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Volume Color with Dynamic Limit for Amibroker (AFL)
over 14 years ago
Amibroker (AFL)

5 / 5 (Votes 1)
amibroker, volume, intraday

NOTE: This script ONLY WORKS properly on N-minute based charts including hourly. Range, tick, and volume based charts will default to the standard volume value.

Limit the max height of volume bars to some fraction of the average daily volume from the previous X number of days. Useful for displaying intraday bars that have frequent abnormal bars that make it impossible to see the rest of the volume bars for the day. Bars that extend beyond this amount are colored black (changable in parameters). The fraction is changeable in the parameters as well. This fraction is multiplied by the interval so that it scales with 1 minute, 5 minute, 15 minute, hourly, etc.

By bluueskyy

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Volume Color with Dynamic Limit

NOTE: This script ONLY WORKS properly on N-minute based charts 
including hourly.  Range, tick, and volume based charts
will default to the standard volume value.

Limit the max height of volume bars to some fraction of the
average daily volume from the previous X number of days.  Useful
for displaying intraday bars that have frequent abnormal bars
that make it impossible to see the rest of the volume bars
for the day.  Bars that extend beyond this amount are colored black
(changable in parameters).  The fraction is changeable in the
parameters as well.  This fraction is multiplied by the interval
so that it scales with 1 minute, 5 minute, 15 minute, hourly, etc. 


pUpColor = ParamColor("Up Color", colorGreen );
pDownColor = ParamColor("Down Color", colorRed );

_TRACE("intval = " + NumToStr(Interval(), 0.10));

if (Interval() > 1)
	pTooHighColor = ParamColor("Too High Color", colorBlack );
	pPrevDayVMaxFraction = Param("Max Fraction of Prev Day V", 0.004, 0.00005, 1,0.0005) * Interval()/60;
	pDaysOfVolToAverage = Param("Days of Vol to Avg", 10, 2, 100, 1);

	SetBarsRequired(pDaysOfVolToAverage * 8 *  Interval()/60, 100);

	DayV = TimeFrameCompress( V, inDaily, compressVolume );
	DayVAvg = MA(DayV, pDaysOfVolToAverage);
	PrevDayVMa = TimeFrameExpand( Ref(DayVAvg, -1), inDaily, expandFirst );

	VIsTooHigh = V > PrevDayVMa  * pPrevDayVMaxFraction;

	aRthVp = IIf(VIsTooHigh, PrevDayVMa  * pPrevDayVMaxFraction , V);
	VColor = IIf(VIsTooHigh, pTooHighColor, IIf( C > O, pUpColor, pDownColor ));

	Plot( aRthVp, "Volume", VColor, ParamStyle( "Style", styleHistogram | styleThick, maskHistogram  ) );

	//plot the real volume in its own scale so that you can 
	//click on the overflow bar and see the actual volume in the pane title
	Plot(V, "True Volume", colorWhite, styleNoDraw | styleOwnScale);

	Title = "True Volume = " + NumToStr(V, 0.0) + ",    Max Visible Volume = " + NumToStr(PrevDayVMa  * pPrevDayVMaxFraction, 0.0);
	//display standard up down color display as this Interval is not supported
	VColor = IIf( C > O, pUpColor, pDownColor );

	Plot( V, "Volume", VColor, ParamStyle( "Style", styleHistogram | styleThick, maskHistogram  ) );

	Title = "True Volume = " + NumToStr(V, 0.0) + ",    Max Visible Volume = NA";


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