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WiseTrader Toolbox
#1 Selling Amibroker Plugin featuring:
Listing Indicators

Most of Signal given by AFLs give false signal. due to this day traders endup with losses. To avoid false signal I am submitting 2 AFL combination for detection of False signal. 1) Swing tread ...

Developed by Donald Dorsey, the Mass Index uses the high-low range to identify trend reversals based on range expansions. In this sense, the Mass Index is a volatility indicator that does not have ...

This formula is to find out the close price position relative to different moving averages.

Inspired by PineScript coding done by Chris Moody ("Custom Indicator Clearly Shows If Bulls or Bears are in Control!":

//Indicator Buy and sell pressure // By Karthik Marar - // Public release for personal use only. //Please do not commercialize this indicator in its original or mod...

This formula gives long & short entry points in trending markets. Use it with any oscillator.


Concencus of Common Traditional Indicators with buy, sell and can optimize the value. Just for educational purpose, not for real trading. By Sosrodiningrat @2017

Just for educational purpose not for real trading. Naive System 03 Buy and sell on open. You can optimize the value. By Sosrodiningrat @2017

Just for educational purpose and not for real trading. Naive System 02 Buy and sell on open. You can optimize the value. By Sosrodiningrat @2017

Just for educational purpose and not for real trading. Naive System 01 Buy on open, sell on close. Long position only. By Sosrodiningrat @2017

Quick check for ideal potential profit when buy on open and sell on close on long position. Not for real trading, just for educational purpose. And could be a part of analyzing. By Sosrodiningra...

Concencus from 33 indicators with default value. You can change the default value manually or use "Param" instead. By Sosrodiningrat @2017

Simple manual fibonacci level by inserting manually price and bar value in parameter windows. By Sosrodiningrat @2017

This is the simple reverse ROC Trading System. Use for educational purpose. Not for real trading. Take your own risk if using on real account. By Sosrodiningrat @2017

This just a simple trading system using EMA ADX crossing. You can optimize the value for different condition. Not for real trading, just for education purpose. By Sosrodiningrat @2017

You can quick check for better stock by judging the trend. Designed for long only. By Sosrodiningrat @2017

AD ma for long and short term trading....

/* HARMONIC PATTERN DETECTION using ATR type Peaks and Troughs Automatic Detection of Harmonic Patterns - Gartley, Bat, Butterfly and Crab. Original code by, see: http://w...

This is a very simple strategy with no fancy indicators, however the profitability is quite impressive. This works on majority of liquid and high beta stocks that I have tested. I have back-tested ...

/* HARMONIC PATTERN DETECTION Automatic Detection of Harmonic Patterns - Gartley, Bat, Butterfly and Crab. Zig Zag is not used in this AFL. It is based on fractals Cont...

Salaam; this is a multi_model/improved MACD. the idea is to use *regression* (somewhere) instead of *moving average*. some models are using *division* instead of *minus* sign that improves the...

I posted similar code already but this code uses the Reverse() function to calculate the ATR pivots. Pivots can for instance be used to look for price patterns. In this case the code looks for "con...

This program is for illustrative purposes only and not construed as specific advisory recommendations. *** It is not guaranteed to be free of errors. *** Trades placed from this algorithm a...

This appears to be an edited version of Edward Pottasch' AFL. Saw it in a forum

Find oversold overbought stocks based on williamR%

Hi all, this is an attempt to do twap indicator. Please correct me if I'm wrong,,,

An afl developed by myself, support and resistance are built from fibonacci level over the year, confirm buy and sell signal by using available data on the explorer. The explorer will give you a l...

This indicate the strength of the Trend. I am not the author of this indicator. This i got from web ; some time ago. Details are as follow : Positive values of either the +TCF and the -TC...

McGinely Dynamic indicator devised by John R.McGinley has been stated as the most reliable indicator at Investopedia. This indicator is more responsive to raw data as compared to simple moving aver...

Standard Particle Swarm Optimizer is based on SPSO2007 code that is supposed to produce good results provided that correct parameters (i.e. Runs, MaxEval) are provided for particular problem. Pi...

this is a Detector of strong uptrend, it's a little lagging but it's sure. its just an exploration.I hope you enjoy it.

This is correct version of Relative Volatility Index (RVI). The Relative Volatility Index (RVI) is similar to the Relative Strength Index (RSI) index. Both measure the direction of volatility, but...

This indicator is a normalized price representation made with candlesticks. The dynamic scale between 0 and 100% is calculated upon the last X periods (50 periods in the code, you can change it at ...

This is the nifty news afl. This will help you to build your own news based afl. So that you can get valuable information which news affect the nifty or stock most. You can contact me via E...

Histogram based indicator. Rules.... 1.colorblue stick on upside -- uptrend 2.colorteal stick on upside -- uptrend is weak 3.colorred signal on down side -- downtrend. 4.colorred signal on upsi...