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Correct Ichimoku chart for Amibroker (AFL)

5 / 5 (Votes 4)
amibroker, ichimoku

Hellow, I have come across this code, which seems to be correct AFL for ichimoku. Many many Thanks for author

Can anybody compare with with other trading plotform & confirm whether this is correct one or not?

Amibroker also has this code, but that is not correct.



Similar Indicators / Formulas

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Indicator / Formula

Copy & Paste Friendly
P1 = Param("Conversion Period", 9, 2, 200, 1, 0);
C1 = ParamColor("Conversion Color", colorBlue);
CL = (HHV(H,P1)+LLV(L,P1))/2;

P2 = Param("Base Period", 26, 2, 200, 1, 0);
C2 = ParamColor("Base Color", colorRed);
BL = (HHV(H,P2)+LLV(L,P2))/2;

C3 = ParamColor("Leading A Color", colorBrightGreen);
LSA = (CL+BL)/2;

P4 = Param("Leading B Span", 52, 2, 200, 1, 0);
C4 = ParamColor("Leading B Color", colorPink);
LSB = (HHV(H,P4)+LLV(L,P4))/2;

P3 = Param("Leading Span Displacement", 26, 2, 200, 1, 0);

P5 = Param("Lagging Displacement", -26, 2, 200, 1, 0);
C5 = ParamColor("Lagging Color", colorGreen);

Plot(CL,"Tenkan-sen (Conversion Line)", C1, styleLine);
Plot(BL, "Kijun-sen (Base Line)", C2, styleLine);
Plot(LSA, "Senkou Span A (Leading Span A)", C3, styleLine, 0, 0, P3);
Plot(LSB, "Senkou Span B (Leading Span B)", C4, styleLine, 0, 0, P3);
Plot(C, "Chikou Span (Lagging Span)", C5, styleLine, 0, 0, P5);
PlotOHLC (LSA,LSA,LSB,LSB,"Cloud",IIf(LSA>LSB,ColorBlend(C3, colorWhite, 0.6),
	ColorBlend(C4,colorWhite, 0.4)),styleCloud, 0, 0, P3);


1. niklravi

last two lines shows syntx error


2. kv_maligi

Hi Ravi,

I am using latest AMI version, no error.
Plz tell me whta is the error?

3. suvrow

yap, no error

4. shariful

thanks for ichimoku my favorite one..brief description at the top of chart is very very helpful for quick view during busy trading hours…

5. rajkashetti

no error

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