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Trailing Stoploss Long for Metastock
about 15 years ago

3 / 5 (Votes 2)
metastock, stop loss

Trailing stoploss below the price using percent not ATR or any other method.

Similar Indicators / Formulas

Trailing Stoploss ATR
Submitted by kaiji about 15 years ago
ATR Trailing Stop Loss II
Submitted by kaiji about 15 years ago
Submitted by garry_gc over 13 years ago
Flat Market Indicator (FMI)
Submitted by chsmcp almost 12 years ago
O.B.V. Good example of if() func
Submitted by karim.chakib about 11 years ago
Cycle Indicator by Bill Irwin
Submitted by roszyk about 14 years ago

Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
{Credit goes to Christos Siannas with modifications by me}

PDay := Input("Day of Month" ,1,31,1);
PMonth := Input("Month" ,1,12,1);
PYear := Input("Year",1985,2010,2007);
PPercent := Input("Percent Below" ,1,40,25);

TSE1 := BarsSince(DayOfMonth() = PDay AND Month() = PMonth AND Year() = PYear);
TSE2 := HighestSince(1,TSE1=0,C) ;
TSE3 := TSE2 - TSE2*PPercent/100;
TSE4:=HighestSince(1 ,TSE1 = 0,TSE3 );



1. tjhailioe

thank you.please let me know, because I am a new user in metastock,is this explorer or EA or indicator. please help me, how to enter your formula in metastock.I already try to put in explorer and indicator builder ,but did not work. thank you for your help

2. administrator

I no longer use Metastock so I can’t test it but this is an indicator and goes into the indicator builder. What sort of error did you get?

3. tjhailioe
thank you

I already can put the formula at indicator builder.
I think I already know what the problem.
the problem I can not set the parameter.
that why line is not appear.
thank you very much for your kindness

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