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Vier Box for Amibroker (AFL)
over 14 years ago
Amibroker (AFL)

4 / 5 (Votes 6)
trading system, amibroker

It has been observed that most of the technical anlysts are bogged down with series of indicators and hardly have time to trade. I call it “complexomenia” with “analysis & paralysis” symptom. Answer to it is viered box which gives pictoral presentatin about market direction, trend strength aon a continues basis and free us for undertaking actual trade.


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1. administrator

Note that it didn’t work for me when i first applied it but scrolling the chart fixed it.

2. amruta

Hi Admin,

I am getting following error message.

You must not access array elements outside 0.. (BarCount-1) range.

Please advise.


3. administrator

Hello amruta

This is just a badly coded indicator. You will need to fiddle with the parameters.

5. iwan

Hi Admin,
Would you please tell me, how this to optimize : Offset = Param( “Start Mundur Berapa Bar?”, 75, 1, 200 ); and jumlahBarDiBox = Param( “Jumlah Bar di Box”, 15, 5, 20 );. It’s important to me. Thx before.


6. administrator


Just change Param to Optimize and add 1 at the end of each as a parameter ie.

Offset = Optimize("Start Mundur Berapa Bar?", 75, 1, 200, 1);
7. iwan

Hello Admin,

Thank you for answer, I’ve changed my afl, especially the same as your instruction, but I’m sorry just still not work. Would you please send me this Afl with completed optimized ? I really need this afl. Many thank’s for your attention.


8. iwan

Pak Vier, terima kasih atas kontribusi AFL-nya. Saya sdh mempelajari cara memakai AFL Bpk, hanya saya belum mengetahui cara menggunakan ke fungsi “Explorer”. Bersediakah Bpk berbagi ilmu sekali lagi : Bagaimana cara memfungsikan explorer (scan)- nya ? Sebelumnnya saya ucapkan terima kasih.


9. iwan

Hi Admin,

I’m sorry, after a few days ago I’v not answer as my question, may I repeat again, would you please tell me, the address / mail who is send this AFL. I want to contact him about this AFL. Thank you.

10. administrator

iwan, that is against our privacy policy.

11. morgen

Not working!
Please, fix it!

12. saibal1103

I want to plot the Base line support in a rectangular formation with solid colour fill up in that box. Can anybody write the afl ? Thnxs in adv.

13. morgen

To make it functional and adjustable;

In “VierBox by DF”,
Offset = Param( “Start Mundur Berapa Bar?”, Offset, 1, 200 );

Offset = Param( “Start Mundur Berapa Bar?”, 200, 1, 200 );

In “Parameters” , in “Start Mundur…”, you can change 200 in other timeframes.

14. chetan ninganiya

dear @admin sir,
can you please make this formula working please. It ain’t working.

would really aprreciate your effort and time sir.

very grateful of your work sir.

15. administrator

I have tried the formula and didn’t see any problems.

16. chetan ninganiya

@admin sir it is showing error 29 on LN;410, COL; 32

variable ‘jumlahboxv’ used without having been initialized.

17. administrator

Try opening the parameters window and playing with ‘Start Mundur Berapa Bar?’ and ‘Jumlah Bar di Box’ parameters.

18. chetan ninganiya

okay sir.

and @admin any help regarding this sir ???

19. ocil

Change below line

Offset = Param( "Start Mundur Berapa Bar?", Offset, 150, 200 );

20. chetan ninganiya


still not working sir.

dear @ocil sir can you please do me a favour and help me with this

i’ll really appreciate your time and effort sir.

21. Yohan

Selamat siang admin, mengapada bagian hArray dibilang error ya. Punya saya ga sengaja kehapus, lalu generate ulang, hasilnya malah error

terimakasih mohon bantuannya

22. loeipeter

macan mana ini pake nya ? wkwkkwkwkwkkw

23. iwan

Thank you for the AFL contribution. I’ve learned how to use AFL, only I don’t know how to use the “Explorer” function. Are you willing to share your knowledge once again: How do I enable the explorer (scan)? Thank You.

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