 * ( ( rs1 - rs2 ) / rs2 + 1 );
    rm1 = MA( rs, 1 );
    rm2 = MA( rs, 9 );

apakah angka pada parameter MA merupakan defaultnya atau bisa di set up lagi ? Tks.

Comment hidden - Show
24. newbie123

@t3nsai @alwi afgani, di baris ke 3 dan ke 4, sesuaikan dengan kode index dan kode saham yang ada di amibroker mu. Atau bisa klik kanan di chart —> parameter —> bisa ganti/ubah2 di situ.

@iwan, saya pakai default MACD, tentu bisa di adjust sesuai kenyamanan masing2.

25. iwan

@newbie123 tks atas penjelasannya.
Apakah bisa di share coding awal utk
menghasilkan warna warni masing masing saham?
Sementara saat ini saya hanya bisa memunculkan
satu macam warna yang sama untuk semua saham
pada masing masing sektornya. Tks.

26. t3nsai

terima kasih

sudah bisa fungsional chart rrg nya
sy lihat di chart rrg lain, titik tengah nya bs dinamis ya…
tidak selalu di tengah, itu bgmn ya logika nya ?

27. newbie123

halo t3nsai

intinya, gunakan nilai rs dan rm yang paling ekstrem (nilai rs paling kiri dan paling kanan, nilai rm paling bawah dan paling atas) dari semua nilai rs/rm yg mau di plot untuk dijadikan acuan dalam membuat skala agar semua titik bisa di plot ke xychart sesuai proporsinya.

28. adinur

kok saya explore di ambi broker tampirannya tidak sama seperti di contohnya ya?

29. ERIC

Base pakai IHSG tdk bisa, pakai ^JKSE juga tidak bisa. kalau pakai ^JKLQ45, ^JKKOMPAS100,^JKIDX30 bisa, tp tentunya tidak valid untuk saham diluar index2 tsb. gimana ya solusinya?


30. ERIC

Base pakai IHSG tdk bisa, pakai ^JKSE juga tidak bisa. kalau pakai ^JKLQ45, ^JKKOMPAS100,^JKIDX30 bisa, tp tentunya tidak valid untuk saham diluar index2 tsb. gimana ya solusinya?


31. ggezth


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