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Graphic Modify Bull & Bear Volume For Amibroker V.5.0 for Amibroker (AFL)
almost 14 years ago
Amibroker (AFL)

4 / 5 (Votes 9)
oscillator, amibroker

I hope to help users amibroker 5.0 version, because it only improves from AFL Graphic Modify Bull & Bear Volume For amibroker 5.3, which submitted by bobylam.
may be useful.

my regards


Similar Indicators / Formulas

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Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
_SECTION_BEGIN("BullBear Volume");
C1 = Ref(C, -1);
uc = C > C1; dc = C <= C1;
ud = C > O; dd = C <= O;
green = 1; blue = 2; yellow = 3; red = 4; white = 5;
VType = IIf(ud,             
            IIf(uc, green, yellow),
            IIf(dc, red, blue), white));
gv = IIf(VType == green, V, 0); 
yv = IIf(VType == yellow, V, 0); 
rv = IIf(VType == red, V, 0); 
bv = IIf(VType == blue, V, 0); 
uv = gv + bv; uv1 = Ref(uv, -1); /* up volume */
dv = rv + yv; dv1 = Ref(dv, -1); /* down volume */
/* create moving average period parameters */
VolPer = Param("Adjust Vol. MA per.", 34, 1, 255, 1);
ConvPer = Param("Adjust Conv. MA per.", 9, 1, 255, 1);
/* create triple exponential moving avearges of separate up and down volume moving averages */
MAuv = TEMA(uv, VolPer ); mauv1 = Ref(mauv, -1);
MAdv = TEMA(dv, VolPer ); madv1 = Ref(madv, -1);
MAtv = TEMA(V, VolPer );//total volume
/* Switch for Horizontal lines indicating current level of positive and negative volume for ease in comparing to past highs/lows - toggle via parmameter window */
OscillatorOnly = Param("Show Oscillator Only", 0, 0, 1, 1);
CompareBullVolume = Param("Show Bull Level", 1, 0, 1, 1);
if(CompareBullvolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
Plot(SelectedValue(MAuv), "", colorAqua, styleLine);
CompareBearVolume = Param("Show Bear Level", 1, 0, 1, 1);
if(CompareBearVolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
Plot(SelectedValue(MAdv), "", colorRed, styleLine);
/* Volume Segment Switches - toggle via parameter window */
bullvolume = Param("Show Bull Volume", 1, 0, 1, 1);
bearvolume = Param("Show Bear Volume", 1, 0, 1, 1);
totalvolume = Param("Show Total Volume", 1, 0, 1, 1);
/* plot volume lines and histograms if toggled on: */
bearToFront = Param("Show Bear Vol in Front", 0, 0, 1, 1);
if(bearToFront AND !OscillatorOnly){
Plot(MAdv, "", colorRed, styleNoLabel);
if(bullvolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
Plot(MAuv, "Average Bull Volume", colorBlue, styleThick+styleNoLabel);
if(bearvolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
Plot(MAdv, "Average Bear Volume", colorRed, styleThick+styleNoLabel);
if(bearvolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
Plot(MAdv, "", colorWhite, styleNoLabel);
PlotOHLC( 0 , MAdv , 0 , MAdv , "", colorDarkRed, styleCloud | styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel);

if(bullvolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
Plot(MAuv, "", colorWhite, styleNoLabel);
PlotOHLC( 0 , MAuv , O ,MAuv , "", colorDarkBlue, styleCloud | styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel);

if(totalVolume AND !OscillatorOnly){
Plot(MAtv, "Total Volume", colorYellow );
PlotOHLC( 0 , MAtv , 0 , MAtv , "", colorGrey50, styleCloud | styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy,shapeUpArrow,shapeNone) ,colorBlue);
Filter=Buy OR Sell;
Buy=ExRem(Buy,Sell); Sell=ExRem(Sell,Buy);
AddColumn(Close,"Close");AddColumn(Volume,"Total Volume");AddColumn(Buy,"Buy"); AddColumn(Sell,"sell"); 
/* better visibility of zero line: */
Plot(0, "", colorYellow, 1);
/* Rise/Fall Convergence variables:  */
Converge = (TEMA(MAuv - MAdv, ConvPer));
Converge1 = Ref(Converge, -1);
ConvergeUp = Converge > Converge1;
ConvergeOver = Converge > 0;
rising = ConvergeUp AND ConvergeOver;
falling = !ConvergeUp AND ConvergeOver;
/* Rise/Fall Convergence Oscillator Switch  - toggle via parameter window - (provides a better view of resulting combination of battling bull/bear volume forces) */
convergenceOscillator = Param("Show Oscillator", 0, 0, 1, 1);
if(convergenceOscillator OR OscillatorOnly){
Plot(Converge, "Amimals War", colorViolet, 1|styleLeftAxisScale|styleNoLabel|styleThick);
Plot(0,"", colorYellow, 1|styleLeftAxisScale|styleNoLabel);
 Convergence Rise/Fall Shadows: 
 (provides a more easily visible display of rising and falling  bull/bear volume convergence) - toggle via parameter window 
-posiitive Volume exceeding negative Volume: Light shadow
-negative volume exceeding positive volume: dark shadow
-if you use standard gray background - best shadows are:
-my greys: 14 = (216, 216, 216); 15 = (168, 168, 168));
-best substitute? using AB color constants?
-light: colorpalegreen; dark: colorRose;? 
-(depends on your color scheme - customize to your tastes)
/* uncomment if you use my custom color greys: */
riseFallColor = IIf(rising, 14,15); //my custom shadow greys
/* comment out if you use my custom color gray shadows: */
/* riseFallColor = IIf(rising, colorPaleGreen,colorRose); */
/* Rise/Fall Convergence Plot Switch - toggle via parameter window */
riseFallShadows = Param("Show RiseFallShadows", 0, 0, 1, 1);
Plot(IIf(rising OR falling, 1, 0), "", riseFallColor, styleArea|styleOwnScale|styleNoLabel);
GraphXSpace = 0.5;

	SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel",colorBlack)); // color of outer border 
	SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel upper",colorBlack),ParamColor("Inner panel lower",colorBlack));
	tchoice=Param("Title Selection ",2,1,2,1);


1. rajaswamy

good great

2. bobylam


3. viet

I signed in to say thanks to you for such great work. Your system really enhances my reading and understanding of the market.

4. viet

By the way, if you have other great volume systems like this, please share it. My e-mail address is Many thanks!!!!!

5. shariful

Its one of my favorite indicator.I use linear one, but this is more convenient & visible. Thnks for great work brother.

6. kv_maligi

Incredible & Greatwork


7. jk

Hi ,can any one explain how to use this indicator?
thanks in advance.

8. Suseda

Hi Chintya,

May i get the simple instructions for this indicator.
You can email me :
Thank you very much

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