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Double Top Detection for Amibroker (AFL)
3 / 5 (Votes 3)
amibroker, exploration, pattern
Detect double top double bottom
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Indicator / Formula
Copy & Paste Friendly
/* Detecting double tops and bottoms*/ percdiff = 5; /* peak detection threshold */ fwdcheck = 5; /* forward validity check */ mindistance = 10; validdiff = percdiff/10; PK= Peak( H, percdiff, 1 ) == High; TR= Trough( L, percdiff, 1 ) == Low; x = Cum( 1 ); XPK1 = ValueWhen( PK, x, 1 ); XPK2 = ValueWhen( PK, x, 2 ); xTR1 = ValueWhen( Tr, x, 1 ); xTr2 = ValueWhen( Tr, x, 2 ); peakdiff = ValueWhen( PK, H, 1 )/ValueWhen( PK, H, 2 ); Troughdiff=ValueWhen( tr, L, 1 )/ValueWhen( tr, L, 2 ); doubletop = PK AND abs( peakdiff - 1 ) < validdiff AND (Xpk1 -Xpk2)>mindistance AND High > HHV( Ref( H, fwdcheck ), fwdcheck - 1 ); doubleBot=tr AND abs( troughdiff - 1 ) < validdiff AND (Xtr1 -Xtr2)>mindistance AND Low < LLV( Ref( L, fwdcheck ), fwdcheck - 1 ); Sell = doubletop; Buy = doublebot; WriteIf( Highest( doubletop ) == 1, "AmiBroker has detected some possible double top patterns for " + Name() + "\nLook for green arrows on the price chart.", "There are no double top patterns for " + Name() ); WriteIf(Highest( doublebot)==1,"AmiBroker has detected some possible double bottom patterns for " + Name() + "\nLook for red arrows on the price chart.", "There are no double bottom patterns for " + Name() ); Filter=Sell OR Buy ; AddColumn( IIf( doubletop , 88, 01), "Double TOP", formatChar ); AddColumn( IIf( doublebot , 88, 01), "Double BOT", formatChar );
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Dear sir, am using AMI-5, the double top..double bottom AFL not shown anything, pls…clarifty the above…thx for ur interest..(s.suresh..9842406366.)
Dear Friend,
The double top and bottom does not show it is blank on EOD data. Also on RT.
Thanks and Regards
It’s only an exploration doesn’t actually plot the pattern.
it`s search only, not find any