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TD Retracement for Amibroker (AFL)
about 14 years ago
Amibroker (AFL)

5 / 5 (Votes 1)
amibroker, support, retracement

Implementation of Tom Demark “The New Science Of Technal Analysis”


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Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
_SECTION_BEGIN("TD Retracement");
/* Implementation of Tom Demark "The New Science Of Technal Analysis" 

By Albert Lyubarsky

Magnet price (high/low day's close)

Click on High to see down retracement .382 and .618 - Red lines
Red dashed line and red SmallCircle shows how retracments are built.

Click on Low to see up retracement 1.382 and 1.618 - Green lines
Green dashed line and green SmallCircle shows how retracments are built.

There is no any sense to click on low and try to see down retracement (red lines).
There is no any sense to click on high and try to see up retracement (green lines).


MinVal = 9999;
MaxVal = -9999;
PrevMinVal = 9999;
PrevMaxVal = -9999;
PrevMin = -1;
PrevMax = -1;
k= SelectedValue(BarIndex());

MaxVal = High[k];
MinVal = Low[k];
// Find first "low" that is lower than Low[k] - countdown
for (i = k-1; i >= 0; i--)
	if (MinVal > Low[i])
		PrevMinVal = Low[i];
		PrevMin = i;
// Find firstt "high" that is higher than High[k] - countdown
for (i = k-1; i >= 0; i--)
	if (MaxVal < High[i])
		PrevMaxVal = High[i];
		PrevMax = i;

// Find "lowest" between High[PrevMax] and High[k] 
MinInMaxRange = 9999;
MinInMaxRangeIndex = -1;
for (i=PrevMax; i <= k; i++)
	if(Low[i] < MinInMaxRange)
		MinInMaxRange = Low[i];
		MinInMaxRangeIndex  = i;
// Find "highest" between Low[PrevMin] and Low[k]
MaxInMinRange = -9999;
MaxInMinRangeIndex = -1;
for (i=PrevMin; i <= k; i++)
	if(High[i] > MaxInMinRange)
		MaxInMinRange = High[i];
		MaxInMinRangeIndex = i;

// Fibonacci correction
DownCorr1 = MaxVal + (MinInMaxRange - MaxVal) * 0.382;
DownCorr2 = MaxVal + (MinInMaxRange - MaxVal) * 0.618;
UpCorr1 = MinVal + (MaxInMinRange - MinVal) * 1.382;
UpCorr2 = MinVal + (MaxInMinRange - MinVal) * 1.618;

DownCorr1Line = LineArray(k, DownCorr1,  EndValue( BarIndex()), DownCorr1,0 ); 
DownCorr2Line = LineArray(k, DownCorr2,  EndValue( BarIndex()), DownCorr2,0 ); 

UpCorr1Line = LineArray(k, UpCorr1,  EndValue( BarIndex()), UpCorr1, 0 ); 
UpCorr2Line = LineArray(k, UpCorr2,  EndValue( BarIndex()), UpCorr2, 0 ); 

HighLine = LineArray(PrevMax, PrevMaxVal, k, MaxVal, 0);
LowLine = LineArray(PrevMin, PrevMinVal, k, MinVal, 0);

Plot(Close,"Close", colorBlack, styleBar );
Plot( HighLine , "HighLine", colorRed,styleDashed | styleNoLabel  ); 
Plot( LowLine , "LowLine",colorGreen  ,styleDashed | styleNoLabel ); 

Plot( UpCorr1Line  , "UpCorr1Line ", colorGreen ); 
Plot( UpCorr2Line  , "UpCorr2Line ", colorGreen ); 

Plot( DownCorr1Line , "UpCorr1Line ", colorRed ); 
Plot( DownCorr2Line , "UpCorr2Line ", colorRed ); 

PlotShapes( IIf( BarIndex() ==  MaxInMinRangeIndex  , shapeSmallCircle , shapeNone ), colorGreen  );
PlotShapes( IIf( BarIndex() ==  MinInMaxRangeIndex , shapeSmallCircle + shapePositionAbove , shapeNone ), colorRed );



1. arm

SHOWS LN: 67, col:10 Error 10. subscript out of range. you must not access array outside 0…(BarCount-1) range.

Help correct the above…TX

2. gopal

Red dot is not getting displayed.I am able to see only green dot.

Can anyone explain as to how to interpret this indicator for buy and sell conditions.

Thanks in advance.


3. kelvinhand

This is to solve * SHOWS LN: 67, col:10 Error 10. subscript out of range. you must not access array outside 0…(BarCount-1) range. * issue

Replace line 30 ~ 39 with the following statement:

//— Modified by Kelvinhand, 2016/1/22
// can see the following URL:
PrevMinVal = 9999;
PrevMaxVal = -9999;
k= SelectedValue(BarIndex());
MaxVal = High[k];
MinVal = Low[k];

PrevMin = k;
PrevMax = k;
//—- End of Modified by Kelvinhand

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