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Color Display for Amibroker (AFL)

3 / 5 (Votes 2)
amibroker, background

Here is a old Afl written long back. This will help to change the colour in the chart of your choice!!!

This afl displays Amibroker color choices when run to plot a chart. All colors are shown in a color bar at the bottom of the plot. a click on one of the colors will produce histogram and line plots and a title line in the selected color. The title gives the full name and the number of the color, to aid in coding. The title also displays Bars per Color to make it easy to zoom into one bar per color so one can efficiently arrow right or left through the color choices.

I am not the writer of the afl I came across this afl and thought it to add to our library for the benefit of the members.

Author: bill barnard

Similar Indicators / Formulas

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Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
//  Displays Amibroker color choices when run in IB(Interactive Broker. All colors are shown in a
//  color bar at the bottom of the plot. a click on one of the colors will
//  produce histogram and line plots and a title line in the selected color.
//  The title gives the full name and the number of the color, to aid in
//  coding. The title also displays Bars per Color to make it easy to zoom in
//  to one bar per color so one can efficiently arrow right or left through the
//  color choices.

/*  Color Display */
numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible")));
X = IIf(numbars >= 56, floor(numbars / 56), 1);

Plot( 20, "", int(Cum(1/X)%56 ), styleOwnScale | styleArea | styleNoLabel,0,100);
Plot(28*X*sin(Cum(0.112/X)),"", SelectedValue(int(Cum(1/X)%56)),styleOwnScale | styleLine, -X*50, X*40);
Plot(Cum(1)%(56*X) - 28*X,"num",SelectedValue(int(Cum(1/X)%56)),styleOwnScale | styleHistogram | styleNoLabel, -X*50, X*40);

n = SelectedValue(int(Cum(1/X)%56));
colorstring = 	      WriteIf(n ==0,   "colorCustom1 - number 0",
						WriteIf(n ==1,   "colorCustom2 - number 1",
						WriteIf(n ==2,   "colorCustom3 - number 2",
						WriteIf(n ==3,   "colorCustom4 - number 3",
						WriteIf(n ==4,   "colorCustom5 - number 4",
						WriteIf(n ==5,   "colorCustom6 - number 5",
						WriteIf(n ==6,   "colorCustom7 - number 6",
						WriteIf(n ==7,   "colorCustom8 - number 7",
						WriteIf(n ==8,   "colorCustom9 - number 8",
						WriteIf(n ==9,   "colorCustom10 - number 9",
						WriteIf(n ==10, "colorCustom11 - number 10",
						WriteIf(n ==11, "colorCustom12 - number 11",
						WriteIf(n ==12, "colorCustom13 - number 12",
						WriteIf(n ==13, "colorCustom14 - number 13",
						WriteIf(n ==14, "colorCustom15 - number 14",
						WriteIf(n ==15, "colorCustom16 - number 15",
						WriteIf(n ==16, "colorBlack - number 16",
						WriteIf(n ==17, "colorBrown - number 17",
						WriteIf(n ==18, "colorDarkOliveGreen - number 18",
						WriteIf(n ==19, "colorDarkGreen - number 19",
						WriteIf(n ==20, "colorDarkTeal - number 20",
						WriteIf(n ==21, "colorDarkBlue - number 21",
						WriteIf(n ==22, "colorIndigo - number 22",
						WriteIf(n ==23, "colorDarkGrey - number 23",
						WriteIf(n ==24, "colorDarkRed - number 24",
						WriteIf(n ==25, "colorOrange - number 25",
						WriteIf(n ==26, "colorDarkYellow - number 26",
						WriteIf(n ==27, "colorGreen - number 27",
						WriteIf(n ==28, "colorTeal - number 28",
						WriteIf(n ==29, "colorBlue - number 29",
						WriteIf(n ==30, "colorBlueGrey - number 30",
						WriteIf(n ==31, "colorGrey40 - number 31",
						WriteIf(n ==32, "colorRed - number 32",
						WriteIf(n ==33, "colorLightOrange - number 33",
						WriteIf(n ==34, "colorLime - number 34",
						WriteIf(n ==35, "colorSeaGreen - number 35",
						WriteIf(n ==36, "colorAqua - number 36",
						WriteIf(n ==37, "colorLightBlue - number 37",
						WriteIf(n ==38, "colorViolet - number 38",
						WriteIf(n ==39, "colorGrey50 - number 39",
						WriteIf(n ==40, "colorPink - number 40",
						WriteIf(n ==41, "colorGold - number 41",
						WriteIf(n ==42, "colorYellow - number 42",
						WriteIf(n ==43, "colorBrightGreen - number 43",
						WriteIf(n ==44, "colorTurquoise - number 44",
						WriteIf(n ==45, "colorSkyblue - number 45",
						WriteIf(n ==46, "colorPlum - number 46",
						WriteIf(n ==47, "colorLightGrey - number 47",
						WriteIf(n ==48, "colorRose - number 48",
						WriteIf(n ==49, "colorTan - number 49",
						WriteIf(n ==50, "colorLightYellow - number 50",
						WriteIf(n ==51, "colorPaleGreen - number 51",
						WriteIf(n ==52, "colorPaleTurquoise - number 52",
						WriteIf(n ==53, "colorPaleBlue - number 53",
						WriteIf(n ==54, "colorLavender - number 54",
						WriteIf(n ==55, "colorWhite - number 55", 
Title = EncodeColor(n)+"Bars per Color = "+X+ "                  The current selection is  "+ColorString; 


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